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9th class long questions of Mathematics subjects are uploaded here at this page for those who could not find any solution to this problem. The section of long questions is very important in the paper because it covers almost 50% to 60% of our paper. If you attempt the section of long question it means you bring yourself into the safe zone or pass zone. But, the problem that the students face is that they do not have the idea to prepare the 9th long questions. Students are not familiar with the format, answer length and other rules. But, believe me, that after going through these given long questions. 

9th Class Mathematics Long Questions Urdu Medium:

Both kinds of students are welcome here for long questions preparation because 9th class long questions Urdu medium and English medium long questions 9th class both are uploaded here. Students are not only limited to long questions of preparation. However, short question preparation and MCQs preparation students can also make through 9th class Mathematics short questions section and 9th class Mathematics mcqs tests respectively. We know that Mathematics 9th class paper comprises these parts including MCQs, short questions and long questions. Students can prepare all these three parts here. 

9th Class Mathematics Long Questions English Medium:

Besides offering, you the best, easy and helpful ways to prepare your syllabus students also keep updated with all the announcements by the boards of education. For instance, we provide 9th class date sheets or roll number slips to the students at the time of official announcement and at the same time when boards of education declare results we also declare 9th class final result 2025 here at, a complete educational platform.
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Our database contains a total of 0 questions for Short Questions. You’ll prepare using this huge databank.

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Warisha Ejaz shared a post link.
Aug 28, 2021

can anyone help me with the khulasa of iqhlaq e nabvi please?