11 December, 2021
Views 969
NUMS Announces First Provisional MBBS and BDS Merit Lists 2021
The National University of Medical Sciences has announced the first provisional merit lists 2021 for MBBS and BDS degree programs. The candidates who had earlier applied for the MBBS and BDS admissions in the Army Medical College Rawalpindi can check the issued merit list issued by the university for the academic session 2021-2022. After the completion of the admission process, the university has notified the selected candidates so that they can fulfill the admission requirements in order to secure their admission. NUMS selects the candidates based on merit and eligibility criteria. The selected candidates are instructed to follow the instructions issued by the university.
Instructions For Candidates
The merit list issued by NUMS for MBBS and BDS is provisional and is subject to revision if any error is brought to the notice of the concerned authorities before due time. Errors as well omissions are accepted in the issued merit lists. If the candidate found any discrepancies then they are required to submit the complaint to the NUMS 48 hours after uploading the merit list through email. The complaints received after the mentioned time will not be considered.
NUMS Admissions
The admission of the candidates will be confirmed after the verification of original identity, academic documents submitted fee challan. The university has the right to cancel the admission of the candidates in the case of fake information. The candidates have to report to NUMS Admission Office with original identity, academic documents, admission letter, and submitted fee challan of AMC Application Processing. The last date for the payment of the fee is 15th December 2021. If the candidate fails to deposit the fee according to the mentioned schedule them the admission will be canceled and will be granted to the next applicant on the waiting merit so that the NUMS can complete the admission process.
Instructions For Awaiting Candidates
The merit lists for the result awaiting candidates of MBBS and BDS have also been provided by the NUMS. To prepare Provisional Merit Lists, it will be assumed that the ‘delayed result candidates’ have 100% marks in the HSSC exam. The final merit lists for MBBS and BDS will be issued on 10th February 2022 after the candidates who applied as result awaited candidates and upload their correct marks obtained in delayed results of HSSC Special Examination 2021 and A-Level Final Examination. The actual aggregate percentage will be calculated after the submission of the HSSC special examination and A level exam results and the application will be re-adjusted in the respective college or placed on the waiting list strictly according to the merit because his/her initial merit was not determined on the basis on his/her actual marks obtained in HSSC Special Examination or A-Level Examination rather it was, absolutely provisional.
Additional Guidelines
If a candidate with a delayed result submits their result before 10th February 2022 and his/her merit is higher as compared to the last candidate then given admission to the earlier student will be canceled. A student who has paid the fee against a provisional admission will have their fee refunded in full as per the regulations of the university. In case no candidate with delayed results submits before 10th February 2022, the university will finalize the provisional admissions. In case of any discrepancies, students can contact NUMS within 48 hours of uploading the merit list at the given mail address so that their issue can be resolved. The result awaiting candidates will be informed according to their Merit by the admission Office through emails.