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Question: 1
What are the functions of these processes in organisms.
Answer: 1
These process ensure the maintenance, growth and reproduction of organisms.
Question: 2
Who proposed ATP as main energy transfer molecule in the cells?
Answer: 2
the Nobel prize winner, Fritz Lipmann in 1941 proposed ATP as main energy transfer molecule.
Question: 3
What is a nucleotide?
Answer: 3
A nucleotide is a large molecule formed joining ribose sugar + Phosphate nitrogenous base.
Question: 4
Define ATP aand who discovered ATP.
Answer: 4
The major energy currency of all cells is a nucleotide called adenosine triphosphate ,ATP was discovered in 1929 by Karl Lohmann.
Question: 5
Define Light reaction.
Answer: 5
During this phase light energy is captured and is used to make high energy molecules ATP AND NADPH these reactions take place on the thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts
Question: 6
Which type of bond is present between 'p' group of ATP.
Answer: 6
The covalent bond connecting two phosphates is a high energy bond and is indicated by tilde.
Question: 7
What is the importance of anaerobic respiration.
Answer: 7
i.Source of energy for anaerobic organisms. ii. Source of energy for aerobic organisms in short supply of O2 iii. Source of many product.
Question: 8
What is redox reactions.
Answer: 8
The oxidation and reduction reactions always run simultaneously and are called redox reaction. Redox reactions are direct source of energy for all life processes. Redox reactions involve exchage of electrons between atoms.
Question: 9
What are pigments?
Answer: 9
Pigments are the substances that absorb visible light. Different pigments absorb light of different wavelengths.
Question: 10
How is water taken in by plants for photosynthesis.
Answer: 10
Water, present in soil, is absorbed by roots and root hairs through osmosis. This water is eventually transported to leaves through eylem vessels.
Question: 11
What is NAD?
Answer: 11
NAD is a coenzyme that takes electrons and hydrogen ions and is thus reduced to NADH. One form of this coenzyme also carries phosphate with it so is called NADP.
Question: 12
Define bioenergetics.
Answer: 12
The study of energy relationships and energy transformations in living organisms is called bioenergetics.
Question: 13
What is the most common fuel to get energy.
Answer: 13
The most common fuel used by the cell to get energy by cellular respiration is glucose.
Question: 14
Why oxidation-reduction reaction is called Redor ?
Answer: 14
  1. Exchange of electron between atoms take place during redox reaction
  2. Loss or removal of electron from an atom is called oxidation where as gain or addition of electron to an atom is called reduction.
ATP+H2O ADP+Pi+Energy (7.3Kcal / mol)
Question: 15
What are different phases of anaerobic respiration or fermentation?
Answer: 15
The first phase is like aerobic respiration, and two molecules of pyruvic acid are formed by one molecule of glucose.
Question: 16
Define ATP?
Answer: 16
ATP was discoverd in 1929 by Kari lohmann, and was proposed to be the main energy-transfer molecule in the cell by the noble prize winner, fritz Lipmann in 1944
Question: 17
Define aerobic respiration.
Answer: 17
The cellular respiration occurring in the presence of oxygen is called aerobic respiration.
Question: 18
Wrote the names of different types of respiration?
Answer: 18
There are two types of respiration i. Aerobic ii. Anaerobic
Question: 19
What is meant by Z-Scheme ?
Answer: 19
Z-Scheme:All stages of light reaction due to itsZ-Shaped chart is calledZ-Scheme.
Question: 20
What is Z-Scheme?
Answer: 20
The whole series of light reactions is called as Z-scheme due to its Z-shaped flow chart.
Question: 21
What is meant by photosystem ?
Answer: 21
Photosynthetic pigments lie on thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts in cluster from called photosystem.
Question: 22
Define Photosynthesis?
Answer: 22
Photosynthesis is the manufacturing of glucose form carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight and chlorophyll,with oxygen as a by product.
Question: 23
What is Krebs Cycle?
Answer: 23
In Krebs cycle, the pyruvic acid molecules are completely oxidized, along with the formation of ATP, NADH, and FADH,before entering in Krebs cycle,pyruvic acid is changed into a 2-carbon compound called acetyl-CoA.
Question: 24
Whart are stomata?
Answer: 24
The tiny openings present in the epidermis of leaf through which gases enter or leave the cells are called stomata. It consists of two bean shaped cells called guard cells.
Question: 25
Define two type of energy in living organisms?
Answer: 25
  1. Kinetic energy
  2. Potential energy
Question: 26
Define cellular respiration ?
Answer: 26
Organisms utilize oxygen for the break down of C-H bonds present in the food in their cells, this breakdown yields energy which is transformed into ATP.
Question: 27
What is epidermis.
Answer: 27
the single layer of cells on leaves is is called epidermis it is covered by cuticle.
Question: 28
How many stomata are present on a leaf?
Answer: 28
Stomata cover only 1-2% of the leaf surface but they allow much air to pass through them.
Question: 29
What is the role of chlorophyll in photosynthesis ?
Answer: 29
Sunlight is absorbed by chlorophyll. it is then converted into the chemical energy which drives the process of photosynthesis.
Question: 30
What is oxidation and reduction ?
Answer: 30
Oxidation:The loss of electrons is called oxidation
Reduction:The gain of electron is called reduction
Question: 31
Who discovered Krebs cycele?
Answer: 31
A British biochemist, Sir Hans Krebs discovered this Krebs cycle.
Question: 32
What is the role of light in photosynthesis ?
Answer: 32
Light energy excites the electron of chlorophyll which after forms ATP and are used in reduction of carbon dioxide in this way light energy is stored in the chemical bonds of glucose as chemical energy .
Question: 33
What are the main stages of aerobic respiration.
Answer: 33
Aerobic respiration is divided into three main stages. i. Glycolysis ii. Krebs cycle iii. Electron transport chain
Question: 34
What are FAD and NAD?
Answer: 34
FAD:Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) is also a coenzyme like NAD. It gets 2 hydrogen and reduce FADH2
NAD:Nicotinamind adenine dinclcotide (NAD) is a coenzyme. it is an oxidizing agent it accepts electron and reduced from (NADH)
Question: 35
Who discovered dark reactions?
Answer: 35
Dark reactions were discovered by Malvin and his colleagues at university of california.the series of dark reactios is called Calvin cycle.
Question: 36
What is Abbreviation of ATP?
Answer: 36
ATP is the abbreviation in 1829 by "Kari Lohmann" and was proposed to be the main energy-transfer molecule in cell by the novel prize winner, fritz Lipmann in 1941.
Question: 37
Explain Bioenergetics ?
Answer: 37
Bioenergetics is the study of energy relationship and energy transformation in living organisms. Organisms obtain energy by metabolizing the food they eat or prepare.
Question: 38
Explain the electrons can be source of energy during oxidation and reduction reaction?
Answer: 38
Electrons as a source of energy release:Electron can be an energy source. it depend upon their location and arrangement in atoms.
Question: 39
Define Glycolysis ?
Answer: 39
Glycolysis occur in cytoplasm and oxygen is not involed in this stage. that is why it occur in both type of respiration aerabic and anearobic.
Question: 40
Different limiting factors?
Answer: 40
An environmental factor the absence or deficiency of which can decreases the rate of a metabolicreaction is called limitingfactor for that reaction. Many factor that like intensity, Temperature concentration of carbon dioxide.
Question: 41
Write the role of bioenergetics and ATP?
Answer: 41
Bioenergetics means energy conversions in the body of living organisms organisms obtain energy by metabolizing the food, they eat or prepare
Question: 42
What are Glycolysis?
Answer: 42
Glycolysis occur in cytoplasm and oxygen is not involved in this stage. That is why . It occur in bath types of respiration aerobic and anaerobic. In glycolysis glucose, molecule is broken into two molecule and pyruvic acid 3c
Question: 43
Define light reaction ?
Answer: 43
Light energy is captured and used to make high-energy molecules these reaction are known as light reaction.
Question: 44
Define Anaerobic respiration ?
Answer: 44
Anaerobic respiration:The incomplete oxidation glucose in the absence of oxygen is called anaerobic respiration.
Question: 45
Who discovered the ATP molecule
Answer: 45
Discovery of ATP ATP was discovered in 1929 by Karl Lohmann, and was proposed to be the main energy transfer molecule in the cell y the Nobel Prize winner Fritz Lipmann in 1941
Question: 46
What is significance of Anaerobic respiration ?
Answer: 46
Anaerobic respiration is a source of energy for anaerobic organisms. Anaerobic respiration is a source of energy in aerobic organisms in case of deficiency of oxygen
Question: 47
Write the name of main stage of Aerobic respiration?
Answer: 47
  1. Glycolysis
  2. Krebs Cycle
  3. Electron transport chain.
Question: 48
What is photosynthesis
Answer: 48
Photosynthesis: Photosynthesis is the manufacturing of glucose from carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight and chlorophyll with oxygen as a by product
Question: 49
What is redox reaction ?
Answer: 49
Chemical reaction in which exchange of electron takes place is called redox reaction.
Question: 50
Write down the three subunits of ATP ?
Answer: 50
  1. Adenine-a doubled-ringed nitrogenous base
  2. A ribose-a five carbon sugar
  3. three phosphate groups in a linear chain
Question: 51
Write two importance conditions for photosynthesis ?
Answer: 51
  1. Accurate amount of water.
  2. chlorophyll and suitable intensity of light
Question: 52
How much energy is evolved from one mole of ATP ?
Answer: 52
7.3 Kilocalories or 7300 calories energy is evolved form one mole of ATP.
Question: 53
What is the Role of Light in Photosynthesis
Answer: 53
Role of Light in Photosynthesis Light energy excites the electrons of chlorophyte which after form ATP and are used in reduction of carbon dioxide In this waylight energy is stored in the chemical bonds of glucose as chemical energy
Question: 54
Why and when Calvin was awarded noble prize ?
Answer: 54
In 1961 Melvin Calvin was awarded by noble prize for his work on details of dark reaction which is also known as Calvin cycle.
Question: 55
What is photolysis?
Answer: 55
light energy splits one molecules of water As a result oxygen is released it is known as photolysis of water .
Question: 56
What is abrivation of FDA ?
Answer: 56
Flavin adenine dinucleotide is also a coenzyme like NDA+. it get 2 hydrogen and reduce in to FADH2
Question: 57
Write names of main stages of Aerobic respiration
Answer: 57
Stages of Aerobic Respiration
stages of aerobic respiration
Krebs Cycle
Electron Transport Chain
Question: 58
What is meant by electron transport chain ?
Answer: 58
Electron transport chain is the final step of cellular respiration it is the transfer of electron on an electron transport chain in this step, NADH FADH2 release electron and hydrogen iron.
Question: 59
What is the energy budget of respiration ?
Answer: 59
The NADH produce 3 ATP in electron transport chain. The NADH generated in glycolysis gives 2 ATP because 1 ATP is spent to transport it across the mitochondrial membrane.
Question: 60
What is the effect of carbon dioxide concentration on photosynthesis?
Answer: 60
A carbon dioxide concentration rises, the rate of photosynthesis goes on increases until limited by other factor. Increases in carbon dioxide concentration beyond a certain level cause the closure of stomach and it decreases the rate of photosynthesis
Question: 61
What is cellular respiration?
Answer: 61
The cellular energy weldingprocess is called cellularrespiration
Question: 62
What is Kreb Cycle
Answer: 62
In krebs cycle the pyruvic acid molecules are completely oxidized along with the formation of ATP, NADH and FADH Before entering inkers cycle pyruvic acid is changed into carbon compound called acetyl Coal
Question: 63
What is Kreb Cycle ?
Answer: 63
In kreb cycle the pyruvic acid molecule are completely oxidized along with the formation of ATP,NADH and FADH before entering in kerbs cycle pyruvic acid is change in to a-2 carbon compound acetyl CoA.
Question: 64
When and what is discovered by Karl Lohmann
Answer: 64
ATP was discovered in 1829 by Karl Lohmann and was proposed to be the main energy transfer molecule in cell by the Nobel prize winner Fritz Lipmann in 1941
Question: 65
NADPH Stand for what

Answer: 65
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotidephosphate
Question: 66
Define Dark reaction ?
Answer: 66
  1. Dark reaction is the second step of photosynthesis in which glucose is synthesized by the reduction of carbon dioxide
  2. In this process energy from high energy molecules is used
  3. Dark reaction takes place in stroma of chloroplast
Question: 67
Difference between aerobic and anaerobicrespiration
Answer: 67
Properties Aerobic Anaerobic
1-presence ofoxygen, yes no
2-Number of ATP 36 2
asnet profit
3-final product Sycolysis in in
Siteof in cytoplasm and cytoplasm
occurance krebscycle and
electrontransport chain
Question: 68
Write the name of pigments used in photosynthesis ?
Answer: 68
  1. chlorophyll a
  2. chlorophyll b
  3. carotenoids
Question: 69
Why it is said that all life depends on photosynthesis ?
Answer: 69
Photosynthesis is the manufacturing of glucose with oxygen as a by-product from carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight and chlorophyll.
Question: 70
Write the name of four limiting factor for photosynthesis ?
Answer: 70
  1. Intensity of light
  2. Temperature
  3. Carbon dioxide
  4. Availability of water
Question: 71
How much energy is evolved from one Mole of ATP
Answer: 71
7.3 Kilocalories or 7300 Calories energy is evolved from one mole of ATP
Question: 72
Write two important conditions for photosynthesis
Answer: 72
Some important conditions on photosynthesis are given below
Accurate amount of water
Chlorphyii and suitable intensity of light
CO is also necessary for this process as
Plants made their food glucose by the reduction of it
Question: 73
Which product are produce during photosynthesis?
Answer: 73
Glucose, oxygen and water molecules are produced during photosynthesis.
Question: 74
What are dark reaction?
Answer: 74
The summary of the event of dark reaction also known as calvin cycle is as follow.
The 3 carbon compound are reduced to 3 carbon carbohydrates by using ATP and hydrogen from NADPH. The carbon carbohydrates are used to manufacture glucose.
Question: 75
Name the compound produced during respiration ?
Answer: 75
Carbon dioxide, Water and energy is obtain during respiration.
Question: 76
Define effect of light ?
Answer: 76
The rate of photosynthesis varies with light intensity. it decreased as light intensity decreased and increases as intensity increases
Question: 77
How is Soya Sauce made ?
Answer: 77
Soya Sauce is made by fermentation of Soya plant wit the help of fungus named Aspergillus.
Question: 78
What are Accessory Pigments
Answer: 78
ChlorophyII is main photosynthetic pigment Others are called accessory pigments and include chlorophyIIB and carotenoids
Question: 79
What is Abbreviation of ATP
Answer: 79
ATP is the abbreviation of Adenosine Triphosphate It is major energy currency of cells
Question: 80
Define light-dependent reaction
Answer: 80
Light energy is captured and is used to make high- energy molecule. These reaction which are known as light reaction.
Question: 81
What are Accessory ?
Answer: 81
Chlorophyll a is the main photosynthetic pigment. Others are called accessory pigments.
Question: 82
Define Alcoholic fermentation ?
Answer: 82
Alcoholic fermentation:It is occur in bacteria and yeast, e.t.c .In this type of anaerobic respiration, pyruvic acid is further broken down in to alcohol and carbon dioxide
Question: 83
Which products are produced during photosynthesis
Answer: 83
Glucose oxygen and water molecules are produced during photosynthesis
Question: 84
What is meant by photosystem
Answer: 84
Photosynthetic pigments lie on thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts in cluster form called photosystem
Question: 85
Define Anaerobic respiration
Answer: 85
The incomplete oxidation of glucose in the absence of oxygen is called anaerobic respiration
Question: 86
Where light reaction take place?
Answer: 86
The summery of the event of light reaction is as follows
Electrons are passed to electron transport chain to produce ATp.
The electrons of chlorophyllafter the production of ATP and the hydrogen ions of water are used for the reduction of NADP intoNADPH
Question: 87
Name the final products of aerobic and anaerobic respiration ?
Answer: 87
Aerobic respiration:Lactic acid or Ethyle Alcohol or carbon dioxide bioproduct of anoevobic respiraionFinal product:Carbon dioxide and water are biproduct aerobic respiraion
Question: 88
Define Respiration and Cellular Respiration ?
Answer: 88
Respiration:Exchange of gases between organisms and environment is called respiration.
Cell Respiration:Cellular Respiration is the break down of glucose in the cell of living organisms to produce energy.
Question: 89
What is meant by Anaerobes ?
Answer: 89
Anaerobes:Some organisms get their energy form Anaerobic respiration instead of availability of free oxygen such organisms are known as Anaerobes.
Question: 90
Write two type of fermentation ?
Answer: 90
  1. Alcoholic fermentation
  2. Lactic acid fermentation.
Question: 91
Define electron transport chain?
Answer: 91
Electron transport chain is the final step of cellular respiration. It is the transfer of electron on an electron transport chain.
Question: 92
What is Limiting Factor
Answer: 92
Any environmental factor the absence or deficiency of which can decrease the rate of a metabolic reaction is called limiting factor for that reaction Many factors like light intensity temperature concentration of carbon dioxide and availability of water act as limiting factors for photosynthesis All life depends on hotosynthesis
Question: 93
Define Z scheme?
Answer: 93
The whole series of light reaction is called Z-scheme due to its z-shaped flow chant.
Question: 94
What is the energy budget of Respiration
Answer: 94
Each NADH produces 3 ATP in electron transport chain The NADH generated in glycolysis gives 2 ATP because 1 ATP is spent transport it across the mitochondrial membrane Each FADH produces 2 ATP
Question: 95
What are Pigments
Answer: 95
Pigments are the substances that absorb visible light Different pigments absorb ligt of different wavelength Imprtant photosynthetic pigments are following
  1. chlorophyii
  2. chlorophyii b
  3. carotenoids
Question: 96
What is pigments ?
Answer: 96
Pigments are the substance that observed visible light different pigment absorb light of different wavelengths.
Question: 97
Describe the lactic acid fermentation ?
Answer: 97
It occur in skeletal muscles of human and other animals during extreme physical activities this is also happens in the bacteria present in milk.
Question: 98
Write two uses of fermentation in yeast ?
Answer: 98
  1. Beverages industries
  2. Bakery industry
Question: 99
Explain that electrons can be source of energy during oxidation reduction reactions
Answer: 99
Electrons as a Source of energy release: Electrons can be an energy source It depends upon their location and arrangement in atoms
Question: 100
What was the discovering of Malvin Calvin ?
Answer: 100
Calvin was awarded the Nobel prize in 1961 for his work on the detail of photosynthesis.
Question: 101
What is Significance of Anaerobic Respiration
Answer: 101
Anaerobic respiration is a source of energy for anaerobic organisms Anaerobic respiration is a source of energy in aerobic organisms in case of deficiency of oxygen Anaerobic respiration is a source of many products e.g Ethyl Alcohol cheese etc
Question: 102
What is alcoholic fermentation?
Answer: 102
It occurs in bacteria, yeasts etc.In this type of anaerobic respiration, pyruvicacid id further broken down into alcohol
(C2H%OH) and Co2
Pyruvicacid ____> Ethyl alcohol
Question: 103
Define krebscycle.
Answer: 103
In Krebs cycle the pyrunic acid molecule are completely oxidizedalong with the formation of ATP,NADH and FADH, Before entering in krebscycle
Question: 104
What is difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration
Answer: 104
Aerobic respiration is complete oxidation of glucose in the presence of oxygen is called aerobic respiration
Question: 105
Define Dark Reaction
Answer: 105
Dark Reaction: Dark Reaction is the second step of photosynthesis in carbon dioxide
In this process energy from high energy molecules ATP direct sunlight is used in these reactions that why these are called Dark Reactions Dark Reaction takes place in stroma ofchloroplast
Question: 106
Define Fermentation ?
Answer: 106
Breakdown of glucose in the absence of oxygen is called Fermentation or anaerobic respiration.
Question: 107
What is ATP? Name the subunit of ATP molecular?
Answer: 107
A- The major energy currency of all cells is a nucleotide called adenosinetriphosphateATP. Each type ATP moleculehas three subunits
1- adenine a double ringed nitrogenous base
2- a ribose a five carbon sugar
3- Three phosphate group in a linear chain.
Question: 108
Why it is said all life depends on photosynthesis
Answer: 108
The process by which utilizes sunlight to make food and oxygen from carbon dioxide life depend on photosynthesis
Question: 109
Define oxidation and reduction
Answer: 109
Oxidation: The loss of electrons is called oxidation
Reduction: The gain of electrons is called reduction
Question: 110
Write accessory pigments for photosynthesis
Answer: 110
Pigment are the substance that absorb visible, Different pigments absorb light of different wavelengths.
Question: 111
Write down the commercialuses of fermentation
Answer: 111
The fermentationabilities of fungi and bacteria for the benefit of mainkind the fermenting powers of bacteria areused for making cheese and yogurt Fermentation is yeasts isused in brewing and baking industries.
Question: 112
What is meant by Electron Transport Chain
Answer: 112
Electron transport chain is the final step of cellular respiration It is the transfer of elctron on an electron transport chain In this step NADH and FADH release electron and hydrogen ions, These electrons are taken up by a series of electron carriers When electrons move through the series of electron carriers they loose energy which is used to synthesize ATP At the end of chain electrons and hydrogen ions combine with molecular oxygen and form water
Question: 113
Difference between photosynthesis
Answer: 113
Difference between photosynthesis and respiration

Question: 114
What is redox reaction
Answer: 114
Chemical reactions in which exchange of electrons takes lace is called redox reaction It is a combination of two reactions i.e Oxidation reaction and reduction reactions Chemical reactions in living organism are almost redox reactioins
Question: 115
What is epidermis?
Answer: 115
Epidermis is the outermost layer of our skin. Its main purpose is protection. The epidermis is made of our layer.
Question: 116
Define Cellular Respiration
Answer: 116
Organisms utilize oxxygen for the breakdown of C-H bonds present in the food in their calls This breakdown yields energy which is transformed into ATP During this process the C-H bonds are broken by oxidation reduction reaction and so carbon dioxide and water are also produced The cellular energy-yielding process is called cellular reparation
Question: 117
Define redoxreaction ?
Answer: 117
Redox reaction involve exhangeof electrons between atoms loss of electrons is called redution
Question: 118
Why oxidation reduction reaction is called Redox Reaction
Answer: 118
Exchange of electrons between atoms takes place during Redox Reactions
Loss or removal of electron from an atom is called Oxidation where as gain or addition of electron to an atom is called Reduction
Question: 119
What is pyruvic acid?
Answer: 119
Pyruvic acid are completely oxidized to co2 and water and all energy is released. The overall reaction is as follows.
C6H12O6 + 6O2 ______6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy.
Question: 120
What is the difference between light and dark reaction
Answer: 120
Light energy is captured and used to make high energy molecules These reactions are known as light reactions which take place on the thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts
Question: 121
Difference between photosynthesis and respiration
Answer: 121
Characteristic Photosyothesis Respiration
1- Metabolisim Anabolism Catabolism
2-Organisms some bacteria All
cable of all algae Organisms
all plants
3-site of Choroplasts in cytoplasm
occurrence and
Question: 122
Write down the three subunits of ATP
Answer: 122
Adenine double ringed nitrogenous base
A ribose five carbon sugar
Three phosphate groups in a linear chain
Question: 123
Define Light Reaction
Answer: 123
Photosynthesis occurs in two phase light energy is captured and is used to make high energy molecules ATP These reactions take place on the thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts and known as light reactions Due to its shape it is called as Z scheme
Question: 124
Define lactic acid fermentation.
Answer: 124
It occur in skeleton muscle of human and other animals during extreme physical activities. This also happen in the bacteria present in milk.
Question: 125
How is Soya Sauce made
Answer: 125
Soya Sauce is made by fermentation of Soya plant with the help of a fungus named Aspergillus
Question: 126
Define Respiration and cellular Respiration
Answer: 126
Respiration Exchange of gases between organism and environment is called respiration
Question: 127
Define two types of energy in living organisms
Answer: 127
In living organisms energy exists in two forms
In living organisms energy exist in two forms
Kinetic energy Potential energy
Kinetic energy is actively involved in doing work and potential energy is stored for future use Potential energy is stored in chemical bonds and is released as kinetic energy when these bond break
Question: 128
What is photolysis of water
Answer: 128
Light energy splits one molecule of water As a result oxygen is released It is known as photolysis of water Hydrogen produced during this process gives electrons to chlorophyll and becomes on itself
Question: 129
Write the role of Bioenergetics and ATP
Answer: 129
Bioenergetics means energy conversions in the body of living organisms Organisms obtain energy by metabolizing the food, they eat or prepare Food contains potential energy in its bonds When these bonds are broken down a large amount of Kinetic energy is stored in the form of potential energy the bonds of ATP molecules while the rest escapes as heat The potential energy stored in ATP is transformed into kinetic energy to carry out life activities
Question: 130
Why it is said that all life depend on photosynthesis
Answer: 130
Photosynthesis is the manufacturing of glucose with oxygen as a by product from carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight and chlorophyii
Question: 131
Name the compounds produced during respiration
Answer: 131
Carbon dioxide water and energy is obtained during respiration
Question: 132
What is meant by bioenergetics
Answer: 132
Bioenergetics is the study of energy relationship and energy transformations in living organisms Organism obtain energy by metabolizing the food they eat or prepare Food contains potential energy in its bonds When these bonds are broken down a large amount of Kinetic energy is usually released Some of this energy is stored in the form of potential energy in the bonds of ATP molecules while the roast escapes as heat The potential energy stored to carry out life activities
Question: 133
Define alcoholic fermentation with equation
Answer: 133
Alcoholic Fermentation: It occurs in bacteria and yeast etc In this type of anaerobic respiration pyruvic acid is further broken down into alcohol and carbon dioxide
Question: 134
What is meant by Z Scheme
Answer: 134
Z-scheme: All stages of light reaction due to its Z-shaped chart is called Z-Scheme
Question: 135
Why it is incorrect to say that energy relationship steop of respiration is electron transport chain
Answer: 135
Energy is released in and Krebs cycles in the form of NADH and FADH Electron transport chain transforms the energy present in these compounds to ATP So it is incorrect to say that energy relationship step of respiration is electron transport chain
Question: 136
Write names of four limiting factors for photosynthesis
Answer: 136
  1. Intensity of Light
  2. Temperature
  3. Carbon Dioxide
  4. Availability
Question: 137
Differentiate between Alcoholic fermentation and Lactic acid fermentation
Answer: 137
Alcoholic Fermentation:
  1. it occurs in bacteria yeast etc
  2. In this process pyruvic acid is furth3er broken down into alcohol and Co2
Question: 138
What is abrogation of FAD
Answer: 138
Flaming adenine dinucleotide FAD is also a coenzyme like It gets hydrogen and reduces into FADH
Question: 139
What and when Calvin was awarded Nobel prize
Answer: 139
in 1961 Melvin Calvin was awarded by Nobel prize for his work on details of dark reaction which is also known as Calvin cycle
Question: 140
Define Aerobic Respiration
Answer: 140
Aerobic respiration: Aerobic respiration is complete oxidation of glucose in the presence of oxygen
Question: 141
What is meant by Anaerobes
Answer: 141
Anaerobes; Some organisms get their energy from anaerobic respiration instead of availability of free oxygen such organisms are known as anaerobes
Question: 142
Names the final products of Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration
Answer: 142
Anaerobic Respiration: Lactic acid or Ethyl Alcohol or carbon dioxide are biproducts of anaerobic respiration
Question: 143
Describe the effect of light intensity on photosynthesis
Answer: 143
The factos that effects on photosynthesis called limiting factos for photosynthesis
Effect of light: The rate of photosynthesis varies with and increases as intensity increases However at much higher light intensity the rate of photosynthesis becomes constant
Question: 144
What is the effect of CO2concentration on photosynthesis
Answer: 144
As carbon dioxide concentration rises the rate of photosynthesis goes on increasing until limited by other factors Increase in carbon dioxide concentration beyond a certain level causes the colure of stomata and it decreases the rate of photosynthesis
Question: 145
What is glycolysis
Answer: 145
Glycolysis occurs in cytoplasm and oxygen is not involved in this stage That is why it occurs in both types of respiration i.e aerobic and anaerobic In glycolysis glucose molecule is broken into two molecules of pyruvic acid 3C
Question: 146
Define Fermentation Name its two types
Answer: 146
Fermentation: Breakdown of glucose in the absence of oxygen is called fermentation or anaerobic respiration It yields very less energy
Question: 147
Describe Lactic Acid fermentation
Answer: 147
It occurs in skeletal muscles of humans and others animals during extremes physical activities This also happens in the bacteria present in milk In this type of anaerobic respiration, each pyruvic acid molecule is converted into lactic acid