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Question: 1
Define nutrition.
Answer: 1
The process in which food is obtained or prepared, absorbed and converted into body substances for growth and energy is called nutrition.
Question: 2
What are heterotrophic organisms?
Answer: 2
The organisms, which obtain their food from other organisms and use it for growth and energy, are called heterotrophic organisms.
Question: 3
Define minerals.
Answer: 3
Minerals are inorganic elements that originate in the earth and cannot be made in body.
Question: 4
Why do plants requre mineral clements.
Answer: 4
Plants requre minerals for various activities and structures.
Question: 5
Define ingestion.
Answer: 5
The process of taking in food is called ingestion.
Question: 6
What are harmful effects due to execessive nitrogen.
Answer: 6
Too much nitrogen can reduce yields, cause yellowing of the leaves and stunt growth.
Question: 7
What are the sources of elements to plants?
Answer: 7
Plants absorb carbon and oxygen from air, while other elements are abosrbed from soil
Question: 8
What are nutrients?
Answer: 8
The elements and compounds that an organism obtains and uses as energy source or for the synthesis of new materials are called nutrients.
Question: 9
Define digestion.
Answer: 9
Teh process of breaking up complex substances into simple substances is called digestion.
Question: 10
What is teh role of boron in plants' growth.
Answer: 10
Boron is important in sugar transport, cell division and synthesizing certain enzymes.
Question: 11
What is the role of iron in plant life?
Answer: 11
Iron is necessary for photosynthesis and activates many enzymes.
Question: 12
What are the effects of magnesium deficiency in plants?
Answer: 12
Deficiency of magnesium causes yellowing and wilting of leaves.
Question: 13
Define absorption.
Answer: 13
The process of diffusion of digested food into blood and lymph is called absorption.
Question: 14
What are uses of lipids?
Answer: 14
Lipids are used to form membranes,the sheaths surrounding neurons and certain hormones. Lipids are also extremely useful sources of energy
Question: 15

Write the name of its two kinds of fertilizers ?
Answer: 15
  1. Organic Fertilizer
  2. Inorganic Fertilizer
Question: 16
List the name of Trace minerals.
Answer: 16
Iron, Zinc,Copper,Chromium, Fluoride and iodine are face minerals.
Question: 17
How much energy is obtained per gram of lipids?
Answer: 17
One gram of lipid contains 09 kilocalories of energy.
Question: 18
Define saturated fatty acid ?
Answer: 18
  1. Saturated fatty acid have all of their carbon atoms bonded to hydrogen atoms.
  2. They are solid usually at room temperature.
Question: 19
Which foods are sources of calcium?
Answer: 19
Humans get calcium from milk, cheese, egg yolk, beans, nuts and cabbage etc.
Question: 20
Write the role of potassium in plant life?
Answer: 20
  1. In plant potassium regulates are the opening and closing of stoma.
  2. It reduce water loss from the leaves
Question: 21
What are proteins?
Answer: 21
Proteins are organic compounds composed of carbon,hydrogen,oxygen and nitrogen, Proteins are composed of amino acids. These amino acids are used to produce new body protein and to replace damaged proteins.
Question: 22
What are amino acids?
Answer: 22
Amino acids are building blocks of proteins. These are of 20 different types.
Question: 23
Define organic and inorganic fertilizers ?
Answer: 23
Organic fertilizers:The fertilizers which are composed on organic compounds and obtain from plants and animals are called organic fertilizers.
Inorganic fertilizers:The fertilizers which are composed on inorganic elements are called inorganic fertilizers.

Question: 24
What is lipids?
Answer: 24
The lipids present in food are are composed of fatty acids bonded to glycerol. The Fatty acids may be saturated or unsaturated.
Question: 25
Write down the diseases caused by the deficiency of vitamin A?
Answer: 25
  1. Night blindness
  2. Dry Skin
  3. Retard Growth
Question: 26
What are vitamins/
Answer: 26
Vitamins are chemical compounds that are required in low amounts but are essential normal growth and metabolism.
Question: 27
What are teh different categories of minerals?
Answer: 27
Minerals are divided into two categories. i. Major minerals ii. Trace minerals
Question: 28
List the name of major minerals.
Answer: 28
Sodium,potassium, chloride, calcium,Fluoride and iodine are major minerals.
Question: 29
Difference between Autotrophs and Hetetrops ?
Answer: 29
Autotrophs:The organisms which can prepare their food are called autotrops like plants.
Hetetrops:The organisms which cannot prepare their food are called hetetrops like animals.

Question: 30
What are sources of minerals?
Answer: 30
Most of the minerals in humans diet come directly from plant and water, or indirectly from animal foods.
Question: 31
What are the source of vitamin C ?
Answer: 31
We get vitamin C from citrus fruits leafy green vegetables, beef liver etc.
Question: 32
Which foods are sources of iron.
Answer: 32
Human get iron from red meat, egg yolk, whole, wheat fist, spinach and mustard etc.
Question: 33
Name two natural inorganic fertilizers ?
Answer: 33
  1. Rock phosphate
  2. Elements sulphur
  3. Gypsum
Question: 34
What is important of fertilizers in Agriculture ?
Answer: 34
Fertilizers increase the yield of crop, fertilizers increases the capacity of water drainage, Aeration & nutrient holding capacity of the soil .
Question: 35
What are the health risks if we take more saturated fatty acids in our diet ?
Answer: 35
Saturated fatty acids can increase a person's cholesterol level. an increased cholesterol level may eventually result in the clogging of arteries and ultimately heat disease.
Question: 36
Define Major minerals ?
Answer: 36
Daily requirements of major minerals is about 100 mg or more. Sodium, potassium, chloride, Calcium, Magnesium & phosphorus are its example.
Question: 37
Write the source of the soluble dietary fibers?
Answer: 37
  1. Oat Grains
  2. Legumes
  3. Barley
  4. Many fruits & Vegetables
Question: 38
What is the role of Nitrogen?
Answer: 38
  1. Nitrogen is the major component of protein, homones chlorophyll, vitamins and enzymes are essential for plant life.
  2. Deficiency of nitrogen can reduce yields.
Question: 39
Define Eutrophication ?
Answer: 39
Eutrophication is increases in chemical nutrients in an ecosystem
Question: 40
Describe the role of iron in plant life ?
Answer: 40
  1. Iron is necessory nutrient for photosynthesis.
  2. Iron activate many enzyme in plant body.
Question: 41
Describe the role of chlorine and nickle in plants ?
Answer: 41
Chlorine:Involved in osmosis of water.
Nickle:Required in a nitrogen metabolism.
Question: 42
What is the role of magnesium in plant ?
Answer: 42
  1. Magnesium is an essential component of chlorophyll molecules.
  2. Deficiency of Magnesium cause yellowing of leaves and its wiling.
  3. Magnesium is used in the formation of furits and Nuts. It is also essential for seed germination.
Question: 43
How does iodine function in our body?
Answer: 43
Iodine is a mineral found in some foods. Iodine is compulsory for normal functioning of thyroid glands in our body.
Question: 44
Difference between Micronutrients and macronutrients ?
Answer: 44
Micronutrients:The nutrient which are required by plants in less quantity are known as Micronutrients
Macronutrients:The nutrient which are required by animals in greater quantity are known as Macronutrients
Question: 45
Define protein ?
Answer: 45
They are composed of amino acids. Many protein also acts as enzymes and use for getting energy. 1 gram of proteins gives 04 kilo calories.
Question: 46
What do you mean by vitamin?
Answer: 46
Vitamin are chemical compounds that are required in low amounts but are essential for normal growth and metabolism.
Question: 47
What is night blindness?
Answer: 47
Deficiency of vitamin A is the leading cause of blindness in children world wide. one of the symptoms of vitamin A deficiency is night blindness.
Question: 48
What are the Lipids?
Answer: 48
They are important food nutrients and are composed of fatty acids bonded to glycerol.
Question: 49
What is obesity ?
Answer: 49
Obesity means becoming over weight and it may also be due to malnutrition. people who take food that contains energy more than their requirement and do malnutrition. people who take food that contains energy more than their requirements and do very little physical work can become obese
Question: 50
What is Absorption ?
Answer: 50
A phase of digestion in which diffusion of digested food in to blood and lymph is carried out is called Absorption
Question: 51
Write components of human food ?
Answer: 51
  1. Carbohydrates
  2. Lipids
  3. Protein
  4. Mineral
  5. Vitamins
  6. Water
  7. Dietary Fibers
Question: 52
What are water soluble vitamins?
Answer: 52
The vitamins which are readily dissolved in water is called water soluble vitamins.
Question: 53
Write a short note on Gastric gland ?
Answer: 53
  1. Gastric gland are situated on inner most layer of stomach cavity and are composed of Epithelial tissues
  2. Gastric gland secrete Gastric gland secrete Gastric juice which contain water hydrochloric acid and a protein digesting inactive enzyme pepsinogen
Question: 54
What is the importance of Vitamin C ?
Answer: 54
Vitamin C participates in many reaction it is needed to from collagen that gives strength to connective tissues. Collagen is also needed for the healing of wounds.
Question: 55
Write the name of fat soluble vitamins ?
Answer: 55
Fat soluble Vitamin include A,D, E and K.
Question: 56
What do you know about Marasmus ?
Answer: 56
  1. The disease usually develops in infant between the age of 06 months to one years,
  2. the patient lose their all fat and the muscle strength and acquire a skinny skeletal appearance
  3. It is an example of protein energy malnutrition.
Question: 57
What is meant by Appendix ?
Answer: 57
From the blind end of caecum there arises a non-functional finger-like process called appendix.
Question: 58
Define water soluble ?
Answer: 58
Water soluble vitamins include vitamin B and C Water soluble vitamins eliminate from the body and do not store within the body.
Question: 59
What do you mean by carbohydrates ?
Answer: 59
Carbohydrates are the compound composed of carbon and hydrogen. they are basic source of energy. Simplest carbohydrates is glucose.
Question: 60
What is meant by preventive Measure ?
Answer: 60
We should abstain from spices acidic food and smoking to save us from Ulcer.
Question: 61
How vitamin A is responsible for night blindness ?
Answer: 61
Vitamin A was the first fat-soluble vitamin identified. it combine with a protein called opsin to form rhodopsin in rod cell of the retina of eye.
Question: 62
What is meant by dehydration ?
Answer: 62
The loss of excess of water is called dehydration.
Question: 63
Write down the four sources Vitamin A can obtained?
Answer: 63
Humans get vitamin A from leafy vegetables yellow/orange fruits liver, fish, egg, milk, butter, etc.
Question: 64
What is osteomalacia?
Answer: 64
Defficiency of vitamin D is the cause of osteomalacia, Bones become soft and increases risk of fractures in bones.
Question: 65
What are lipids also describe types of fatty acids?
Answer: 65
The lipids present in food are composed of fatty acids bonded to glycerol the fatty acids oflipids may be saturatedor unsaturated
Question: 66
Write role of iron in human body?
Answer: 66
Role of iron in human body:
  1. Iron plays a major role in oxygen transport and storage.
  2. Cellular energy product on also requires iron.
Question: 67
Write any four symptoms of deficiency of vitamin C ?
Answer: 67
  1. Pain in muscles and joints
  2. Swollen and bleeding gums
  3. Slow healing of wounds
  4. Dry Skin
Question: 68
What is meant by vitamins?
Answer: 68
Vitamins are chemical compound that are required in low amounts but are essential for normal growth an metabolism.
Question: 69
Define fat soluble vitamins?
Answer: 69
Fat soluble vitamins are much less excreted from the board as compared to water soluble vitamin
Question: 70
Write symptoms of goiter and aneamia ?
Answer: 70
Symptoms of goiter:Goiter is a condition which is caused by an insuffient amount of iodine in the diet. If sufficient iodine is not available in a person diet the thyroid gland becomes enlarged and it results in swelling in the neck and the condition is known as goiter.
Question: 71
What is the role of phosphorus in living organisms?
Answer: 71
Phosphorus is responsible for development and maintenance of bones and teeth, blood clothing.
Question: 72
What is the importance of fertilizers in Agriculture
Answer: 72
Fertilizers increase the yield of crops Fertilizers increase the capacity of water drainage Aeration nutrient holding capacity of the soil
Question: 73
Define Mastication?
Answer: 73
Mechanical digestion of food is called mastication. It is include grinding and chewing the food by teeth also called mastication
Question: 74
Define balance Diet.
Answer: 74
A balanced diet may be defined as the one which contains all the essential nutrients in correct proportion for the normal growth and development of the body.
Question: 75
Which diseases are caused due to the deficiency of calcium in human beings?
Answer: 75
  1. Spontaneous discharge of never impulses which may result in tetany.
  2. bones become soft.
  3. Blood clot slowly
  4. Wounds heal slowly.
Question: 76
Name two disease cause by the deficiency of vitamin D. ?
Answer: 76
  1. In children, Vitamin-D deficiency leads to rickets.
  2. In adults, Vitamin-D deficieny cause osteomalacia, or "Softening" bones incresing the risk for fractures in bones.
Question: 77
Define churning ?
Answer: 77
Food is further broken down in stomach through churning stomach wall muscles contract and relax. these muscular movement help in release of gastric juice and mixing of food.
Question: 78
What is famine ?
Answer: 78
Lack of enough food to feed all people living in an area is known as famine
Question: 79
Write down any two Advantages of fibrous food?
Answer: 79
  1. Soluble fibers helps in lowering blood cholesterol.
  2. Insoluble fibers speeds up the movements of carcinogens from intestine
Question: 80
Write name of two diseases due to protein energy malnutrition?
Answer: 80
  1. Kwashiokor
  2. Marasmus
Question: 81
What is world food program?
Answer: 81
World food Program:The world food program is the food aid branch of the united nations.
Question: 82
Write name of Fat Soluble vitamins
Answer: 82
Fat soluble vitamin include A,D,E AND K
Question: 83
Name the common forms of malnutrition?
Answer: 83
  1. Protein-energy malnutrition
  2. Mineral deficiency diseases
  3. Over-intake of nutrient
Question: 84
Define Minerals ?
Answer: 84
Minerals are inorganic elements that originate in the earth and cannot be made in the body. They play important role in various body function and are necessary to maintain health.
Question: 85
What is bile juice and what is its function ?
Answer: 85
Bile juice is secretion of liver and helps in digestion of lipids through emulsification.
Question: 86
What is protein energy malnutrition?
Answer: 86
  1. Protein energy malnutrition means insuffient available or absorption of protein and energy in the body.
  2. PM is the major cause of death of infants in developing countries.
  3. PEM may be the cause of :
a) Kwashior b) Marasmus
Question: 87
What are causes of diarrhoea?
Answer: 87
Diarrhoea is a condition in which the sufferer has frequent watery, loose bowel movements which are accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting it occurs when required water is not absorbed in blood from colon.
Question: 88
What is Dietary Fiber?
Answer: 88
Dietary Fiber also known as "roughage" Which is the part of human food that is undigestable. It found only in plant foods and it moves undigestable. it is found only in plant foods and it moves undigested through stomach and small intestine and into colon.
Question: 89
Why is digestion neccessory for human cells ?
Answer: 89
Cells of human body require oxygen, water, salts amino acid, simple sugar, fatty acid and vitamin etc. these can cross cell membrane to entre cells.
Question: 90
Name two diseases cause by the deficiency of minerals ?
Answer: 90
  1. Anaemia
  2. Goiter
Question: 91
Write Major cause of Famine ?
Answer: 91
  1. Unequal distribution of food
  2. Drought
  3. Flooding
Question: 92
What is Kwashioikor?
Answer: 92
Kwashioikor is due to protein deficiency at the age of about 12 month when breast feeding is can also develop at any time during a child growing years.
Question: 93
Define epiglottis and Glottties?
Answer: 93
Small flap at the back of the tongue; it closes the greatest when we swallow to that food does not go sown into tracher
Question: 94
What is Anaemia ?
Answer: 94
literal meaning of the term Anaemia is deficiency of blood" An anaemia patient is weak and its cell face less supply of oxygen.
Question: 95
From where Vitamin A and Vitamin D are obtained
Answer: 95
Vitamins: Vitamin A
  1. Green leaved vegetables Spinach Carrot
  2. Yellow fruit
  3. Fish
  4. Liver
  5. Eggs
  6. Milk
  7. Butter
Question: 96
What is Drought ?
Answer: 96
A drought is a period of time when there is not enough water to support agriculture and humans needs. Drought is usually due to long period of below-normal rainfull.
Question: 97
What is difference between pesin and pepsinogen ?
Answer: 97
pepsinogen is inactive from of pepsin enzyme and it is converted to pepsin in the presence of HCL in the gastric juice. pepsin helps in hydrolyses of protein in digestion process.
Question: 98
What is meant by Starvation ?
Answer: 98
Starvation means the severe deficiency of in take nutrients and energy. It is the disastrous results of malnutrition. Prolonged starvation in human may damage organs permanently and ultimate
Question: 99
What is meant by digestion ?
Answer: 99
Process in which large and non-diffusible molecules are converted in to smaller and diffusible molecules is called digestion
Question: 100
What is Assimilation ?
Answer: 100
A phase of digestion which involed in the conversion or incorporation of absorbed simple food into the complex substance constituting the body is called assimilation
Question: 101
Write two effects of increase population ?
Answer: 101
In spite of the global increases in food production, million of human beings are undernourished in the over populated regions of world, large populations over use natural resources to grow maximum food in order to meet the problems of food shortage.
Question: 102
What is Gastric juice ?
Answer: 102
Gastric gland of stomach secrete gastric juice the enzymes pepsinogen is present in it.
Question: 103
Define Alimentary canal ?
Answer: 103
The digestive system of human consists of a long tube that extends from mouth to anus.this tube is called alimentary canal or gut.
Question: 104
What is meant by Ingestion ?
Answer: 104
The process of taking in food.
Question: 105
What is Goiter ?
Answer: 105
Goiter is a condition which is caused by an insufficient amount of iodne in the diet.
Question: 106
Write the composition of Gastric juice?
Answer: 106
Gastric juice is secreted from Gastric gland its main function is to digest protein in the stomach. Composition of Gastric juice. 1) Water 2) Mucous 3) Hydrochloric acid 4) Pepsinogen
Question: 107
What is meant by Bolus ?
Answer: 107
Partially digested food rolled up by the tongue in to small slippery, spherical mass called bolus.
Question: 108
Write three part of large intestine
Answer: 108
It has three parts; Caecum (or Punch that form the T.junction with small intestine) Calon and rectum from colon water is absorbe into blood
Question: 109
What is meant by WFP?
Answer: 109
WFP stand for world food program it is the food aid branch of the united nations. It is the world's largest agency providing food to more than 90 million people in 80 countries.
Question: 110
What is meant by Malnutrition
Answer: 110
Problems related to nutrition are grouped as malnutrition It often refers to under nutrition resulting from inadequate consumption, poor absorption or excessive loss of nutrients Malnutrition also includes over nutrition resulting fro mover eating or excessive intake of specific nutrients
Question: 111
What is meant by Peristalsis ?
Answer: 111
Peristalsis is the movement of food from oral cavity towards rectum. in other words it is define as Peristalsis means wave motion of contraction and relaxation of smooth muscles in the wall of alimentray canal
Question: 112
Which is the parts are there in human alimentary canal?
Answer: 112
  1. Oral cavity
  2. Pharynx
  3. Oesophagus
  4. Stomach
  5. Small intestines
  6. Large intestine
Question: 113
Write the difference between assimilation and defection?
Answer: 113
Assimilation:A phase of digestion which is involed in the conversion or incorportion of absorbed simple food into the complex substance constituting the body is called assinilation.
Defection:Elimination of undigested food from the body is called defection.
Question: 114
Bolus is a place of food .how?
Answer: 114
During the process of chewing, lubrication and semidigestion the pieces of food are rolled up by the tongue into small,slippery spherical mass called bolus.
Question: 115
Define villi?
Answer: 115
There are circular folds in the inner wall of ileum these folds have numerious finger-like projection called villi
Question: 116
What is meant by Defecation ?
Answer: 116
Elimination of undigested food from the body
Question: 117
What is meant by Starvation
Answer: 117
Starvation means the severe deficiency of intake nutrients and energy It is the disastrous result of malnutrition prolonged Starvation in Human may damage organs permanently and ultimately death occurs
Question: 118
Write the name of two juices secreted in small intestine of man?
Answer: 118
  1. Pancreatic Juice
  2. Intestine Juice
Question: 119
What are macronutrients
Answer: 119
Micronutrients: The nuterients which ar required by plants in less quantitiy are known as Micronuttients
Question: 120
Why pepsin does not digest stomach wall ?
Answer: 120
Pepsin is secreted as inactive pepsinogen, which requires HCL for activation.The mucous of gastric juice form a thick coating over the inner walls of stomach and neutralizes the HCL there. it make pepsinogen difficult to be activated and do digest stomach wall.
Question: 121
Describe two function of oral cavity ?
Answer: 121
  1. Food selection is one function of oral cavity.
  2. the second function of oral cavity is grinding of food by teeth
Question: 122
Write three parts of large intestine ?
Answer: 122
  1. Caecum
  2. Colon
  3. Rectum
Question: 123
Write name of two diseases of gut ?
Answer: 123
Diseases:Following are some gut diseases that affect a number of people in pakistan
  1. Constipation
  2. Ulcer
  3. Diarrhoea
Question: 124
Write the role of duodenum in small intestine.
Answer: 124
Duodenum:It comprises of first 10 inch 25(cm) of small intestine and it is the part of aliminetary canal where most of the digestive progress occurs.
Question: 125
Define coefficient of linear thermal expansion and water is it's Si unit?
Answer: 125
If a rod for one meter length is heated through a temperature difference of 1k then the change in the length of rod is called linear. Thermal expansion which has unit k-1
Question: 126
What is meant by Sphincter ?
Answer: 126
Opening which are guarded by muscles are called sphincter.
Question: 127
What do you known about liver ?
Answer: 127
  1. Liver is the largest gland of the human body.
  2. It is situated beneath the diaphragm on the right side of abdomen.
  3. Lobes are its raised parts and its apparent colour is dark red
Question: 128
What is stomoch ?
Answer: 128
Stomach is a dilated part of alimentary canal. its shape is like English alphabets "J" It is situated beneath the diaphragm on the left side of the body with in abdomen
Question: 129
What are Lipids
Answer: 129
Lipids: They are important food nutrients and are composed of fatty acids bonded to glycerol

Question: 130
Write two function of HCL?
Answer: 130
Function of HCL:
  1. HCL converts the inactive enzyme pepsinogen in to its active form pepsin.
  2. HCL also kills microorganisms present in food.
Question: 131
What is gall bladder?
Answer: 131
A pear shaped greenish yellow sac i.e "gall bladders " lies along the right lobe of liver on ventral side.
Question: 132
Which parts are there in human alimentary canal
Answer: 132
Human gut or alimentary canal is consist of following parts
Question: 133
What is the major causes of ulcer in stomach ?
Answer: 133
Stomach ulcer is known as gastric ulcer the causes of ulcer include excess acid infection long term use of anti-inflammatory medicines smoking, drinking, coffee, colas and eating spicy foods.
Question: 134
What are water soluble Vitamins? Give two examples
Answer: 134
A vitamin is an organic molecule that is an essential micronutrient that an organism needs in small quantitiesfor the proper functioning of its metabolism (vitamin B1) (vitamin B2) are examples
Question: 135
How ulcer is treated ?
Answer: 135
ulcer is treated with medicines which neutralize the acidic affect of gastric juice spicy Acidic food and smoking should be avoided as preventive measures.
Question: 136
Write down the symptoms of diarrhoea ?
Answer: 136
  1. Abdominal pain
  2. Nausea
  3. Vomiting
Question: 137
What is difference between Organic and inorganic fertilization?
Answer: 137
The distinction between the organic and inorganic fertilized fertilizers is not always clear cut urea, for example, is an organic compound, but chemically synthesized urea is generally grouped with inorganic fertilizers
Question: 138
What is meant by Cardiac sphinctes ?
Answer: 138
Cardiac sphinctes is between is between stomach and oesophagus.
Question: 139
Write any two function of large intestine ?
Answer: 139
  1. From colon water is absorbed into blood as water is absorbed the solid remain of food are called faces
  2. Faces are temporarily stored in rectum, which opens out through anus. under normal condition when the rectum is filled up the faces it gives rise to a reflex and anus is called opened for defection
Question: 140
What cause of osteomalacia
Answer: 140
Deficiency of vitamin D is the cause of osteomalacia Bones become soft and increases risk of fractures in bones
Question: 141
What is difference between Autotrophs and Heterotophs
Answer: 141
Autotrophic organisms obtain water, Carbon dioxide and minerals from their environment and prepare their food which is then used for growth and energy
Question: 142
What is marasmus?
Answer: 142
Usually develops between the ages of six months and one year patients lose all their body fat and musclestrength, and acquire a skeletal appearance
Question: 143
What is saliva?
Answer: 143
The juice which is released by salivary glands during chewing process is called saliva.
Question: 144
What is function of calcium and iron in human body.
Answer: 144
Calcium is essential for the development and maintenance of bones and teeth. It is also needed for maintaining cell membranes and connective tissues and for the activation ofseveral enzymes .
Calcium also aids in blood clotting. Iron plays a major role in oxygen transport aid storage. Iron also supports immune function.
Question: 145
Define nutrition
Answer: 145
The process in which food is obtained or preparedabsorbed and converted into bodysubstance for growth and energy is called nutrition.
Question: 146
What is protein energy malnutrirition?
Answer: 146

protienenergy malnutrition mean inaduateavailability or absorption of enregyand proteins in the body, it is the leading cause of death in children in developing countries. It may lead to diseases Such as Kwashiorkes and marasom
Question: 147
Define vili
Answer: 147
There are circular folds in the inner wall of ileum These folds have numerous finger-like projections called villi singular Villi increase the surface area of the inner walls and it helps a lot in the absorption of digested food
Question: 148
Write two diseases cause by the defficiencyof minerals
Answer: 148
An in reduced need for the mineral lack of the mineral in the diet, or difficulty absorbing the mineral from food are some of the more commonreasons mineral deficienciescan lead to a health problem weak bones , Fatique
Question: 149
What is difference between nutritionsand nutrition?
Answer: 149
The process in which food is obtained or prepared, absorbed and converted into body substance, for growth and energy is called nutrition.
Question: 150
What is meant by digestion?
Answer: 150
The process of breaking up complex substance into simples substances.
Question: 151
What is meant by Diary Fiber
Answer: 151
Dietary fiber also known as roughage which is the part of human food that is indigestible It is found only in plant foods and it moves undigested through stomach small intestine and into colon
Question: 152
Which is largest gland of human body. and where it located ?
Answer: 152
Liver is the largest gland of body. it is multi-lobed and dark reddish in lies beneath the diaphragm on the right side of abdomen.
Question: 153
What is diarrhea? What are its causes?
Answer: 153
Diarrhea is a condition in which the sufferershas frequent water , loose bowl movements, This condition may be accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting it occurs when required water is not absorbed in blood from colon. The main cause of diarrhea includes lack of adequatesafe water viral or bacterial infections oflarge intestine,
Question: 154
What three part of large intestine?
Answer: 154
The large intestine consists of the cecum and colon and also rectum
Question: 155
Write down two function of oral cavity ?
Answer: 155
  1. Food selection is first function of Ora cavity.
  2. The second function or oral cavity is the grinding of food by teeth.
Question: 156
Name the two natural inorganic fertilizers
Answer: 156
  1. Rock phosphate
  2. Elemental Sulphur
  3. Gypsum
Question: 157
What is ulcer ?
Answer: 157
Ulcer is a sore in the inner wall of gut in ulcer the acidic gastric juice gradually breaks down the tissue of the inner wall
Question: 158
Write down two function of liver ?
Answer: 158
  1. It removes amino groups from amino acids i.e. de-lamination.
  2. Destroys the old red blood cells.
Question: 159
What do you know about liver
Answer: 159
  1. Liver is the largest gland of the human body
  2. It is situated beneath the diaphragm on right side of abdomen
  3. Lobes are its raised parts and its apparent color is dark Red
Question: 160
What is role of Nitrogen and Magnesium in Plants life
Answer: 160
Role of Nitrogen: Nitrogen is a major component of proteins hormones chlorophyIIB vitamins and enzymes are essential for plant life
Deficiencies of nitrogen can reduce yields
Question: 161
Why meat is not a good source of vitamin C?
Answer: 161

Minute quantitiesof vitamin c are present in muscles. Since meat,consists of muscles so it is not a good source of vitamin c
Question: 162
What Goiter
Answer: 162
Goiter is a condition which is caused by an insufficient amount of iodine oin the diet If sufficient iodine is not available in a person diet the thyroid gland becomes enlarged and it results in swelling in the neck and the condition is known as goiter
Question: 163
What do you mean by vitamin
Answer: 163
Vitamin: Vitamins are chemical compounds that are required in low amounts but are essential for normal growth and metabolism
Question: 164
What are dietary fibers?
Answer: 164
Dietary fibre(also known as (roughage") is the part of human food that is indigestible it is found only in plant foods and it moves undigested through stomach and small intestine and into calon
Question: 165
What is difference between nutrition and nutrients
Answer: 165
Nutrition: The process in which food is obtained prepared or absorbed and converted into body substance for growth and energy is called nutrition
Question: 166
Write any three functions of liver.
Answer: 166
i. Destroys old red blood cells. ii. Coverts ammonia to less toxic form i.e. urea. iii. Manufacture blood clotting proteins called fibrinogen.
Question: 167
Describe the role of chlorine and nickel in plants
Answer: 167
Chlorine: Involved in osmosis of water
Nickel: Required in a nitrogen metabolism
Question: 168
What aremicronutrients? Give Example.
Answer: 168
The nutrients which are required in large are called .
Question: 169
What are fertilizers
Answer: 169
Fertilizers: Materials which are added to soil resulted in plants with desirable characteristics more fruit faster growth more attractive are called fertilizers
Question: 170
Differentiate between Major Minerals and Trace Minerals
Answer: 170
Major Minerals: Daily requirement of major minerals is about 100 mg or more Sodium Potassium Chloride, Calcium, Magnesium phosphorus are its examples
Question: 171
What are Vitamins?
Answer: 171
Vitamins are the chemical compoundsthat are required in low amounts but are essential for normal growth and metabolism.
Question: 172
What is difference between assimilation and absorption
Answer: 172
The difference between assimilation and absorption is given below
Question: 173
Write any two function of large intestine
Answer: 173
When the digested food inters into the large intestine, the water is absorbed from it and enters into the blood
Faces is stored in the rectum , a part of large intestine.
Question: 174
What are major causes of Constipation
Answer: 174
Constipation is a condition where a person experiences hard faces that are difficult to eliminate absorption of water through colon insufficient intake of dietary fiber dehydration use of medicines e.g those containing iron calcium and aluminum and tumors in rectum or anus
Question: 175
Differentiate between Fat Soluble and Water Soluble Vitamins
Answer: 175
Fat Soluble Vitamins include vitamins A,D,E AND K fat Soluble vitamins do not eliminates from the body That's why its deficiency normally do not occur Fat Soluble vitamins hence store inside the body
Question: 176
What are water soluble vitamins
Answer: 176
Water soluble vitamins: The vitamins which are readily dissolved in water are called water soluble vitamins
Question: 177
What is ulcer treated?
Answer: 177
Ulcer is treated with medicines which neutralize the acidic affects of gastric juice.
Question: 178
From which sources Vitamin A can obtained
Answer: 178
Humans get vitamin A from leafy vegetables spinach carrots yellow orange fruits mango liver fish egg milk butter etc
Question: 179
Write any for symptoms or deficiency of vitamin c
Answer: 179
Symptoms of scurvy include muscle and joint pain, swollen and bleeding gums, slow wounds heaving, and dry skin.
Question: 180
What is ulcer?
Answer: 180
Ulcer is a sore in the inner wall of gut in ulcer, the acidic gastric juice gradually breaks down the tissue of the inner wall.
Question: 181
Write the role of potassium in plant life
Answer: 181
Role iron in plants life
Iron is necessary nutrient for photosynthesis
Iron activates many enzymes in plants body
Question: 182
Write disadvantages of saturated fatty acids
Answer: 182
Saturated fatty acids can increase a person's cholesterol level may eventually result in the clogging of arteries and ultimately heart disease
Question: 183
Write a short note on gastric gland
Answer: 183
  1. Gastric Gland: Gastric glands are situated on inner most layer of stomach cavity and are composed of Epithelial tissues
  2. Gastric gland secrete Gastric juice which contains water Hydrochloric Acid and a protein digesting Inactive enzyme pepsinogen
Question: 184
What are meant by saturated and unsaturated fatty
Answer: 184
Lipids: Lipds are important nutrients and present in both plants and animals They are present in food and are composed of fatty acids bonded to glycerol The fatty acids of lipids may be saturated or unsaturated
Question: 185
Define Eutrophication
Answer: 185
Eutrophication is increase in chemical nutrients in an ecosystem
Question: 186
Write the role of potassium and calcium is human body
Answer: 186
Role of calcium in human body: Calcium is essential for the development and maintenance of bones and teeth
It is also needed for maintaining cell membrane and connective tissues and for the activation of several enzymes
Calcium also aids in blood clotting
Question: 187
Define Balance Diet
Answer: 187
A balanced diet may be defined as the one which contains all the essential nutrients carbohydrates proteins lipids minerals vitamins in correct proportion for the normal growth and development of the body It should include different types of nutrients and should be according to the energy requirements
Question: 188
What is difference between Organic and Inorganic fertilizer
Answer: 188
Organic Fertilizers: The fertilizers which are composed on organic compounds and obtained from plants and animals are called organic fertilizers
Question: 189
What is the role of Phosphorus in living organisms
Answer: 189
Phosphorus is responsible for development and maintenance of bones and teeth blood clotting
Question: 190
Wrote three parts of large intestine
Answer: 190
  1. Caecum
  2. Colon
  3. Rectum
Question: 191
What is night blindness
Answer: 191
Deficiency of vitamin A is the leading cause of blindness in children worldwide One of the symptoms of vitamin A deficiency is night blindness It is a temporary condition but if left treated It can cause permanent blindness
Question: 192
Write name of two diseases due to protein energy malnutrition
Answer: 192
Kwashiorkor , Marasmus
Question: 193
What is phyraynx?
Answer: 193
A part of alimentary canal through which food in the form of bolus goes and makes special adaptations to prevent the entry of bolus particles in trachea. No digestion takes place in pharynx.
Question: 194
What do you meant by carbohydrates
Answer: 194
Carbohydrates are the compounds composed of carbon and hydrogen They are basic source of energy Simplest carbohydrate is glucose
Question: 195
What is ballancediet?
Answer: 195
A ballancediet may be defined as the one which contains all the essential nutrients in correct proportion for normal growth and development of body
Question: 196
Major Causes of Famine
Answer: 196
Major Causes of Famine: Following are some major causes of famine
Unequal distribution of Food
Increasing Population
Question: 197
What do you mean by Nutrition
Answer: 197
Nutrition: The process in which food is obtained or prepared absorbed and converted into body substance for growth and energy is called nutrition

Question: 198
Write down symptoms of Diarrhoea
Answer: 198
  1. Abdominal pain
  2. Nausea
  3. Vomiting
Question: 199
What is Protein Energy Malutritioin
Answer: 199
Protein energy malnutrition means insuffient availability or absorption of protein and energy in the body
PM is the major cause of death of infants in developing countries
PEM may be the cause of
Kwashiorkor, Marasmus
Question: 200
Write two effects of increasing population
Answer: 200
In spit of the global increase in food production millions of human beings are undernourished In the over-populated regions of world, large populations over use natural resource to grow maximum food in order to meet the problems of food shortage It leads to dry and infertile lands and depletion of resources In such situations crops can no longer be grown and famines result
Question: 201
Write food sources of protein
Answer: 201
Proteins They are composed of amino acids Many proteins also acts as enzymes and use for getting energy 1gram of protein gives 4kilo calories
Question: 202
What is oesophagus?
Answer: 202
The tube, which connects pharynx to stomach, is called oesophagus. No Digestion takes place in esophagus. No Digestion takes place in oesophagus.No Digestion takes place in oesophagus. INadult human its length is 25 cm.
Question: 203
Write down the names of diseases caused by the deficiency of Vitamin A
Answer: 203
Following are some diseases caused by deficiency of
  1. Night Blindness
  2. Dry skin
  3. Retard Growth
Question: 204
Define Alimentary Canal
Answer: 204
The digestive system of human consists of a long tube that extends from mouth to anus This tube is called alimentary canal or gut
Question: 205
Name the two disease cause by deficiency of vitamin D
Answer: 205
In children vitamin D deficiency leads to rickets In adults vitamin D deficiency cause osteomalacia or softening bones increasing the risk for fractures in bones
Question: 206
Define Peristalsis.
Answer: 206
Peristalsis move food from oral cavity to rectum.Peristalsis is defined as the waves of contraction and relaxation in smooth muscle of alimentary canal.
Question: 207
What is function of Vitmain C in body
Answer: 207
Vitamin C participates in many reactions It is needed to form collagen that gives strength to connective tissues Collagen is also needed for the healing of wounds
Question: 208
What is goiter?
Answer: 208
Goiter is condition caused by an insufficient amount of iodine in diet.Iodine is used by throuid gland to produce hormones that control the body's normal functioning and growth. If sufficient iodine is not available in a person's diet, thyroid gland becomes enlarged and in results in swelling in necm. This condition is goiter.
Question: 209
How will you differentiate between bolus and chyme?
Answer: 209
During the processes of chewing, lubrication and semi-digestion, the pieces of food are rolled up by the tongue into small slippery , sphericalmass called bolus
Question: 210
Enlist four sources of Vitamin D.
Answer: 210
Fish liver oil , milk, ghee, synthesized by skin.
Question: 211
What is Drought
Answer: 211
Drought: A drought is a period of time when there is not enough water to support agricultural and human needs
Drought is usually due to a long period of below-normal rainfall
Question: 212
What is the role of calcium and Magnesium in plant life
Answer: 212
Role of Clacium in Pants life:
Calcium in plants activates enzyme
Calcium a constituent of plant cell wall
Calcium affects movement of water in plant cells
Question: 213
What is the affect of HCL on Pepsin
Answer: 213
The functions of HCL and pepsin in digestion are given below
Question: 214
Write benefit of Mastication
Answer: 214
Mechanical digestion of food is called Mastication It is include grinding and chewing the food by teeth also called Mastication
Question: 215
What are the source of the soluble dietary Fibers
Answer: 215
Sources of Soluble Dietary Fibers:
  1. Oat Grains
  2. Legumes
  3. Barley
  4. Many fruit

Question: 216
What is world food program
Answer: 216
World Food Program; The world food program is the food aid branch of the united nation
World food program distributes food world wide
It provides food to more than 90 million people in 80 countries
Question: 217
How deficiency of vitamin A causes blindness
Answer: 217
Vitamin A was the first fat-soluble vitamin identified in 1913 It combines with a protein called opsin to form rhodopsin in rod cells of the retina of eye When vitamin A is inadequate the lack of rhodopsin makes difficult to see in dim light and causes night blindness
Question: 218
Write down two functions of Oral Cavity
Answer: 218
Functions of oral cavity
  1. Food secretion is first function of oral cavity
  2. The second function of oral cavity is the grinding of food by teeth
  3. The third and fourth function of oral cavity are lubrications and chemical digestion of food
Question: 219
What is difference between Autotrophs and hetertrophs
Answer: 219
Autotrophs: The organisms which can prepare their food are called autotrophs like plants
Question: 220
Write down any two advatages of Fibrous food
Answer: 220
Advantages: Fiber prevents and relieves constipation by stimulating the contraction of intestinalmuscles avoiding constipation reduces the risk of many other diseases
Soluble fiber helps in lowering blood cholesterol
Insoluble fiber speeds up the movements of carcinogens cancer causing agents from intestine
Question: 221
Write names of two diseases of gut
Answer: 221
Gut: The digestive system of human consists of a long tube that extends from mouth to anus This tube is called gut or alimentary canal
Question: 222
What is meant by cardiac and pyloric sphincter
Answer: 222
Muscles are responsible for opening and closing of sphincter Stomach has two sphincters
Question: 223
What are sources of vitamin C
Answer: 223
We get vitamin C from citrus fruits oranges lemons and grape unit leafy green vegetables beef liver etc
Question: 224
Write Components of Human Food
Answer: 224
Components of human Food:
  1. Carbohydrates
  2. proteins
  3. Vitamins
  4. Dietary Fibers
  5. Lipids
  6. Minerals
  7. Water

Question: 225
What is Obesity
Answer: 225
Obesity means becoming over-weight and it may also be due to malnutrition People who take food that contains energy more than their requirement and do very little physical work can become bosses Obesity is known as the mother-disease and may lead to heart problems hypertension diabetes etc
Question: 226
How ulcer is treated
Answer: 226
Ulcer is treated with medicines which neutralize the acidic affects of gastric juice spicy acidic foods and smoking should be avoided as preventive measures
Question: 227
Name two diseases cause by the deficiency of Minerals
Answer: 227
Anemia, Goiter
Question: 228
Write the name of two juces secreted in small intestine of man.
Answer: 228
Pancreatic juice, intestinal juice.
Question: 229
What is meant by dehydration
Answer: 229
The loss of excess of water is called dehydration
Question: 230
Which is largest gland of human body and where it located
Answer: 230
Liver is the largest gland of body It is multi lobed and dark reddish in appearance it lies beneath the diaphragm on the right side of abdomen
Question: 231
Write any four symptoms of deficiency of vitmamin
Answer: 231
Symptoms of Scurvy:
  1. Pain in Muscles and joints
  2. Swollen and Bleeding Gums
  3. Slow healing of wounds
  4. Dry Skin
Question: 232
How does iodine function in our body
Answer: 232
Iodine is a mineral found in some foods iodine is compulsory for normal functioning of Thyroid glands in our body
Question: 233
What is the balanced diet?
Answer: 233
A balanced diet may be defined as the food, which contains all the essential nutrients in correct proportions for the normal growth and development of body.
Question: 234
What is Anaemia
Answer: 234
Anemia: Literal meaning of the term Anemia is Deficiency of blood An anemic patient is weak and its cell face less supply of oxygen
Question: 235
Describe any four sources of proteins.
Answer: 235
Meat, eggs, grains, legumes.
Question: 236
What is meant by Sphincter
Answer: 236
Opening which are guarded by muscles called sphincters' There are two types
  1. Cardin sphincter
  2. Pyloric sphincter
Question: 237
What is differentiate between the term Ingestion and digestion
Answer: 237
The difference between ingestion and digestion is given
Question: 238
What is difference between pepsin and pepsinogen
Answer: 238
Pepsinogen is inactive form of pepsin enzyme and it is converted to pepsin in the presence of HCL in the gastric juice Pepsin helps in hydrolyses of protein in digestion process
Question: 239
Write the weight and size of liver in an adult human
Answer: 239
  1. Liver is the largest gland of the human body
  2. It is situated beneath the diaphragm on right side of abdomen
  3. Lobes are its raised parts and its apparent color is dark Red
Question: 240
What is Famine
Answer: 240
Famine: Lack of enough food to feed all people living in an area is know as famine
Question: 241
Which disease are caused due to the deficiency of calcium in human beings
Answer: 241
Deficiency of calcium:
  1. Spontaneous discharge of nerve impulses which may result in tetany
  2. Bones become soft
  3. Blood clots slowly
  4. Wounds heal slowly
Question: 242
What is meant by vitamins
Answer: 242
Vitamins: itramins are chemical compounds that are required in low amounts but are essential for normal growth and metabolism
  1. Vitamin A From rhodopsin in road Cells of the retina of eye when vitamin A is inadequate the lack of rhodopsin makes it difficult to see
  2. Vitamin A also support bone growth and immune functions
Question: 243
Why is digestion necessary for human cells
Answer: 243
Cells of human's body require oxygen water salts amino acid simple sugar fatty acid and vitamins etc These can cross cell membranes to enter cells Amino acid simple sugar and fatty acid are rare in our environment Such substances are usually part of larger molecules like protein polysaccharides and lipids which cannot cross cell membrane There is a need of converting such large and not diffusible molecules into smaller and diffusible molecules This is achieved through the process of digestion
Question: 244
What do you know about Marasmus
Answer: 244
Marasmus: This disease usually develops in infant between the age of 6 month to one year
The patient children lose their all fat and muscle children with marasmus show poor growth and look smaller than their actual age
It is an example of protein energy malnutrition
Question: 245
What do you mean by peristalsis
Answer: 245
Peristalsis: Peristalsis is the movement of food from oral cavity towards Rectum In words it is defined as Peristalsis means wave motion of contraction and relaxation of smooth muscles in the wall of Alimentary canal
Question: 246
What is gastric juice Name the Enzyme present in Gastric juice
Answer: 246
Gastric glands of stomach secrete gastric juice The enzyme pepsinogen is present in it
Question: 247
Write the difference between assimilation and defection
Answer: 247
Assimilation: A phase of digestion which is involved in the conversion or incorporation of absorbed simple food called assimilation
Question: 248
What are Minerals and from where we get them
Answer: 248
Minerals: Minerals are inorganic elements that originate in the earth and cannot be made in the body They play important role in various body functions and are necessary to maintain health
Question: 249
Describe two functions of oral cavity
Answer: 249
  1. Food selection is one function of oral cavity
  2. The second function of oral cavity ois grinding of food by teeth
  3. The third and fourth functions of oral cavity are lubrication and chemical digestion of food
Question: 250
What is Gastric Juice
Answer: 250
Gastric glands of stomach secrete gastric juice The enzyme pepsinogen is present in it
Question: 251
Write symptoms of Goiter and Anemia
Answer: 251
Goiter is a condition which is caused by an insufficient amount of iodine in the diet If sufficient iodine is not available in person diet the thyroid gland becomes enlarged and it results in swelling in the neck and the condition is known as goiter
Symptoms of Anemia The main cause of this disease is decrease in quantity of Red Blood Cells If iron is not available to the body in required amount then reasonable amount of hemoglobin molecule is not formed Hence functional red blood cell's decrease in number
Question: 252
Write any two functions of largeintestine
Answer: 252
Functions of large intestine:
  1. From colon water is absorbed into blood As water is absorbed the solid remains of food are called faces Faces mainly consists of the undigested material Large number of bacteria sloughed off cells of alimentary canal bile pigments and water are also part of faces it gives rise to a reflex and anus is opened for defection
Question: 253
What are major causes of ulcer in stomach
Answer: 253
Stomach ulcer is known as gastric ulcer the causes of ulcer include excess acid inflection long term use of anti-inflammatory medicines including aspirin smoking drinking coffee colas and eating spicy foods
Question: 254
What is kwashiorkor
Answer: 254
Kwashiorkor is due to protein deficiency at the age of about 12 months when breast feeding is discontinued it can also develop at any time during a Childs growing years Children may grow to normal height but are abnormally thin
Question: 255
What is Appendix
Answer: 255
From the blind end of caecum there arises a non-functional finger-like process called appendix severe pain The infected appendix must be removed surgically otherwise it may burst and the inflammation may spread in abdomen
Question: 256
What is gastric juice Also write down its chemical composition
Answer: 256
Gastric juice Gastric juice is secreted from Gastric gland Its main function is to digest proteins in the stomach
Question: 257
What is meant by digestion
Answer: 257
Process in which large and non-diffusible molecules are converted into smaller and diffusible molecules is called digestion i.e salts amino acids, simple sugars fatty acids and vitamins etc
Question: 258
What is ulcer
Answer: 258
Ulcer: Ulcer peptic ulcer is a sore in the inner wall of gut In ulcer the acidic gastric juice gradually breaks down the tissue of the inner wall
Question: 259
Bolus is a piece of food
Answer: 259
During the process of chewing lubrications and semi digestion the pieces of food are rolled up by the tongue into small slippery spherical mass called bolus We swallow bolus and push it in esophagus and pharynx
Question: 260
What is Diarrhoea
Answer: 260
Diarrhea: Diarrhea is a condition in which the suffer has frequent watery loose bowel movement
Question: 261
Why pepsin does not digest stomach wall
Answer: 261
Pepsin is secreted as inactive pepsinogen which requires HCI for activation The mucoid of gastric juice forms a thick coating over the inner walls of stomach and neutralizes the HCI there It makes pepsinogen difficult to be activated and to digest stomach wall
Question: 262
What is meant by WFP
Answer: 262
WFP stands for World Food Program It is the food aid branch of the United Nations It is the world largest agency providing food to more then 90 million people in 80 countries
Question: 263
What is stomach
Answer: 263
Stomach is a dilated part of Alimentary Canal its shape is like English alphabet It is situated beneath the diaphragm on left inside of the body within abdomen the diaphragm on left side of the body within abdomen
Question: 264
Enlist preventive measures to save from Ulcer
Answer: 264
Preventive Measure: We should abstain from spices Acidic food and smoking to save us from Ulcer
Question: 265
Write the name of two juice secreted in small intestine of man
Answer: 265
Pancreatic juice
Intestinal juice
Question: 266
How will you differentiate between bolus and chyme
Answer: 266
Bolus: Partially digested food rolled up by the tongue into small slippery spherical mass called bolus
Question: 267
What is Bile juice and what is its function
Answer: 267
Bile juice is secretion liver and helps in digestion of lipid through emulsification
Question: 268
Write the role of duodenum in small intestine
Answer: 268
Duodenum: It comprises of first 10 inch of small intestine and it is the part of alimentary canal where most of the digestive progress occurs Here food is further juice and intestinal juice
Question: 269
Define chuning
Answer: 269
Food is further broken down in stomach through churning Stomach wall muscles contract and relax These muscular movements help in release of gastric juice and mixing of food Chumming also generates heat for melting lipids
Question: 270
What is gall bladder
Answer: 270
A pear shaped greenish yellow sac i.e Gall bladder lies along the right lobe of liver on ventral side
Question: 271
Write two function of liver other than digestion of food
Answer: 271
It removes amino groups from amino acids i.e de-lamination
Destroys the old red blood cells