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Question: 1
How are taxonomy and systematics related?
Answer: 1
1-137Taxonomy: The branch of biology which deals with classification is called taxonomy.
Systematics: The branch which deals with classification and also traces the evolutionary history of organisms is systematics.
Question: 2
Define biodiversity hot spot.
Answer: 2
2-137A biodiversity hotspot is a region of high level of established species.
Question: 3
What is contribution of Abul Usman Aljahiz?
Answer: 3
3-137In 1700 s Abu Usman Aljahiz described characteristics of 350 species of animals in his book. He wrote a lot about life of ants.
Question: 4
What is biodiversity?
Answer: 4
4-137The term biodiversity means diversity within a species and among species. It is the measure of variety of organisms in different ecosystems.
Question: 5
On what factors biodiversity depend?
Answer: 5
5-137Bio diversity of an ecosystem depends upon climate, altitude, soil, and presence of other species.
Example: Diversity is higher in Tropics, but there ae few species at polar regions.
Question: 6
How many types of protists?
Answer: 6
6-137there are three types of protests.
PLANT LIKE PROTISTS: Algae are unicellular, colonial simple multicellular. They resemble plant cell with cell wall and chloroplast, but don't have multicellular sex organs.
Animals like protists: Protozoans animal like protist whose cell lack cell wall and chlorophyll .
Fungi Like: they resemble fungi.
Question: 7
Who introduced five kingdom system?
Answer: 7
7-137In 1967 Robert Whittaker introduced five kingdom system of classification including Monera Protista. Fungi, Plantae, Animalia, On the basis of level of cellular organization and principal modes of nutrition.
Question: 8
Define species ?
Answer: 8
8-137A species is a basics unit of classification "A species is a group of organisms which can inter breed freely among them and produce fertile offspring butt are re productively isolated from all other such group in nature
Question: 9
Write the characteristics of kingdom Monera?
Answer: 9
9-137In includes the prokaryotic organism in which genetic material is not enclosed in nuclear envelope. These are unicellular, some types form chains, clusters or colonies.
Question: 10
What is meant by three kingdom classification ?
Answer: 10
10-137In 1866 Ernst Hackel Solved by the first objection two kingdom classification and proposed a third kingdom protista
Question: 11
What are the aims of classifications?
Answer: 11
11-137To determine similarities and difference among organisms so that they can be studied easily
To find evolutionary relationship among organisms.
Question: 12
Define Class ?
Answer: 12
12-137A class is a group of related order.
Question: 13
What are the contribution of Whittaker, Margulis and Schwartz in taxonomy?
Answer: 13
13-137In 1967, Robert Whittaker introduced the five kingdom classification system . IN 1988 , Margulis ans schwartz modified the five kingdom classification of Whittaker.
Question: 14
Define pollution.
Answer: 14
14-137Any change in environment composition is called pollution. It posses further threat to species.
Question: 15
Write name of any two decomposers ?
Answer: 15
15-137- Bacteria
- Fungi
Question: 16
Define classification?
Answer: 16
16-137The systematic grouping of organisms into categories on the basis of evolutionary or structural relationship between them.
Question: 17
What is difference between Extinct Species Endangered Species ?
Answer: 17
17-137Extinct Species:In an ecosystem, a Species is called Extinct when there is no doubt that last individual of that species has died in that ecosystem.
Endangered Species:A species is called Endangered when it is at a risk of extinction in near future .
Question: 18
Who and when introduce the five kingdom Classifications System ?
Answer: 18
18-137In 1967, Robert Whittaker introduced the five kingdom Classifications system
Question: 19
Define Kingdom.
Answer: 19
19-137All organism are divided into 5 major groups each of which is called kingdom each kingdom is divided into phylum Kingdom is largest taxon.
Question: 20
Define binomial nomenclature.
Answer: 20
20-137Binomial nomenclature is the method of giving scientific names to living organisms. As the word "binomial" suggests,the scientific name of species consists of two names the first is the genus name and the second one is the name of the species.
Common name. Onion Scientific name. Allium cepa
Question: 21
Define Order ?
Answer: 21
21-137An order is a group of related families
Question: 22
Name the national bird and national animal in Pakistan.
Answer: 22
22-137The national bird is Chakor patridge , The national animal is Markhor
Question: 23
Write distinguished characteristics of kingdom fungi.
Answer: 23
23-137It includes eukaryotic multicellular reducers for example Mushrooms . Fungi are heterotrophic organisms that are absorptive on organic material, secrete digestive enzymes and absorbs small organic molecule formed by the digestion of enzymes.
Question: 24
What is meant by Viroid ?
Answer: 24
24-137Viroid are acellular like virus. Viroids consists of only RNA viroids cause diseases in plants
Question: 25
Write importance of Biodiversity
Answer: 25
25-137Importance of Biodiversity: Biodiversity provides food for humansA significant proportion of drugs are deived directly or indirectly from biological sourcesA wide range of industrial materials e.g. building materials, fibres, dyes, resins, gums adhessives, rubber and oil are derived directly from plantsBiodiversity plays important role in making and maintaining ecosysemsIt plays a vital role in regulating the chemistry of our atmosphere and water supplyBiodiversity is directly involved in recycling nutrients and providing fertile soils
Question: 26
On which four factor the diversity of organisms in a region depends upon ?
Answer: 26
26-137- Temperature
- Altitude
- Geography
- Presence of other species
Question: 27
Define deforestation.
Answer: 27
27-137Deforestation means cutting down of trees for the conservation of a forest to non-forest land.
Question: 28
What is the basic unit of classification ? Define it
Answer: 28
28-137A species is a group of organisms which can interbreed freely among them and produce fertile offspring but are re productively isolated form all other such group in nature
Question: 29
Define systematic?
Answer: 29
29-137The branch which deals with the classification and also traces the evolutionary history of organisms is known as systematic
Question: 30
What is basic of five kingdom classification system.
Answer: 30
30-137The levels of cellular organization i.e. prokaryotic, unicellular eukaryotic and multicellular eukaryotic
The principal modes of nutrition i.e. photosynthesis, absorption, and ingestion. On this basis, organisms are classified into five kingdoms monera,protista, fungi, plantae and animalia
Question: 31
Write the name of all kingdom in five kingdom system ?
Answer: 31
31-137- Monera
- Protista
- Fungi
- Plantae
- Animalia
Question: 32
Defferentiate between Flora and Fauna
Answer: 32
32-137Flora: Variety of Plants in a particular region is known as its Flora Variety of plants in Tropics and temperate regions
Question: 33
Why we formulate binomial nomenclature?
Answer: 33
33-137We formulate binomial nomenclature because common name cause many problems. Difference regions have different name for the same organism . For. e.g. common name of onion in udr is piyaz, but in different regions of Pakistan it is also known as 'ganda' or 'basal' or 'vassal'.In other countries it has other sets of names. In science it is known as with single name as Allium cepa.
Question: 34
Give simple classification of Pea
Answer: 34
Question: 35
Describe aims of classification ?
Answer: 35
35-137Aims of classification:to determines similarities and difference among organisms so that they can be studied easilyTo find the evolutionary relationship among organisms
Question: 36
Explain status of virus.
Answer: 36
36-137The viruses are considered on the border line of living and non-living organisms.They have genetic material and can reproduce like living organism. And they form crystals which is characteristic of non-living organisms. So they are not kept in any kingdom.
Question: 37
Write down two characteristics of sea star.
Answer: 37
37-137Its body is star like . It has five arms with central disc. There are presence of tube feet towards ventral side of body.
Question: 38
Different between Flora and Fauna?
Answer: 38
38-137Flora:Variety of plants in a particular region is known as its flora variety of plants in tropic and temperature regionsFauna:Variety of animals in a particular region is known as its fauna variety of animals in polar regions
Question: 39
Write down the scientific name of Human being and Pea Plant
Answer: 39
39-137Scientific name of Human being is Homo sapiensScientific name of pea plant is Pilum sativum
Question: 40
Define Taxonomy ?
Answer: 40
40-137The branch of biology which deals with the classification is called Taxonomy.
Question: 41
What is base of Five Kingdom System
Answer: 41
41-137In 1967, Robert Whittaker introduced the fie Kingdom classification system This system is based on The levels of cellular organization i.e prokaryotic unicellular eukaryotic and multicellular eukaryoticThe principal modes of nutrition i.e. photosynthesis absorption and ingestion
Question: 42
Describe the contribution of carious Linnaeus in classification ?
Answer: 42
42-137Carolus Linnaeus divided nature in three kingdoms,animals, plants, mineral. Linnaeus is best know for his introduction of the method still used to formulate the scientific name of every species.
Question: 43
Define Kingdom Monera and give example
Answer: 43
43-137Kingdom moneran includes prokaryotic organisms i.e they are made up of prokaryotic cells Monerans are unicellular although some types form chains clusters or colonies of cells Most are heterotrophic but some perform photosynthesis because they have chlorophyll in their cytoplasm Within this kingdoms there are two different kinds of organisms i.e bacteria and cyanobacteria
Question: 44
What are Autotrophic Organisms ?
Answer: 44
44-137All those organisms which do not depend upon the other organisms for getting their food are autotrophic organisms
Question: 45
Name any four texa of classification?
Answer: 45
Question: 46
What is meant by Taxa ?
Answer: 46
46-137The group to which organisms are classified are known as taxanomic categories or taxa
Question: 47
Difference between prions and viroids?
Answer: 47
47-137Prions are composed of protein only and viroids are composed of circular RNA only
Question: 48
Define Binomial Nomenclature
Answer: 48
48-137Binomial nomenclature is the method of giving scientific names to living organisms As the word binomial suggests the scientific name of a species consists of two names the first is genus name and the second one is the name of species Swedish biologist Carolus Linnaeus first introduced this system
Question: 49
What are effect of human being on biodiversity ?
Answer: 49
49-137By rapid increase in human population, we are imposing serious threats to the survival of biodiversity. Habitat loss is the greatest threat to biodiversity on earth today
Question: 50
Write importance of biodiversity?
Answer: 50
50-137Biodiversity provides food for humanA significant proportion of drugs are derived directly or indirectly from biological sourcesA wide range of industrial materials e.g building materials,fibers,dyes,resins, gums,Biodiversity plays important role in making and maintaining ecosystem
Question: 51
How to we write scientific name
Answer: 51
51-137Scientific names are usually printed in italics such as homo sapiens When handwritten they are underlined like homo sapiens
Question: 52
What is meant by Classifications?
Answer: 52
52-137Classification is based on relationship among the organisms and such relationship is got through similarities in characteristics
Question: 53
What is meant by Soil erosion
Answer: 53
53-137Heavy rainfall washes soil into rivers essential nutrients are washed out of soul and it is called soil erosion
Question: 54
What is meant by Deforestation
Answer: 54
54-137Deforestation means cutting down of trees for the conversion of a forest land
Question: 55
What are the Autotrophic ?
Answer: 55
55-137All those organisms which do not depends upon the other organisms for getting their food are Autotrophic organisms
Question: 56
What is difference between Taxonomy and systematics
Answer: 56
56-137Taxonomy: The branch of biology which deals with classification is called taxonomy
Question: 57
Mule is result of unnatural cross.Why?
Answer: 57
57-137Un-Natural Cross:two different but closely related species can interbreed un-naturally but they can produce only infertile off join spring through his un-naturally mating offspring
Question: 58
What is difference between mode of nutrition of fungi and animals ?
Answer: 58
58-137Nutrition of Fungi:Fungi are multicelluar heterotrops and have absorptive of nutritionmostly fungi are decomposers
Question: 59
Mule is result of unnatural cross
Answer: 59
59-137Un-natural Cross Two different but closely related species can interbreed un-naturally but they can produce only infertile off join spring through this un-natural mating offspring
Question: 60
Write three characteristics of kingdom Monera ?
Answer: 60
60-137- It include prokaryotic organisms
- Monerans are unicellular
- it include two different type of organisms like bacteria and cyano bacteria
Question: 61
Write the name of two kingdom in two kingdom system ?
Answer: 61
61-137Kingdom animaliaKingdom plantae
Question: 62
Write three characteristics of Kingdom Monera
Answer: 62
62-137It includes prokaryotic organismsMoerans are unicllularIt include two different tape of organisms like bacteria and cyanic bacteria
Question: 63
What is mean by Fungi-like protists ?
Answer: 63
63-137Some protests are like protists fungi
Question: 64
Define Autotrophs ?
Answer: 64
64-137All those organisms which do not depends upon the other organisms for getting their food are autotrops
Question: 65
Write down the scientific name of human being and pea plant :
Answer: 65
65-137Scientific name of Human being is homo sapiens.Scientific name of pea plant is pisum sativum
Question: 66
Define Heterophs ?
Answer: 66
66-137All those organisms which depends upon the others organisms for getting their their food are autotrops
Question: 67
Why we formulate binomial nomenclature
Answer: 67
67-137We formulate binomial nomenclature because in biological research common names cause name cause many problems Different regions have different names for the same organism For example common name of onion in Urdu is Piyaz but in different regions of Pakistan it is also known as gander or basal or vassal In other countries It has other sets of names In science it has only one name Allium cape
Question: 68
write two name of protists?
Answer: 68
68-137- Plant-like protists
- Animals like protists
Question: 69
Define kingdom Monera ?
Answer: 69
69-137kingdom Monera includes prokaryotic organisms i,e, they are made up of prokaryotic cells
Question: 70
What is the state of viruses in five kingdom system ?
Answer: 70
70-137Virus are not included in five kingdom system as they are not considered to be living.Virus are at the border line of living and non living
Question: 71
Write two effects of deforestation
Answer: 71
71-137Deforestation affects the amount of water in soil and moisture in atmosphere As result soil erosion and floods like problems are produced
Question: 72
Define non living characteristics?
Answer: 72
72-137- Virus consider to be non living due to crystal formation
- Viruses are a cellular i,e, They have no cellular organization
Question: 73
What are Extinct species ?
Answer: 73
73-137A species that no longer lives in an ecosystem is said to be extinct in that ecosystem become extinct, the stability of ecosystem is harmed
Question: 74
Why we are formulate binomial nomenclature ?
Answer: 74
74-137We formulate binomials nomenclature because in biological research, common name many problem. Difference regions have different name of same organisms. for example; common name of onion is Urdu "piyaz"
Question: 75
Define Living Characteristics ?
Answer: 75
75-137- Viruses has DNA or RNA enveloped in a protein coat like living organisms
- virus only reproduce within living cell were they also cause different diseases
Question: 76
Write two effect of Deforestation?
Answer: 76
76-137- Deforestation affect the amount of water in soil and mositure in atmosphere.
- Deforestation also contributes to decreased transpiration, which lessens cloud formation.
Question: 77
What is meant by acellular ?
Answer: 77
77-137The practical that not have cellular organization called acellular.
Question: 78
What is base of five kingdom system ?
Answer: 78
78-137In 1967, Robert Whittaker Introduced the five kingdom classification system
- The leaves of cellular organization i,e, prokaryotic,unicellular
- The principal of mode of nutrition i,e, photosynthesis
Question: 79
What is the bases of classification
Answer: 79
79-137Classification is based on relationship among the organisms and such relationship is got through similarities in characteristics These similarties suggest that all organisms are related to one another at some point in their evolutionary histories However some organisms are more closely related than other For example sparrows are more closely related to pigeons than to insects It means that these two former have common evolutionary histories When biologists classify organisms into groups histories When biologists classify organisms into groups and subgroups the similarities are seen in external and internal structure and states of development
Question: 80
How do we write scientific name ?
Answer: 80
80-137Scientific name are usually printed in italic, such as Homo sapiens.When hand written they are underline like Homo sapiens
Question: 81
Write the name of national animals of pakistan ?
Answer: 81
81-137Markhor is the national animals of pakistan.
Question: 82
What is meant by Deforestation ?
Answer: 82
82-137Deforestation means cutting down of trees for the conversion of a forest to non-forest land
Question: 83
Write down scientific name of onion and house Crow?
Answer: 83
83-137Onion:Allium cepa
House crow:Corvus splendens
Question: 84
What is meant by two Kingdom Classificationi
Answer: 84
84-137This is the oldest system and classifies all organisms into two kingdoms Plantae and Animalia According to it all organisms that can prepare food from simple inorganic and are included in kingdom plantae On the other hand the are included in kingdom plantae On the other hand the organisms that cannot synthesize their food and depend on autotrophs or others are heterotrophs and are included on autotrophs or others are hetetrophs and are included in kingdom animalia According to this system bacteria fungi and algae were included in kingdom plantae
Question: 85
Name any two Endangered species in Pakistan?
Answer: 85
85-137- Indus Dolphin
- Macro polo sheep
Question: 86
Name any four taxa of classification
Answer: 86
86-137Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order
Question: 87
Write down two reason of Los of biodiversity?
Answer: 87
87-137- Deforestation
- Over hunting
Question: 88
Write the scientific name of onion and pea ?
Answer: 88
88-137Onion:Allium cepa
Pea:Pisum sativum
Question: 89
What is meant by acellular
Answer: 89
89-137The particles that not have cellular organization called acellular Like viruses are not considered as organisms and thus are not include in the five kingdom classification system Prions and viroids are also acellular particles
Question: 90
Write biological name of Human and Onion ?
Answer: 90
90-137Human:Homo sapiens
Onion:Allium cepa
Question: 91
Describe aims of classifications
Answer: 91
91-137Aims of Classification: The main aims of classification areTo determine similarities and differences among organisms so that they can be studied easilyTo find the evolutionary relationship among organisms
Question: 92
Write a short not about Houbara bustard ?
Answer: 92
92-137Houbara bustard:This bird flies to pakistan in winter season from former Soviet territory and settles in cholistan and Thar deserts .
Question: 93
What is meant by Endangered Specie ?
Answer: 93
93-137A Species is called endangered when, it is at risk of extinction in near future form an ecosystem, like Indus dolphin
Question: 94
What are the effect of over hunting on animals population ?
Answer: 94
94-137Over-hunting has been a significant cause of the extinction of hundreds of species and the endangerment of many more spices.
Question: 95
What is meant biodiversity
Answer: 95
95-137Define Biodiversity: The term biodiversity has been derived from bio and diversity Diversity means variety within a species and among species Biodiversity is a measure of the variety of organisms present in different ecosystems
Question: 96
What is difference between mode of nutrition of Fungi and animals
Answer: 96
96-137Nutrition in Fungi: Fungi are Multicellular heterotrophs and have absorptive mode of nutritionMostly FUNGI ARE DECOMPOSERS
Question: 97
Define binomial Nomenclature ?
Answer: 97
97-137Binomial Nomenclature is the modify of giving scientific name to living organisms. As the world binomial suggested the scientific name of a species consists of two name: First is the genus name and the second one is the name species
Question: 98
Wrie the scientific name of onion and pea
Answer: 98
98-137Onion Allium capePea Pilum sativum
Question: 99
Write the names of Two Kingdom in Two kingdoms System
Answer: 99
99-137The names of Two Kingdom in Two Kingdoms system are Kingdom Animalia The organisms that cannot synthesize their food and depend on autotrophs or others heterotrophs are included in kingdom Animalia
Question: 100
Write name of two projects for conservation of biodiversity in pakistan?
Answer: 100
100-137- Himalayan Jungle Project.
- Northern areas conservation project
Question: 101
Differentiate between Class and Order
Answer: 101
101-137Class: A class is a group of related order
Question: 102
Write down the name of two organization who conservate the biodiversity ?
Answer: 102
102-137- International union for the conservation of nature and Nature recourse
- World wildlife Fund-Pakistan
Question: 103
What is the basic unit of Classification
Answer: 103
103-137A species is a group of organisms which can interbreed freely among them and produce fertile offspring but are reproductively isolated from all other such group in nature Basic unit or category of classification is species
Question: 104
What is meant by Soil erosion ?
Answer: 104
104-137Heavy rainfall washes soil into rivers essential nutrients are washed out of soil and it is called soil errosion
Question: 105
Write down the names of two organizations who conservator the biodiversity
Answer: 105
105-137There are two names of organizations for conservation of biodiversityInternational Union for the Conservation of nature and Natural ResourceWorld Wildlife Fund Pakistan
Question: 106
Write down simple classification of Human
Answer: 106
Question: 107
Who and when introduced the Five kingdom classification System
Answer: 107
107-137In 1967, Robert Whittaker introduced the five kingdom classification system
Question: 108
How many types of Protists
Answer: 108
108-137Protists are of three types: Algae are unicellular colonial or simple multicellular They resemble plant cells with cell walls and charophyte in chloroplasts Chlamydomonas volox and ulva are examples of simple multi join celluler algae
Question: 109
Discuss Viruses are livings or non living
Answer: 109
109-137Non living Characteristics: Virus is considered to be non living due to crystal formationViruses are acellular i.e they have no cellular organization
Question: 110
What are differences between Autotrophs and Heterotrophs
Answer: 110
110-137Autotrophs All those organisms which do not depends upon other organisms for getting their food are autotrophs
Question: 111
What is meant by Taxa
Answer: 111
111-137The group to which organisms are classified are known as taxonomic categories or taxa figural The taxa form a ladder called Taxonomic hierarchy
Question: 112
What is meant by Taxonomic Hierarchy
Answer: 112
112-137The arrangement of taxon in taxonomy is termed as Taxonomic HierarchyAll organisms hae been divide into Five Kingdoms That's why the biggest taxon is Kingdom That why the biggest taxon is kingdomOn the basic of similarities Each kingdom is further divided into smaller taxaKingdom, Phylum. Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species4
Question: 113
Define Species
Answer: 113
113-137Species is the basic unit of classification A species is a group of organisms which can inter breed freely among them and produce fertile offspring but are reproductively isolated from all other such groups in nature
Question: 114
What is meant by Endangered Species
Answer: 114
114-137A species is called endangered when it is at risk of extinction in near future from an ecosystem like Indus dolphin Marco polo sheep, Hobart Bustard
Question: 115
What is meant by Viroid
Answer: 115
115-137Viroid's are acellular like virus Viroid's consist of only RNA Viroid's cause diseases in plants Viroid's like viruses does not include in Five kingdoms classification system
Question: 116
Fungi like protest
Answer: 116
116-137Some protests are like protists fungi
Question: 117
Write name of two projects for conservation of biodiversity Pakistan
Answer: 117
117-137Himalayan Jungle projectNorthern area conservation project
Question: 118
Write Biological name of Human and Onion
Answer: 118
118-137Human Homo sapiensOnion Allium cepa
Question: 119
Write the name of all Kingdoms in five Kingdom system
Answer: 119
119-137Moneran, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia
Question: 120
In which kingdoms Carolus divided the nature
Answer: 120
120-137Carolus Linnaeus divided nature into three kingdoms animals plants, mineral Linnaeus is best know for his introduction of the method still used toi formulate the scientific name of every species
Question: 121
What is meant by three kingdom classification
Answer: 121
121-137In1866 Ernst Hackle solved the first objection of two kingdom classification and proposed a third kingdom Protista to accommodate euglena like organisms He also included bacteria in kingdom Protista In this system fungi were still included in kingdom plantae
Question: 122
What are Autotrophic or ganisms
Answer: 122
122-137Autotrophic Organisms: All those organisms which do not depends upon others organisms for getting their food are autotrophic organisms
Question: 123
On which four factors the diversity of organisms in a region depends upon
Answer: 123
123-137Diversity of organisms depends upon following factorsTemperature, Altitude, Geography, Presence of other species
Question: 124
Name any two Endangered species in Pakistan
Answer: 124
124-137Indus Dolphin, Marco polo sheep
Question: 125
Write a short note about Houbaa bustard
Answer: 125
125-137Houbara bustard: This bird flies to Pakistan in winter season from former Soviet territory and settles in Cholis tan and Thar deserts The decline in its population is due to hunting by foreigners and destruction of its habitats
Question: 126
What are the effects of over hunting on animals
Answer: 126
126-137Over hunting has been a significant cause of the extinction of hundreds of species and the endangerment of many more species
Question: 127
Give reson why viruses not infive kingdom system
Answer: 127
127-137Viruses are not included in five kingdom system as they are not considered to be livings Viruses are at the border line of living and non living
Question: 128
How fungi differ from other plants
Answer: 128
128-137Kindom fungi includes eukaryotic multicellular heterotrophsThey are absorptive in their nutritional mode e.g mushroomsMost fungi are decomposers They live on organic matter secrete digestive enzymes and absorb small organic molecules formed by the digestion by enzymes
Question: 129
Write name of any two decomposers
Answer: 129
129-137Bacteria, Fungi
Question: 130
Write down scientific names of Onion and Houses Crow
Answer: 130
130-137Onion Allium cepaHouse crow Corus splendens
Question: 131
What is difference between extinct and endangered species
Answer: 131
131-137Extinct Species: In an ecosystem, a species is called extinct when there is no doubt that the last individual of that species has died in that ecosystem
Question: 132
Write the name of national animal of Pakistan
Answer: 132
132-137Markhor is the national animal of Pakistan
Question: 133
Differential between prions and viroids
Answer: 133
133-137Prions are composed of protein only and viroid' are composed of circular RNA only
Question: 134
What are Extinct Species
Answer: 134
134-137Extinct Species A species that no longer lives in an ecosystem is said to be extinct in that ecosystem When species of an ecosystem become extinct the stability of ecosystem is harmed
Question: 135
Write down two reasons of los of Biodiversity
Answer: 135
135-137Deforestation, Over hunting
Question: 136
What do you know about Indus Dophin
Answer: 136
136-137According to WWF-P ONLY 600 animals of the species of Indus dolphin are left today in the Indus River The population of this species declined due to water pollution poaching and destruction of habitat Now steps are taken by WWF-P for its conservation
Question: 137
What are effects of human being on Biodiversity
Answer: 137
137-137By rapid increase in human population we are imposing series threats to the survival of biodiversity Habitat loss is the greatest threat to biodiversity on Earth today