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Question: 1
Which thing can change the pH of the blood
Answer: 1
1-223Change in concentration of any salt can change the pH of the blood.
Question: 2
Define pulse.
Answer: 2
2-223Pulse is the rhythmic expansion and contraction of an artery as the blood is forced through it by the regular contractions of heart.
Question: 3
What is anticoagulant?
Answer: 3
3-223Anticoagulant is chemical that inhibits blood clotting.
Question: 4
What is albumin?
Answer: 4
4-223It maintains the water balance of blood.
Question: 5
What is stomatal transpiration.
Answer: 5
5-223The transpiration occurs through stomata and is called stomatal transpiration.
Question: 6
Which are two major veins?
Answer: 6
6-223Two major veins are superior vena cave and inferior vena cava
Question: 7
How does stomata open?
Answer: 7
7-223When guard cells get water and become turgid, their shapes are like two beans and the stoma between them opens.
Question: 8
Define antigen.
Answer: 8
8-223An antigen is a molecule that can stimulate an immune response located on the surface of RBC.
Question: 9
For what purpose xylem cells are responsible?
Answer: 9
9-223Xylem tissue is responsible for the transport of water and dissolved substance from roots to aerial parts
Question: 10
What is a cardiac cycle?
Answer: 10
10-223The alternating relaxations contractions make the cardiac cycle and one complete cardiac cycle makes one heart beat. It has three phases. i. cardiac systole ii. Atrial systole iii. Ventricular systole.
Question: 11
How is plasma separate from blood?
Answer: 11
11-223Blood is taken from an artery and an anticoagulant is mixed in it. After about 5 minutes, plasma separates from blood cells, which settle down.
Question: 12
What is plasma.
Answer: 12
12-223Plasma is primary water in which salts. metabolites, protein and wastes are dissolved.
Question: 13
Define blood transfusion.
Answer: 13
13-223Blood transfusion is the process of transferring blood based products from one person into the circulatory system of another.
Question: 14
What is blood cross match?
Answer: 14
14-223It is used for the confirmation of nor agglutination blood samples of donor and recipient are cross-matched.
Question: 15
Which are two major types of white blood cells
Answer: 15
15-223Two major types of white blood cells
Granulocytes. Agranulocytes
Question: 16
Write the names of any two plasma proteins
Answer: 16
16-223plasma Proteins
- Albumins
- Fibrinogen
- Antibodies
A protean in the blood plasma that is essential for the coagulation of blood is called fibrinogen
Question: 17
What is the percentage of blood in human body.
Answer: 17
17-223In a healthy person , plasma constitutes about 55% by volume of the blood and cells or cell-like bodie about 45% of the blood
Question: 18
Define Heart.
Answer: 18
18-223The heart is a muscular organ responsible for pumping blood through the blood vessels by repeated contractions. It is an important organ of circulatory system.
Question: 19
Name the mosquitoes which spreads dengue and what happens to blood platelets during Dengue Fever
Answer: 19
19-223The causal organism of Dengue Fever is a mosquito called Aides Egypt. In dengue fever there is a sharp decrease in the number of platelets in blood Platelets are responsible for blood clotting Because of this patients bleed from the nose gums and under the skin
Question: 20
What is transport?
Answer: 20
20-223Transport means movement of material from one region to the other in the organisms.
Question: 21
Describe role of Fibrinogen and Albumin Blood
Answer: 21
21-223Fibrinogen is blood clotting protein and Album helps in maintaining water balance in blood
Question: 22
Write role and names of two scientists who work on Blood circulatory system.
Answer: 22
22-223Too important scientists Ibn-e-Nafees and William Harvey. the were honored by the first scientist who described the pathway of blood.
Question: 23
Patients bleed from the nose gums and under the skin in dengue fever
Answer: 23
23-223In dengue fever there is a sharp decrease in the number of platelets in bold Platelets are responsible for blood clotting Because of this patients bleed from the nose gums and under the skin
The causal organism of Dengue Fever is a mosquito called Aided Egypt
Question: 24
What is Rh blood system?
Answer: 24
24-223It is discovered by Karl Landsteiner in this system, there are two blood group i.e. Rh-positive and Rh-negative. These blood groups are distinct from each other on the basis of antigens called Rh.Factors.
Question: 25
Differentiate between Arteries and Veins.
Answer: 25
25-223Arteris. These are the blood vessels that carry blood away from the heat.
the lumen of arteries is narrower than veins.
The middle layer is comparatively thick
Question: 26
What is meant by Granulocytes
Answer: 26
26-223One type of white blood cells are Granulocytes Granulocytes have granular cytoplasm
Question: 27
What is mean by hypertension ?
Answer: 27
27-223A condition in which blood pressure is higher than normal is called hypertension. Normal B.P is 120/180 mm/Hg
Question: 28
Which respiratory gases present in plama?
Answer: 28
28-223It contains respiration gases like CO2 and O2
Question: 29
Write the characteristics of cardiac muscles.
Answer: 29
29-223The muscles present in heart walls are called cardiac muscles. Cardiac muscles are involuntary is action are composed of branched striated cells, each with a single nucleus
Question: 30
Define platelets.
Answer: 30
30-223Platelets are the part of blood.They are not cells but are fragments of large cells of bone marrow, called megakaryocyte,.they do not have any nucleus and any pigment.
Question: 31
Write the names of different chambers of human heart
Answer: 31
31-223Introduction: Heart is a muscular organ responsible for pumping blod through blood vessels by repeated contractions The bulk of the walls of heart chambers is made of cardiac muscles
Question: 32
Write preventive measures for dengue Fever
Answer: 32
32-223As there is still no vaccinate or treatment for dengue fever so the only way to control the transmission of virus Aides grows at following place
- water storing wares
- Waste plastic wares
- used tyres
- Other things in which rain water can be stored We can control mosquitoes by disposing waste materials properly and improving water storing tools
Question: 33
What is difference between cohesion and adhesion.
Answer: 33
33-223Cohesion: Water molecules cohere to each other
Question: 34
Define serum
Answer: 34
34-223Blood plasma without fibroses protein is called serum
Question: 35
Write difference between pericycle and endodermis.
Answer: 35
35-223Outside the conducting tissues there is a narrow layer of thin walled cells the pericycle.a single layer of cells i.e. endodermis surrounds this per cycle.
Question: 36
What is Rh blood group system and who discovered it
Answer: 36
36-223In this system there are two blood groups i.e Rh positive and Rh-negative which are distinct from each other on the basis of antigens called Rh factors present on the surface of Red Blood Cells RBCs In 1930 Karl Landsteiner discovered the Rh blood group system
Question: 37
What is Leukemia?
Answer: 37
37-223Leukaemia is the production of great number of immature and abnormal white blood cells.
Causes: This is caused by a cancerous mutation in bone marrow or lymph tissue cells.
Treatment; It is a very serious disorder and patient need to change blood regularly with normal blood,got from donors.It can be cured by bone marrow transplant . It is effective in mos most cases,but very expensive treatment.
Question: 38
What is meant by blood plasma
Answer: 38
38-223Plasma is primarily water in which proteins salts metabolites and wastes are dissolved Water constitutes metabolites and wastes are dissolved Water constitutes about of plasma and are dissolved substance Salts make up of plasma by weight
Question: 39
What is Leukemia
Answer: 39
39-223Leukemia is the production of great number of immature and abnormal white blood cells This is caused by a cancerous mutation change in gene in bone marrow or lymph tissue cells The mutation results in uncontrolled production of defective white blood cells leukocytes
Question: 40
Define Capillaries.
Answer: 40
40-223Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels present in tissues.These are the vessels through which exchange of materials between blood and tissue fluid is carried out through capillaries.
Question: 41
Write the effect of Dengue fever on platelets.
Answer: 41
41-223Platelets are destroyed .Their number reduces patient bleeds from the nose, gums and under the skin.
Question: 42
How much whit blood cells are present in the body and what are their functioin
Answer: 42
42-223Functions of white blood cells: White blood ells are important part of immune system and kill germs
Type of white blood cell monocytes produce macrophages which engulf germs
Type of WBC is Lymphocytes, B and T lymphocytes produce antibodies and kill germs
Question: 43
Define Capillaries
Answer: 43
43-223Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels present in tissues These are formed by the division of arterioles The exchange of materials between blood and tissues fluid is carried out through capillaries
Question: 44
What is the mass and size of heart in normal adults
Answer: 44
44-223In normal adults the mass of heart is 250-350 and the size is equal to a clenched fist
Question: 45
What are red Blood Cells Write down their number in human beings
Answer: 45
45-223These are the most numerous of blood cells A cubic millimeter of blood contains 5 to 5.5 million of RBC in males, and 4 to 4.5 million in females
Question: 46
Write two damages of dengue fever
Answer: 46
46-223In dengue fever there is a sharp decrease in the number of platelets in bold Platelets are responsible for blood clotting Because of this patients bleed from the nose gums and under the skin
The causal organism of Dengue Fever is a mosquito called Aided Egypt
Question: 47
You see the pus in the infection of skin
Answer: 47
47-223During killing germs necrophages and neutrophils also die These dead cells accumulate and make the white substance called pus seen at infection sites
Question: 48
What is pulse
Answer: 48
48-223Heart rate can be measured by feeling the pulse Pulse is the rhythmic expansion and contraction of an artery as blood forced thought it by the regular contraction of heart
Question: 49
How is plasma separated from blood
Answer: 49
49-223Blood is taken from any artery and an and coagulant chemical that inhibits blood clotting is mixed in it After about inures plasma separates from blood cells which settle down
Question: 50
Write the functions of white blood cells and platelets
Answer: 50
50-223Faction of white blood cells: WBCs function as the main agents in body's defense system destroy small particles engulfing of small particles to produce antibodies and the release of anticoagulants
Question: 51
Heart is usually felt to be on left side
Answer: 51
51-223The heart is usually felt to be on the left side because the left chambered the heart is stronger it pumps blood to all body parts
Question: 52
Write the function of Neutrophils and Basophils
Answer: 52
52-223- Neutrophils splits particles by phagocytosis
- Basophils prevent blood clotting
Question: 53
Write the structure of red blood cells
Answer: 53
53-223Structure of Red blood cells
RBC are biconcave and have an elastic cell membrane
They do not have nucleus to make room for more oxygen
They contain hemoglobin
Question: 54
Write down the physical appearance or characteristics of Dengas Fevers Mosquito
Answer: 54
54-223Physical characteristics of Dengue Fever's mosquito
- Aides aegypti is medium sized black colored mosquito
- It have while stripes on its legs
Question: 55
What is Angina Pectoris
Answer: 55
55-223Angina pectoris means Chest pain In this disease blood supply to heart mussels is not sufficient but shortage is not enough to cause tissue death It is not as severe as heart attack The pain may occur in heart often in left arm and shoulder
Question: 56
Define pulmonary circulation and systemic circulation
Answer: 56
56-223Pulmonary circulation: The pathway on which deoxygenated blood is carried from the heart to the lungs and in return oxygenated blood is carried from the lungs to the heart is called pulmonary circulation or circuit
Question: 57
What is meant by transpiration ?
Answer: 57
57-223The loss of water from plant surface through evaporation is called transpiration .
Question: 58
Who is the causal organism of Dengue Fever
Answer: 58
58-223The causal organism of Dengue Fever is a mosquito called Aides Egypt
Question: 59
Write down the four factors affecting the rate of transpiration ?
Answer: 59
59-223- Temperature
- Air humidity
- Air movements
- leaf surface area
Question: 60
Which persons are Universal Donors and Universal Recipients
Answer: 60
60-223Universal Donors: O blood group individuals are called universal donors because they can donate blood to the recipients of any other blood group
Question: 61
What are the main components of human blood circulated system ?
Answer: 61
61-223- Blood
- Heart
- Blood Vessels
Question: 62
Which is meant by Granulocytes ?
Answer: 62
62-223One type of white blood cell are Granulocytes. Granulocytes have granular cytoplasm.
Question: 63
Explain Thalassemia
Answer: 63
63-223It is a genetic problem due to mutations in the gene of hemoglobin The mutations results in the production of defective hemoglobin and the patient cannot transport oxygen properly The blood of these patients is to be replace regularly with normal blood It can cured by bone marrow transplant but it does not give cure rate
Question: 64
Define Antigen ?
Answer: 64
64-223An antigen is a molecules that can stimulate an immune response like antibody production etc.
Question: 65
What is vascular sugary
Answer: 65
65-223Vascular surgery is a field in surgery in which diseases of arteries and veins like are managed by surgical methods A vascular surgeon treats the diseases of all parts of blood circulatory system except that of heart and brain
Question: 66
What is Lub dub ?
Answer: 66
66-223When ventricles tricuspid and bicuspid values close and "lubb" sound is produced similarly when ventricles relax the semi lunar valves close and
"lubb-dubb" can be heard with heard with the help of stethoscopes.
Question: 67
Define turgor ?
Answer: 67
67-223The process exerted by the water on the wall of the plants cell is called turgor pressure .
Question: 68
What is meant by Blood Group System
Answer: 68
68-223Blood group systems is a classification of blood based on the presence or absence of antigens on the surface of red blood cells
Question: 69
Which blood cells decrease in numbers during Dengue Fever
Answer: 69
69-223In dengue fever there is a sharp decrease in the number of platelets in bold Platelets are responsible for blood clotting Because of this patients bleed from the nose gums and under the skin
The causal organism of Dengue Fever is a mosquito called Aided Egypt
Question: 70
Describe the structure of an artery?
Answer: 70
70-223- The walls of an artery are composed of three layers
- the outermost layer is made of connective tissues
- The middle one is made up of smooth muscles and elastic tissue.
- The innermost layer is made up of smooth endothelial cells.
- The internal cavity in which blood flows is called lumen.
Question: 71
Explain two factors which can cause transpirational pull?
Answer: 71
71-223- Water is held in a tube called xylem that has small diameter
- Water molecules adhere to the wall of xylem tube
Question: 72
Differentiable between arteries and veins
Answer: 72
72-223Arteries: Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood away from heart Valves are not present in the walls of arteries
Question: 73
What is Thalassemia and is its treatment
Answer: 73
73-223It is a genetic problem due to mutations in the gene of hemoglobin The mutations results in the production of defective hemoglobin and the patient cannot transport oxygen properly The blood of these patients is to be replace regularly with normal blood It can cured by bone marrow transplant but it does not give cure rate
Question: 74
Write the symptoms of Dengue Fever
Answer: 74
74-223Symptoms of Dengue Fever
- High Fever
- Pain behind Eyes
- Spots on the skin
- Bleeding due to deficiency of platelets
- Severe headache
- Pain in muscles and joinits
Question: 75
Define serum ?
Answer: 75
75-223Blood plasma without fibergone protein is called serum.
Question: 76
What do you about Thrombus and Embulus
Answer: 76
76-223Thrombus: Accumulation of cholesterol is the prime contribution to atherosclerosis It results in the formation can form blood clots called thrombus with arteries
Question: 77
When and who discovered ABO blood group system
Answer: 77
77-223ABO blood group system was discovered by an Austrian scientist Karl Landsteiner in 1900
Question: 78
Who is the cause organisms of dengue fever ?
Answer: 78
78-223The causal organisms of dengue fever is mosquito called Aedes Egypti.
Question: 79
Why AB blood group individuals are called universal recipients
Answer: 79
79-223AB blood group individuals are called universal recipient as it contains both antigen A,b therefore antibodies against A&B both are absent That's why patient with B blood group can receive blood from any one
Question: 80
Write down the name of vessels found in vascular system ?
Answer: 80
80-223- Xylem vessels
- phloem vessels
Question: 81
What is the relation between Heart beat and pulse rate
Answer: 81
81-223Heart beat rate can be measured in times of feeling of plus Heart beat rate and pulse rate in a healthy person is 70 per min in case of rest and routine activities
Heart beat rate and pulse rate is variable with body activity and stress condition
Question: 82
What is meant by atherosclerosis ?
Answer: 82
82-223Atherosclerosis is commonly called as narrowing of arteries. It is a chronic disease in which fatty material cholesterol or fibrin deposit on the arteries.
Question: 83
How transpiration is controlled by opening and closing of stomata ?
Answer: 83
83-223Most plants keep their stomata open during the day and closing them at night because transpiration never take place at that time. in the day time stomata are responsible for regulation transpiration via the action of guard cells.
Question: 84
What is meant by closed circulatory system ?
Answer: 84
84-223Humans have a closed blood circulatory system (meaning that blood never leaves the network of arteries, venies and capillaries.
Question: 85
Write two function of white blood cells?
Answer: 85
85-223Function of White blood cells:
- Type of white blood cell monocles produce macrophages which engulf germs.
- Type of WBC is Lymphocytes, B and T lymphocytes produce antibodies and kill germs.
Question: 86
What is heart beat
Answer: 86
86-223The relaxation of heart chambers fills them with blood and contraction of chambers propels blood out of them The alternating relaxations and contractions make up the cardiac cycle and one complete cardiac cycle makes one heartbeat
Question: 87
What is Thalassaemia ?
Answer: 87
87-223It is a genetic problem due to mutation in the gene of haemoglobin, the mutations results in the production of defective haemoglobin and the patient cannot transport oxygen properly.
Question: 88
What is meant by Systole ?
Answer: 88
88-223After the filling of atria. Both atria contract and pump blood towards ventricles this called systole
Question: 89
What is lub dub
Answer: 89
89-223When ventricles contract tricuspid and bicuspid valves close and lubb sound is produced Similarly when ventricles relax the semi lunar valves close and dub sound is produced Lubb-dubb can be heard with the help of a stethoscope
Question: 90
Give harmful and beneficial aspects of transpiration
Answer: 90
90-223Harmful aspects: Transpiration is a potentially harmful process but is unavoidable too It may be harmful process in the sense that it requires surfaces from which evaporation can occur and during the conditions of drought loss of water from the plant result wilting serious desiccation and often death of the plant
Question: 91
Why blood group O is called universal donors
Answer: 91
91-223blood group O is called universal donor as it does not contain any antigen It can be given to A,B, AB and O as well
Question: 92
What is the role of pericardial ?
Answer: 92
92-223Heart is enclosed in a sac is known as pericardium there is a fluid, known as pericardial fluid between pericardium and heart walls it reduce friction between pericardium and heart during heart contraction.
Question: 93
What is Angina pectoris ?
Answer: 93
93-223Angina pectoris means "Chest pain" in this disease blood supply to heart muscles is not sufficient but shortage is not enough to cause tissue death.
Question: 94
Define arteries ?
Answer: 94
94-223Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood away from heart. value are not present in the walls of arteries .
Question: 95
What is Angioplasty and bypass surgery
Answer: 95
95-223Angioplasty and bypass surgery is the mechanical widening of a narrowed or totally obstructed blood vessel It is a heart surgery in which arteries or veins from elsewhere in the patients body are grafted to the coronary arteries to improve the blood supply to heart muscles
Question: 96
What is the function of pericardial fluid
Answer: 96
96-223Heart is enclosed in sac known as pericardium There is a fluid know as pericardial fluid between pericardium and heart walls It reduces friction between pericardium and heart during heart contractions
Question: 97
What is meant by atherosclerosis
Answer: 97
97-223Atherosclerosis is commonly called as Narrowing of arteries It is a chronic disease in which fatty material cholesterol or Fibrin deposit on arteries When this condition becomes severe it becomes difficult to open and contract arteries further to flow the blood Deposition of Cholesterol is the major cause of Atherosclerosis
Question: 98
What is meant by Pulmonary circulation
Answer: 98
98-223The pathway on which deoxygenated blood is carried from heart to lungs and in return oxygenated blood is carried from lungs to heart is called pulmonary circulation
Question: 99
Why transpiration is necessary for plant ?
Answer: 99
99-223Transpiration is called a "necessary evil" which is mean that it is potentially harmful process but is unavoidable as well as necessary too.
Question: 100
Differentiate between Bicuspid and Tricuspid valve
Answer: 100
100-223Bicuspid Valve: Valve with two flaps, present between the opening of left atrium and left ventricle is called Bicuspid Valve It prevents blood from back flow
Tricuspid Valve: Valve present between the right atrium and right ventricle is called Tricuspid valve
Question: 101
What is meant by Arteriosclerosis
Answer: 101
101-223Arteriosclerosis is a general term describing any hardening of arteries It occurs when calcium is deposited in the walls of arteries It can happen when atherosclerosis is severe
Question: 102
What is the effect of Air humidity on the rate of transpiration ?
Answer: 102
102-223When air is dry water vapours diffuse more quickly from the surface of mesophyll cells in to leaf air spaces and then from air space to outside The increases the rate of transpiration.
Question: 103
Define Lenticels ?
Answer: 103
103-223Lenticels are pores present in stem responsible for evaporation of water or transpiration.
Question: 104
Write two achievements of William Harvey
Answer: 104
104-223Many scientists worked for discovering the facts about the circulation of blood in human body Two important scientists who revealed much knowledge of blood circulatory system were Ibn-e-Nafees and William Harvey The two achievements of William Harvey are given below
- He discovered pumping action of heart
- He also discovered the pathway of blood in major arteries and veins
Question: 105
What is transpiration pull
Answer: 105
105-223Transpiration pull: Transpiration pull is the force which carries water and soluble salts upward through the xylem adhesion
Question: 106
Define cohesion ?
Answer: 106
106-223According to cohesion-tension theory, the face which carriers water upward through the xylem is a transpiration pull. Transpiration creates a pressure difference that pulls water and salts up from roots.
Question: 107
Describe the structure of an artery
Answer: 107
107-223Structure of Artery:
- The walls of an artery are composed of three layers
- The outermost layer is made of connective tissue
- The middle one is made up of smoothed muscles and elastic tissue
- The innermost layer is made up of endothelial cells
- The internal cavity in which blood flows is called lumen
Question: 108
What is meant by stomated transpiration?
Answer: 108
108-223Question: 109
What do u mean by Blood ?
Answer: 109
109-223Bloodis a specialized body fluid, considered a specialized form of connective tissue. Blood is composed of a liquid called blood plasma and blood cells.
Question: 110
What is stoma ?
Answer: 110
110-223The two guard cell of a stoma are attached to each other ends . The inner concave side of guard cells that encloses a stoma are thichker than the outer convex sider
Question: 111
How does human heart work as a double pump
Answer: 111
111-223Human heart works as a double pump It receives deoxygenated with less oxygen blood from body and pumps it to lungs At the same time it received oxygenated with more oxygen blood from lungs and pumps it to all body
Question: 112
How is plasma separated from blood ?
Answer: 112
112-223Blood is taken from any artery and an anticoagulant chemical that inhibits blood clotting is mixed in it. After 5 minutes plasma separates from blood cell which settle down
Question: 113
What is meant by transpiratioin
Answer: 113
113-223Transpiration: The loss of water from plant surface through evaporation is called transpiration
Question: 114
Write down function of phloem in plants
Answer: 114
114-223Xylem Tissue: Xylem tissue is responsible for the transport of water and dissolved substances from roots to the aerial parts
Question: 115
What is meant by desication ?
Answer: 115
115-223If water loses from plant body it results as serious desiccation welting and often death .
Question: 116
Differentiate between Arteries and Capillaries
Answer: 116
116-223Arteries: Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood away from heart Valves are not present in the walls of arteries
Question: 117
Write the function of nrutrophils and basophils ?
Answer: 117
117-223- Nrutrophils split particles by phagocytosis.
- Basophils prevent blood clotting.
Question: 118
Write the symptoms of dengue fever ?
Answer: 118
118-223- High Fever
- Sever Headache
- Pain behind eyes
- pain in muscles and joints
- Spots on the skin
Question: 119
Write the definition of Systole Diastole
Answer: 119
119-223Systole: After the filling of atria Both atria contract and pump blood towards ventricles This is called systole
Question: 120
What is transpiration pull ?
Answer: 120
120-223Transpiration pull is the force which carries water and soluble salts upward through the xylem adhesion .
Question: 121
When and who discoverd ABO blood group system ?
Answer: 121
121-223ABO blood group system was discoverd by an austrian scientist karl landstenier in 1900.
Question: 122
What is Fibrinogen ?
Answer: 122
122-223A protein in the blood plasma that is essential for the coagulation of blood is called fibrinogen.
Question: 123
Differentiate between atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis
Answer: 123
123-223Atherosclerosis: Atherosclerosis is commonly called as Narrowing of arteries It is a chronic disease in which fattymaterial cholesterol or Fibrin deposit on arteries When this condition become severe, it becomes difficult to open and contract arteries further to flow the blood Deposition of cholesterol is the major cause of Atherosclerosis
Question: 124
Write the names of four agents which cause cardio macular diseases
Answer: 124
124-223The risk factors tat lead to cardiovascular disorders include advanced age diabetes high blood of low density lipids cholesterol and triglycerides to bacon smoking high blood pressure obesity and sedentary lifestyle
Question: 125
Define pulmonary circulation ?
Answer: 125
125-223The pathway on which deoxygenated blood is carried from the heart to the lungs and in return oxygenated blood is carried from the lungs to the heart is called pulmonary circulation or circuit .
Question: 126
Write the symptoms of Myocardial Infarction
Answer: 126
126-223Main symptom of myocardial infarction is severe chest pain This pain creates feeling of congestion, stress and squeezing in the chest Pain mostly moves toward left arm but it can also move toward lower jaw neck right arm and back Myocardial Infarction may cause unconsciousness and eventually sudden death of the victim
Question: 127
What is Rh blood group system and who discoverd it ?
Answer: 127
127-223In this system there are two blood group Rh-positive and Rh-negative which are distinct from each other an the basic of antigens called Rh factors present on the surface of red blood cells
Question: 128
Which factors are responsible for opening or closing of stomata
Answer: 128
128-223Opening and closing of stomata depends upon two factors
- Concentration of solutes glucose in the guard cells responsible for opening and closing of stomata
- Recent research has revealed this proses has light cause the potassium ions to opening and closing of stomata
Question: 129
Which blood cells decrease in number during dengue fever ?
Answer: 129
129-223In dengue fever there is a sharp decrease in the number of platelets in blood, platelets are responsible for blood clotting.because of this patients bleed from the nose gums, and under the skin.
Question: 130
What is the effect of temperature on the rate of transpiration
Answer: 130
130-223Higher temperature reduces the humidity of surrounding air and also increases the kinetic energy of water molecules In this way it increases the rate of transpiration The rate of transpiration doubles with every rise of in temperature But very high temperatures cause closure of stomata so transpiration stops ands plant does not loose the much needed water
Question: 131
What is meant by transpiration? Describe mode of transpiration.
Answer: 131
131-223(of a plant or leaf) the extraction of water vapour through the stomata " Plants lose more than 90% of their water through transpiration."
Question: 132
Write the names of two diseases of human blood
Answer: 132
132-223Arteriosclerosis is a general term describing any hardening of arteries It occurs when calcium is deposited in the walls of arteries It can happen when atherosclerosis is severe
Question: 133
Define cohesiontensiontheory
Answer: 133
133-223The force which carries water upwared through the xylem is transpiration pull. Transpiration creates a pressure difference that pulls water and salts upfrom coats
Question: 134
Write the function of roots in plant ?
Answer: 134
134-223- Roots absorb water and salts from the soil .
- They provide conducting tissues for disturbing salts and water to the tissue of the stem.
Question: 135
What is bypass surgery
Answer: 135
135-223Most cases of myocardial infarction are treated with Angioplasty or bypass surgery In this surgery arteries or veins from elsewhere in the patients blood supply to heart muscles The patient can be safe from a serious damage of heart by this treatment
Question: 136
Define Xlem tissue ?
Answer: 136
136-223Xylem tissue is responsible for the transport of water and dissolved substances from roots to the aerial parts
Question: 137
Write down two main reasons of cardio vascular diseases
Answer: 137
137-223The risk factors tat lead to cardiovascular disorders include advanced age diabetes high blood of low density lipids cholesterol and triglycerides to bacon smoking high blood pressure obesity and sedentary lifestyle
Question: 138
What is Angioplasty and bypass surgery ?
Answer: 138
138-223Angioplasty and bypass surgery is the mechanical widening of a narrowed or totally obstructed blood vessel. It is heart surgery in which arteries or vines from elsewhere in the patients body are grafted to the coronary arteries to improve the blood supply to heart muscles.
Question: 139
What is meant by closed circulatory system
Answer: 139
139-223Humans have a closed blood circulatory system meaning that blood never leaves the network of arteries veins and capillaries
Question: 140
Give harmful aspects of transpiration ?
Answer: 140
140-223Transpiration is a potentially harmful process but is unavoidable too. it may be harmful process in the sense that it requires surface from which evaporation can occur and during the condition of drought, loss of water from the plant result wilting serious desiccation and often death of the plant
Question: 141
Define Antigen
Answer: 141
141-223An Antigen is a molecule that can stimulate an immune response (antibody productionetc )
Question: 142
Write the role of vascular system sin plants
Answer: 142
142-223All land plants except for mosses and liverworts have developed complex vascular tissues consist on xylem and phloem vessels This system helps to move water and food through out a plants body
Question: 143
What is meant by Pulse ?
Answer: 143
143-223Heart rate can be measured by feeling the pules pules the rhythmic expansion and contraction of an artery as blood forced through it by the regular contraction of heart.
Question: 144
What do you meanby pus/ How is it formed ?
Answer: 144
144-223WBC dies in the process of killing the germs. These dead cells accumulate and make the white substance called pus, seen at infection sites.
Question: 145
How transpiration is controlled by opening and closing of stomata
Answer: 145
145-223Most plants keep their stomata open during the day and close them at insight Because transpiration never take place at that tie In day time stomata are responsible for regulating transpiration via the action of guard cells A stomata has two guard cells Those are attached to each other at their rends when guard cells get water they become turgid and their shave are like two beans This make stomata opens Similarly when guard cells loose water due to transpiration they become flaccid their inner sides touch each other and stomata get closed This show that transpiration is controlled by opening and closing of stomata
Question: 146
Why AB blood group individuals are called universal recipients ?
Answer: 146
146-223AB blood group individual are called universal recipients as it contain both antigen A & B, therefore antibodies against A & B both are the absent A & B both are absent.
Question: 147
What do you mean by stomatal transpiration ?
Answer: 147
147-223Most of the transpiration takes place through stomata and it is called stomatal transpiration
Question: 148
Write the names of two famous scientists who reeled much knowledge of blood circulatory system
Answer: 148
148-223Two important scientists who revealed much knowledge of blood circulatory system were Ibn-e-Nafees and William Harvey
Question: 149
Why transpiration is harmful process for plants ?
Answer: 149
149-223Transpiration is called a necessary evil it means that transpiration is a potentially harmful process in the sense that during the condition drought, loss of water form plant result in serious desiccation wilting often death.
Question: 150
Define pulmonarycirculation and systemic circulation
Answer: 150
150-223The pathway in which deoxygenatedblood is carried from heart to lungs and in return oxygenated blood is carried from lungs to heart is called Pulmonary circulation
Question: 151
Describe the function of stomata ?
Answer: 151
151-223Stomata are the microscopic pores in the epidermis of leaves. they are used for the exchange of the gases and loss of water through transpiration
Question: 152
How guard cells controlled the opening and closing of stomata ?
Answer: 152
152-223Solute concentration in guard cells is responsible for opening and closing of stomata recent research has revealed this process as light cause the movement of potassium ions from epidermal cells in to guard cells
Question: 153
Write the role of vescular system in plant ?
Answer: 153
153-223All land plant have developed complex vascular tissue consist on xylem and phloem vessels.
Question: 154
How transpiration rate affects when air movements changes?
Answer: 154
154-223Air in motion is known as wind. Wind carriers away the evaporate water from leaves and it cause an increases in the rate of evaporation from the surface of mesophyll.
Question: 155
What is vascular surgery ?
Answer: 155
155-223Vascular surgery is a field in surgery in which diseases of arteries and veins are managed by the surgical method.
Question: 156
What is meant by desication
Answer: 156
156-223If water loses from plants body it results as serious desiccation welting and often death
Question: 157
Differentiate between Bicuspid and tricuspid value ?
Answer: 157
157-223Bicuspid value: Valve with two flaps, present between the opening of left atrium and left ventricle is calledBicuspid value
Tricuspid value:Value present between the right atrium and right ventricle is called tricuspid value
Question: 158
Difference between source and skin ?
Answer: 158
158-223Source:Source include the exporting organs, typically a mature leaf or storage organs
Sinks:Sinks are the areas of active metabolism or storage.
Question: 159
Explain two factors which can cause transpiration pull
Answer: 159
159-223Reasons of transpiration pull:
- Water is held in a tube called xylem that has small diameter
- Water molecules adhere to the walls of xylem tube
- Water molecules cohere to each other
- These attractions make and overall tension among water molecules and form columns of water The columns of water move from root to shoot and the water content of the soil enters in these column
Question: 160
What is the effect of temperature on the rate of transpiration ?
Answer: 160
160-223Higher temperature reduces the humidity of surrounding air and also increases the kinetic energy of water molecules in this way it increases the rate of transpiration. The rate of transpiration doubles with the every rise of 10 C in temperature
Question: 161
Define pressure flow mechanism ?
Answer: 161
161-223According to pressure flow mechanism the food is moved from source to skin due to low pressure at the walls of skin.
Question: 162
Define Turgor
Answer: 162
162-223The state of turgidity and resulting rigidity of cells or tissues, typically due to the absorption of fluid
Question: 163
Write the name of two famous scientists who revealed much knowledge of blood circulatory system ?
Answer: 163
163-223Two important scientists who revealed much knowledge of blood circulatory systemwere.
- Ibn-e-Nafeesa
- William Harvey
Question: 164
Which factor are responsible for opening or closing of stomata ?
Answer: 164
164-223- Concentration of solutes in the gaurd cell responsible for the opening and closing of stomata.
- Recent research has revealed this process has light cause the potassium ions to the opening and closing of stomata.
Question: 165
Define blood/
Answer: 165
165-223Blood is a specializedbody fluid that is composed of a liquid called plasma and blood cells
Question: 166
Write the name of any two plasma proteins ?
Answer: 166
166-223- Albumins
- Fibrinogen
- Antibodies
Question: 167
What do you known about thrombus and Embulus ?
Answer: 167
167-223Thrombus: Accumulation of cholestrol is the prime contribution to atherosclerosis it result in the formation of multiple deposits called plaques with in arteries.
Embulus:If a thrombus dislodges and become free floating it is called an embolus.
Question: 168
Describe the function of stomata
Answer: 168
168-223Stomata are the microscopic pores in the epidermis of leaves They are used for the exchange of the gases and loss of water through transpiration
Question: 169
What is meant by blood plasma ?
Answer: 169
169-223Plasma is primarily water in which proteins salts metabolites and wastes are dissolved. water constitutes about 90-92% of plasma and 8-10% are dissolved substance. Salt make up 0.9% of plasma, by weight.
Question: 170
Write structure of red blood cells ?
Answer: 170
170-223- RBC's are biconcave and have an elastic cell membrane.
- They do not have nucleus to make room for more oxygen.
- They contain haemoglobine.
Question: 171
Write the name of two transport systems in human being
Answer: 171
171-223Human transport system consists of wo complex systems Blood circulatory system
Lymphatic system The two systems are well coordinated and associated with each other
Question: 172
What are red bloods cells ?
Answer: 172
172-223These are the most numerous of blood cells. A cubic millimeter of blood contain 5 to 5.5 million of RBCs in males and 4 to 4.5 million in females .
Question: 173
Write are two major types of white blood cells ?
Answer: 173
173-223- Granulocytes
- Agranulocytes
Question: 174
Write the name of two transport systems in human beings?
Answer: 174
174-223- Blood circulated system.
- Lymphatic system.
Question: 175
Describe function of leukocytes.
Answer: 175
175-223White blood cells , also called leukocytes, are the cells of the immune system that are involved in protecting the body against both infectious disease and foreign invaders
Question: 176
What is the function of platelets ?
Answer: 176
176-223Platelets help in blood cloting and to prevent the loss of blood.
Question: 177
Which person are universal Donors and Universal Recipients?
Answer: 177
177-223It transfusions of packed red blood cells individial with type o Rh D -ve blood are called universal donors . those with type AB Rh O +ve blood are called Universal recipients
Question: 178
What do you mean by Pus ?
Answer: 178
178-223During killing germs nacrophages and nitrophills also die. These dead cells accunulatc and make the white substance called pus
Question: 179
Write down the physical appearance or characteristics of Dengue fevers mosquito ?
Answer: 179
179-223- Aedes aegypti is medium size black colored mosquito.
- It have white stripes on its legs
Question: 180
Write preventive measures for dengue fever ?
Answer: 180
180-223- Water storing wares
- Waste plastic wares
- Used tyres
- Other thing in which rain water can be store
Question: 181
Describe role of fibrinogen and Albumin in blood ?
Answer: 181
181-223Fibrinogen is blood clotting protein and albumin helps in maintaining water balance in blood.
Question: 182
What is meant by blood group system ?
Answer: 182
182-223Blood group system is a classification of blood based on the presence or absence of antigens on the surface of red blood cells
Question: 183
Why blood group "O" is called universal donors ?
Answer: 183
183-223blood group "O" is called universal donor as it does not contain any antigen it can be given to A B , AB and O as well.
Question: 184
Define universal donors ?
Answer: 184
184-223O blood group individuals are called universal donors because they can donate blood to the recipients of any other blood group .
Question: 185
Write the name of chambers ?
Answer: 185
185-223- Right atrium
- Left atrium
- Right ventricle
- Left ventricle
Question: 186
What is the mass and size of heart in normal adults ?
Answer: 186
186-223In normal adults the mass of heart is 250-350 g and the size is equal to a clenched fist .
Question: 187
What is leukemia ?
Answer: 187
187-223Leukemia is the production of great number of immature and abnormal white blood cells this is caused by a cancerous mutation change in gene in bone marrow or lymph tissue cells.
Question: 188
Why human heart is called double pumps ?
Answer: 188
188-223Human heart works as double pumps. it receives deoxygenated blood from body and pumps it to lungs at the same time it receives oxygenated blood from lungs and pumps it to all body.
Question: 189
What is relation between Heart beat and pulse rats ?
Answer: 189
189-223- Heart beat rate can be measured in times of feeling of puls heart beat rates and puls rate in a healthy person is 70 per min in in case of rest and routine activities
- Heart beat rate and pulse rate is variable with body activities and stress condition
Question: 190
Define heart beat ?
Answer: 190
190-223The relaxation of heart chambers fills them with blood and contraction of chambers fills them with blood and concentration of chambers propels blood out of them the alternation relaxations and contractions make up the cardiac cycle and one complete cardiac makes one heartbeat.
Question: 191
Define Capillaries ?
Answer: 191
191-223Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels present in the tissues.these are formed by the division of arterioles the exchange of material between blood tissues fluid is carried out through capillanies
Question: 192
Write the function of root in plant
Answer: 192
192-223- Roots absorb water and salts from the soil
- They provide conducting tissues for distributing Salts and water to the tissues of the stem
Question: 193
Define Systemic circulation ?
Answer: 193
193-223The path away on oxygenated blood is carried from heart to the body tissues and in return deoxygenated blood is carried from the body tissues to the heart is called systemic circulation .
Question: 194
Heart usually felt to be on left side.Why ?
Answer: 194
194-223The heart is usually felt to be on the left side because the left chamber of the heart is stronger
Question: 195
Write down the four factors affecting the rate of transpiration
Answer: 195
195-223- Temperature
- Air humidity
- Air movement
- leaf surface area
Question: 196
Write down name of vessels found in vascular system
Answer: 196
196-223The names of vessels found in vascular system are given below
- Xylem vessels
- Phloem vessels
Question: 197
What do you mean by blood
Answer: 197
197-223Bloods a specialized body fluid considered a specialized form of connective tissue Blood is composed of a liquid called blood plasma and blood cells The weight of Blood in our body is about 1/12 of our body The average adult in our body The average adult has about liters of blood in a healthy person plasma constitutes about by volume of blood and cells or cel-like bodies are about by volume of the blood
Question: 198
Write down two main reason of cardio vascular diseases ?
Answer: 198
198-223The risk factors that lead to cardiovascular disorder include advance age diabetes high blood of low density lipids and triglycerides tobacco smoking high blood pressure obesity and sedentary life style.
Question: 199
What is Angina Pectoris
Answer: 199
199-223It means "chest pain" Its is not as serve as heart attack. The pain may occur in heart and often in left arm and shoulder.
Question: 200
How guard cells controlled the opening and closing of stomata
Answer: 200
200-223Soule concertation in guard cells is responsible for opening and closing of stomata recent research has revealed this process as light cause the movement of potassium ions from epidermal cells into guard cells Water follows these ions and enters guard cells Thus their turgidity increase and stoma opens At the end of the day potassium ions flow back from guar cells to epidermal cells and the concentration of glucose also falls Due to it water moves to epidermal cells and guard cells loose turgor It causes the closure of stomata
Question: 201
What is meant by Arteriosclerosis ?
Answer: 201
201-223Arteriosclerosis is a general term describing any hardening of arteries It occur when calcium is deposited in the wall of arteries it can help when arteriosclerosis is severe.
Question: 202
What do you mean by stomatal transpiration
Answer: 202
202-223Most of the transpiration takes place through stomata and it is called stomatal transpiration
Question: 203
What is Angioplasty
Answer: 203
203-223The mechanical widening of a narrowed or totally obstructed blood resells.
Question: 204
Write two achevements of "William Harvey" ?
Answer: 204
204-223Many scientists worked for discovering the facts about the circulation of blood in human body. two important scientists who revealed much knowledge of blood circulatory system were "Ibn-e-Nafees" and "William" Harvey" the two achievements of William Harvey are given below :
- He discovered pumping action of heart.
- He also discoverd the pathway of blood in major arteries and veins
Question: 205
What are the main components of human blood circulatory system
Answer: 205
205-223- Blood
- Heart
- Blood vessels
Question: 206
Define fibrinoge ? Write down its function
Answer: 206
206-223A soluble protein present in blood plasma from which fibrin is produced by the action of the enzyme thrombin
Question: 207
Where Lenticels are found and what is their function
Answer: 207
207-223Lenticels: Lenticels are pores present in stem of some plants
Question: 208
What is meant by pulmonary circulation ?
Answer: 208
208-223The pathway on which deoxygenated blood is carried from lungs to heart is called pulmonary.
Question: 209
What is meant by Arteriosclerosis?
Answer: 209
209-223It is commonlyreferred to as anarrowing of arteries
It is chronic diseasein which there is accumulation of fatty materials . cholesterol or fiber in arterial
Question: 210
Define pressure flow Mechanism
Answer: 210
210-223According to pressure flow mechanism the food is moved from source to sink due to low pressure at the walls of sink
Question: 211
Explain transport of food in Human beings
Answer: 211
211-223The task of transport of different materials in human body is performed by two completesystem i.e the blood circulatory system lymphatic system
Question: 212
Why Transpiration is harmful process for plants
Answer: 212
212-223Transpiration is called a necessary evil It means that transpiration is a potentially harmful process but is unavoidable too Transpiration may be a harmful process in the sense that during the conditions drought loss of water from plant results in serious desiccation wilting and often death
Question: 213
Definition of systole and diastole.
Answer: 213
213-223Diastole and systole are two phases of the cardiac cycle. They occur as the heart beats pumping blood througha system of blood vessels that carry blood to everypart of the body
Question: 214
Define cohesion
Answer: 214
214-223According to cohesion-tension theory the force which carries water upward through the xylem is transpiration pull Transpiration creates a pressure difference that pulls water and Salt up from roots
Question: 215
Explain two factors which can cause transpiration pull.
Answer: 215
215-223Water is held in a tube (xylem) that has smaller diameter .
Water molecules cohere to each other
Question: 216
Write function of roots hairs in the roots of plants
Answer: 216
216-223Root hairs are actually the extensions of epidermal cells Root hairs provide large surface area for absorption They grow out into the spaces between soil particles where they are in direct contract with water
Question: 217
Arteries and Veins
Answer: 217
217-223A vein is a blood vessel that carries blood toward the heart
Question: 218
How transpiration rate affect when air movement changes
Answer: 218
218-223Air in motion is known as wind Wind carries away the evaporated water from leaves and it causes an increase in the rate of evaporation from the surfaces of mesophilic When air is still the rate of transpiration is reduced
Question: 219
Describe function of xylem and phloem.
Answer: 219
219-223Xylem tissue is responsible for the transport of water and dissolved substance from roots to aerial parts.
Question: 220
What the effect Air humidity on the rate of Transpiration
Answer: 220
220-223When air is dry water vapors diffuse more quickly from the surface of mesophilic cells into leaf air spaces and then from air spaces to outside This increases the rate of transpiration In humid air the rate of the diffusion of water vapors is reduced and the rate of transpiration
Question: 221
What is blood group system
Answer: 221
221-223Blood group systems are a classification of blood based on the presence or absence of antigens on the surface of red blood cells
Question: 222
What are guard cells?
Answer: 222
222-223Each of a pair of curred cells that surround a stoma , becoming larger or smaller according to the pressure with the cells
Question: 223
Define capillary . Give its functions