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Question: 1
What is greenhouse effect?
Answer: 1
When heat energy reflects from the earth surface, rays with shorter wavelength reflect back towards Sun but before all this radiation can escape to outer space, green house gases in the atmosphere absorb some of it. Which makes the atmosphere warner and Earth's surface also warmer. This is called green house effect.
Question: 2
Why Styrofoam boxes are used to keep food hot or ice cream for a long time.
Answer: 2
Styrofoam is a bad conductor of heat. It does ot allow heat to leave or enter the box easily.
Question: 3
Transfer of Heat.
Answer: 3
Thermal energy from a hot body flows to a cold body in the form of heat. This is called as transfer of heat .
Question: 4
Why transfer of heat in fluids takes place by convection?
Answer: 4
In fluids , molecules are not tightly packed. they can easily move from one place to another and convection is done by actual movement of molecules from hotter to colder part.
Question: 5
Define conduction with example.
Answer: 5
Conduction: The mode of transfer of heat by vibrating atoms and free electrons in solids from hot to cold parts of a body is called conduction heat. Example: All metals are good conductors of heat.
Question: 6
How does heat reaches us from the sun?
Answer: 6
Heat from the Sun reaches us in the form of electromagnetic waves, which do not require any material medium for their transfer. This is called radiation.
Question: 7
On which factors does rate of heat flow depends upon?
Answer: 7
there are three factors on which rate on heat flow depends upon. i. Cross-sectional area of a solid. ii. Temperature difference between ends. iii. Length of the solid
Question: 8
What is meant by transfer of heat
Answer: 8
Transfer of heat: Thermal energy from a hot body flows to a cold body in the form of heat This is called as transfer of heat Transfer of heat is a natural process
Method of heat transfer
Conduction, Convection, Radiation
Question: 9
Define convection.
Answer: 9
Transfer of heat by actual movement of molecules from hotpalce to a cold place in known as convection.
Question: 10
Define thermal conductivity.
Answer: 10
substance maintained at a temperature difference of one kelvin is called the thermal conductivity of that substance. Unit: The SI unit of thermal conductivity is Wm-1 K-1
Question: 11
What happen when burner remove under beaker
Answer: 11
When the burner has removed under the breaker gets hot, it expands, become lighter and rises. While the cold but denser water moves downward to take its place.
Question: 12
Why metal are good conductors of heat?
Answer: 12
Metals are good conductors of heat because they have free electrons. These free electrons move with very high velocities within the metals. They carry energy at a very fast rate from hot to cold parts of object.
Question: 13
Define rate of flow of heat?
Answer: 13
The amount of heat that flows in unit time is called rate of flow heat. Rate of flow of heat = Q/t Unit: Its unit is Js-1
Question: 14
How does the heat flow from hot to cold parts in metals rapidly than non-metals
Answer: 14
Metals have free electrons moving with very high velocities within the metal objects They carry energy at a very fast rte from hot to cold parts of the object as they move Thus heat reaches the cold parts of metal objects more quickly than non-metals.
Question: 15
Write the name some bad conductors.
Answer: 15
Materials which trap air is wool, felt, feathers, polystyrene, fiber, glass are bad conductors.
Question: 16
Why metals are good conductors of heat
Answer: 16
Metals are good conductors of heat because they have free electrons. These free electrons move with very high velocities within the metals hey carry energy at a very fast rate from hot to cold parts of object
Question: 17
What is radiation?
Answer: 17
Radiation is the mode of transfer of heat from one place to another place in the form of waves called electromagnetic waves.
Question: 18
Which surface is good absorber and which is poor absorber of heat
Answer: 18
A dull black surface is a good absorber and a polished surface is poor absorber of heat
Question: 19
What is the thermo flask?
Answer: 19
The thermo flask is a double walled glass vessel, that prevent heat to enter or leave the flask and maintain the temperature inside the flasm.
Question: 20
What is global warming?
Answer: 20
During the recent years, the percentage of carbon dioxide has been increased considerably.This has caused an increase in the average temperature of the Earth by trapping more heat due to greenhouse effect.This phenomenon is known as global warming.
Question: 21
What measurements do you suggest to converse energy in houses
Answer: 21
Measurements to converse energy
We should switch off extra electric equipment's in
order to conserve energy in houses
The use to LED lights can also conserve electricity.

Question: 22
Explain the impacted of treehouse effect in global warming
Answer: 22
Earth atmosphere contains Co2 and water vapors It causes greenhouse effect and thus retains the temperature of Earth by trapping more heat due to green house effect This phenomenon is called global warming.
Question: 23
Give two uses of convection currents.
Answer: 23
i. Convention current set up by electric, gas or coal heaters help to warm our homes and offices. ii. Land and sea breeze are also cause by convection currents.
Question: 24
Define convection current in air
Answer: 24
Gases also expand on heating, thus convection currents are easily set up due to differences is the densities of air at various parts in atmosphere Or Transfer of heat by movement of heated partials into an area of cooler fluid
Question: 25
Differentiate between conductors and insulator
Answer: 25
Conductors: A conductor easily transfers energy in the form of electricity and heat
Good conductors are used when quick transfer of heat is required through a body Thus cookers, cooking plate etc.
Metal boxes are used for making ice, ice cream etc
Question: 26
Why bottom of cooking pots are made black?
Answer: 26
Bottoms of cooking pots are make black because the blank surface is a good absorber of heat so food cook quickly.
Question: 27
Define rate of flow of heat
Answer: 27
The amount of heat that flow in unit time is called rate of flow heat
Question: 28
Define radiation
Answer: 28
Radiation: Radiation is the mode of transfer of heat from one place to another in the form of waves called electromagnetic waves
Radiation depends upon following three factors
Colour and texture of the surface
Surface temperature, Surface area
Question: 29
Define sea breeze, how it is cause?
Answer: 29
On a hot day, cold air from the sea beings to move towards the land, this is called sea land breeze.
Question: 30
Why transfer of heat in fluids takes place by convection
Answer: 30
In fluids molecules ar not tightly packed. They can easily move form one place to another and convection is done by actual movement of molecules form hotter to colder part
Question: 31
Define thermals.
Answer: 31
Glider pilots use upward movement of hot air currents due to convection of heat. These rising currents of hot air are called thermals.
Question: 32
Define conduction with example
Answer: 32
The mode of transfer of heat by vibrating atoms and free electrons in solids from hot to cold parts of a body is called conduction of heat
Question: 33
What is greenhouse effect
Answer: 33
When heat energy reflects from the earth surface, rays with shorter wavelength reflect back toward Sun but before all this radiation cn escape to outer space, greenhouse gases in the atmosphere absorb some of it which makes the atmosphere warmer and Earth surface also warmer This is called greenhouse effect
Question: 34
What is meant by convection currents
Answer: 34
Glasses expand on heating, convection currents are easily set up due to differences in the densities of air at various parts of the atmosphere. Due to the up down movement of gas molecules convection currents are produced
Question: 35
Described an experiment of convection.
Answer: 35
Taken a beaker and fill two third of it with water Heat the beaker by keeping a burner below it Drop two or three crystals of potassium permanganate in the water It will be seen that cultured streaks of water formed by crystals move upward above the flame and then move downward from side ways. These coloured streaks show the path of currents of liquid
Question: 36
Why conduction of heat does no takes place in gases
Answer: 36
Conduction takes place when the molecules are closely packed together and there are free electrons GASES DO NOT CONTAIN FREE ELECTRONS their MOLECULES ARE LOOSELY PACKES, HENCE THE PROCESS OF CONDUCTION DOES NO TAKES PLACE IN GASES
Question: 37
How rooms are heated using gas heaters
Answer: 37
Rooms are heated using gas heaters by radiation
Question: 38
What is meant by conduction
Answer: 38
Conduction of heat: The mode of transfer of heat by vibrating's atoms and free electrons solids from hot to cold parts of a body is called conduction of heat.
Question: 39
How various surfaces can be compared by a Lessie cube
Answer: 39
It is a metal box with four surfaces
A shining silvered surface, A dull black surface, A white surface, A coloured surface,
Hot water in filled in the Leslie cube
It is laced with its one end toward a radiation detector. It is found that dull black surface is a good emitter of heat
Question: 40
Give two uses of convection currents
Answer: 40
Convention current set up by electric, gas or coal heaters help to warm our homes and offices.
Land and sea breeze are also cause by convection currents.
Question: 41
Write any two uses of conductors
Answer: 41
Good Conductors are used when quick transfer of heat is required through a body Cookers, cooking plates, boiler, radiators and condensers of refrigerator etc, are made of metals such as aluminum and copper for the better conduction
Metal boxes are used for makijg ice and ice cream etc
Question: 42
What measures do you suggest to conserve energy in houses
Answer: 42
Following measures should be taken to conserve or save energy
Insulting the ceiling, Cavities are filled with plastic foam or wool,Doubel glazed window panes are used, Hot water tanked is insulated by plastic or foam logging.
Question: 43
Describe relation of radiation of heat and surface area
Answer: 43
Transfer of heat by radiation is also affected by the surface area of the body emitting or absorbing heat larger is the area, greater will be the transfer of heat.
Question: 44
Which measures are taken to save energy
Answer: 44
Hot water tanks are insulted by plastic or foam lagging
Wall cavities are filled with plastic foam or wool
ceiling of room is covered by insulating materials
Double glazed window panes are used. These window panes have air between glass sheets that provides good insultation
Question: 45
Explain why
Answer: 45
A metal colder to than wood kept in a place: Metals are good conductors of heat while wood is insulator which does not ass any heat transfer process So feels warmer on touching
Question: 46
How gliders stay in air for a long period
Answer: 46
Gliders use upward movement of hot air. The rising convection currents are called thermal Glider ride over these thermals. The upward movement of air currents in thermals help them to stay in air for a long time
Question: 47
Define thermals
Answer: 47
Glider pilots use upward movement of hot air currents due to convection of heat. These rising currents of hot air are called thermals
Question: 48
For what purpose good conductors are used
Answer: 48
Good conductors are used for quick transfer of heat Thus cookers, cooking plates, boiler, radiators and condensers of refrigerators etc. are made of metal.
Question: 49
Write the ways by which transfer of heat takes place
Answer: 49
Ways of heat transfer Conduction, convection, radiation,
Conduction: The mode of transfer of heat by vibrating atoms and free electrons in solids from hot to cold parts of a body is called conduction of heat
Question: 50
How many sides of a Leslie cube are
Answer: 50
A shining silvered surface,A dull black surface, A while surface, A coloured surface
Question: 51
Why are the metals good conductors of heat
Answer: 51
Metals are good conductors of heat because metal contains free electrons which can move from one place to another and transfer some energy by collision to neighboring atoms.
Question: 52
What is the proportionality constant of thermal conductivity
Answer: 52
K is the proportionally constant called thermal conductivity of solids
Question: 53
Write any two measures to save energy
Answer: 53
Hot water thanks are insulated by plastic or foam lagging Wall cavities are filled with plastic foam or mineral wool Ceiling of rooms is covered by insulating materials ceiling
Question: 54
For what purpose double glazed windows are used.
Answer: 54
Because air is the one of bad conductor or best insulator. That is why cavity wall i.e two walls separated by an air space and double glazed windows keep the house warm in winter and cool in summer.
Question: 55
What is Leslie's cube
Answer: 55
Leslie cube: A Leslie cube is a metal box having faces different nature
A shining silvered surface, A dull black surface, A white surface, A coloured surface
Question: 56
In a thermos flask, how heat is prevented to enter or leave the flask
Answer: 56
This is done by suitable measure to reduce the transfer of heat due to conduction, conversion and radiation. Thus anything kept in it maintains its temperature for a long time.
Question: 57
What is thermal conductivity
Answer: 57
Thermal conductivity: The rate of flow of heat across the opposite face of a meter cube of a substance is called thermal Conductivity of the substance
Question: 58
Define thermal conductivity
Answer: 58
Thermal Conductivity: The rate of flow of heat across the opposite faces of a meter cube of a of that substance.
Question: 59
Why heat does not reach us by convection from a fire place
Answer: 59
Heat does not reach us by convention from a fireplace because the air getting heat from the fireplace does not move in all direction. Hot air moves upward from the fireplace and heat reaches us by waves called radiation.
Question: 60
Define convection
Answer: 60
Convection currents: Transfer of heat by actual movement of molecules from hot place to a cold place is known as convection
Question: 61
On which factors does rate of heat flow depends upon
Answer: 61
There are three factors on which rate of flow depends upon
Cross sectional area of a solid
Temperature difference between ends
Length of the solid
Question: 62
What is green house effect
Answer: 62
Carbon dioxide and water in the atmosphere allow radiations of short wavelengths to pass through them easily but not long wavelengths of thermal radiations thus heat is trapped which increases the temperature This is alled green house effect.
Question: 63
What are the actors on which rate of emission of radiation depends
Answer: 63
The rate at which radiation are emitted depends upon various factors such
Color and texture of the surface
Surface temperature
Surface area
Question: 64
What is Leslie cube
Answer: 64
A Leslie cube is a metal box having faces of different nature and it is used to identify the emission of radiations.
Question: 65
What is global warming
Answer: 65
Global Warming: During the recent years, the percentage of carbon dioxide has been increased considerably This has caused an increase in the average temperature of the Earth by trapping more heat due to greenhouse effect. This phenomenon is know as global warming.
Question: 66
How heat energy from the sun reach to earth
Answer: 66
Heat energy reaches us neither by conduction nor by convection, because the space between sun and the earth atmosphere is empty It is through radiation that heat reaches us from the sun
Question: 67
Write two examples of good and bad conductors each
Answer: 67
Good Conductors of Heat is Iron, Copper, Aluminum Bad conductors of heat is Wool ,Fur, Air
Question: 68
When does an object is radiating more heat than it is absorbing
Answer: 68
When temperature of an object is higher than its surrounded area then it is radiating more heat than it is absorbing As a result its temperature goes on decreasing on decreasing till it becomes equal to tis surroundings.
Question: 69
Why we avoid wear dark colure dresses in summer season
Answer: 69
Dark color absolves high energy radiations and becomes hot That is reason that we avoid wear dark color dresses in summer season
Question: 70
What is radiation
Answer: 70
Radiation is the mode of transfer of heat from one place to another place in the form of waves called electromagnetic waves.
Question: 71
Write use of Styrofoam.
Answer: 71
Styrofoam boxes are used to keep food hot or ice cream cold for a long time because Styrofoam is a bad conductor of heat It does not allow heat to leave or enter the box easily
Question: 72
Why is scientific reason to wear white and light coloured clothes in summer
Answer: 72
White and light coloured surfaces reflect move heat than coloured or black surfaces. That why we wear white or light coloured clothes in summer which reflect most of heat radiations reacting us during hot day
Question: 73
Write any twoi factor on which rate of flow of heat depends
Answer: 73
Rate of flow of heat: The amount of heat that flows in unit time is called rate of flow of heat
Question: 74
Define sea breeze how it is cause
Answer: 74
On a hot day cold air from the sea begins to move toward the land this is called sea land breeze,
Question: 75
Write two uses of non-conductors
Answer: 75
Uses of non-conductors are given below

Question: 76
What is the thermos flask
Answer: 76
The thermos flask is a double walled glass vessel, that prevent heat to enter or leave the flask and maintain the temperature inside the flask
Question: 77
Differentiate between conduction and convection.
Answer: 77
Conduction: The mode of transfer of heat by vibrating atoms and free electrons in solids from hot to cold parts of a body is called conduction of heat.
Question: 78
Write two consequences of radiations
Answer: 78
Different objects absorb different amount of heat radiations falling upon them A black coloured body gets hot quickly by absorbing heat radiations coming to it also cools down quickly by radiating heat to its surroundings.
Question: 79
Where is convection currents used
Answer: 79
Uses of convection currents: Convection currents set up by electric, gas or coal heaters help to warm our homes and offices.
Central heating systems in buildings work on the same principle by convection,.
The day-to-day temperature changes in the atmosphere result from the circulation of warm or cold air that travels across the region
Land and sea breeze are also the examples of convection current

Question: 80
Why interior surface of pots made polished
Answer: 80
The interior surface of pots made polish because the polish surface is the good reflector of heat and reflect the heat back into the pots.
Question: 81
Why bottoms of cooking pots are made black
Answer: 81
The bottoms of cooking pots are made black because the capacity to absorb heat is enhance through it A black or rough surface absorbs more heat as compare to a white or polished surface
Question: 82
Why bottom of cooking pots are made black
Answer: 82
Bottoms of cooking pots are made black because the black surface is a good absorber of heat so food cook quickly
Question: 83
In what factors flow of heat depends upon for solids
Answer: 83
In rate of heat flow depends upon
Area of cross section of solids
Length of solid
Difference of temperature between ends of solids.

Question: 84
Write two uses of conductors.
Answer: 84
Uses of conductors: Good conductors are used when quick transfer of heat is required through a body Cookers, cooking plate, boiler, radiators and condensers of refrigerators, etc are made of metals such as aluminum and coper for the better conduction
Metal boxes are used to make ice and ice cream
Question: 85
What is meant by global warming
Answer: 85
Global warming: An increase in the average temperature of Earth by trapping more heat due to greenhouse effect effect is called global warming
Question: 86
Define the of flow of heat and write its mathematical form.
Answer: 86
Rate of flow of heat: The amount of heat that flows in unit time is called the rate of flow of heat
Question: 87
We wear whit and light coloured clothes in summer why
Answer: 87
We wear white and light oloured clothes in summer which reflect most of the heat radiation reaching us during the hot day
Question: 88
Write difference between land breeze and sea breeze
Answer: 88
Land breezes: At night, the land cools faster than the sea, Therefore, air above the sea ins warmer, rises up and colder air from the land begins to move towards the sea. It is called land breeze
Question: 89
What is the effect of length of the solid on thermal conductivity
Answer: 89
Length of the solid: Large is the length between the hot and cold ends of the solid more time it will take to conduct heat to the colder end and smaller ewill be the rate of flow of heat Thus
Question: 90
Write name of two expert Thermal riders
Answer: 90
The birds stretch out their wings and circle in there thermals. The upward movement of air helps birds to climb up with it Eagles, hawks and vultures are expert thermal climbers.
Question: 91
Why is land breeze blow from land towards sea
Answer: 91
Land breeze blow from land toward sea because at night, the land cools faster than the sea, Therefore, air above the sea is warmer, rises up and colder air from the land begins to move toward the sea.
Question: 92
What is meant by convection current
Answer: 92
The path of flow of current which is used for the transfer of heat by actual movement of molecules for hot place to a cold place is known as convection current
Question: 93
What causes a glider to remain in air
Answer: 93
Gliders are caused to remain in air by the movement of hot air currents due to convection. Air current helps them to stay in air for a long period
Question: 94
Why conduction of heat does not take place in gases
Answer: 94
Gases are poor conductors of heat as there are no free electrons in gases so conduction cannot take place in gases Conduction needs the molecules nearby while in gases there while in gases there are vast spaces and conduction process is ot possible.
Question: 95
Explain the impact of greenhouse effect in global
Answer: 95
During the recent years, the percentage of carbon dioxide has been increased considerably This has caused an increase in the average temperature of the Earth by trapping more heat due to greenhouse effect This phenomenon is known as global warming This has serious implications for global climate.
Question: 96
How does heat reaches us from the sun
Answer: 96
Our sun is the major source of heat energy It reaches us neither by conduction nor by convection because the space between the sun and the Earths atmosphere is travels from one place to another place It is through radiation that heat reaches us from the Sun.