provide live study lessons for biology class MDCAT chapter 2 2. Full coverage of all chapter videos including all topics and numerical for biology chapter 2.
Biology Chapter 2 Topics
- a) Classification of Carbohydrates
- 1 Basic Defination
- 2 Carbohydrates
- b) Amino Acid
- c) Structure of Protein
- 3 Polysaccharides
- 4 Structure & Function of RNA
- d) Define Lipids
- e) Structure of DNA
- f) Structure & Function of RNA
- g) Define Enzyme
- h) Basic Terms About Enzymes
- i) Mode,Mechanism of Enzyme Action
- j) Factors Effecting the Enzyme Action
- k) Inhibitors
What is total number of peptide bonds in one hemoglobin molecules? 573 or 570?

Usama 570
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Umer 574
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