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Question: 1
Explain the law of gravitation.
Answer: 1
1-82Every body in the universe attracts every other body with a force which is directly proportional of the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers.
Question: 2
What is a field force?
Answer: 2
2-82Field force; Such a force which act on a body by another body without any physical contact is called field force.
Question: 3
Why earlier scientists could not guess about the gravitational force?
Answer: 3
3-82Earlier scientists could not guess about the gravitational force because the concept of gravitation was first of all given by newton in 1665 earlier and scientist could not guess because there was no concept of gravitation
Question: 4
What is meant by the force of gravitation?
Answer: 4
4-82The force with which everybody in the universe attract another body towards itself is called gravitational force.
Question: 5
With what force an apple weighing 1 N attract the Earth?
Answer: 5
5-82According to Newton's law of gravitation apple attract the Earth with a force of 1 N.
Question: 6
Do you attract the Earth or the Earth attracts you
Answer: 6
6-82We and earth both attract each other. Since the mass of Earth is very large, it attracts nearby objects with a significant force
Question: 7
Define artificialsatellite?
Answer: 7
7-82Man made objects moving in fixed circular orbits around the Earth .
Question: 8
What is gravitational field?
Answer: 8
8-82"The space around the Earth in which another object feels the earth's gravitational force called gravitational field. Its direction is towards centre of Earth.
Question: 9
Does an apple attract the Earth towards it?
Answer: 9
9-82Yes, according to law of law of gravitation, apple attracts the earth.
Question: 10
Why earlier scientists could not guess about the gravitational force
Answer: 10
10-82Earlier scientists could not realize the force between two masses because it is of very small value it could e detected only by very sensitive instruments which were not invented in old ages.
Question: 11
Can you determine the mass of our moon? If yes, then what do you need to know?
Answer: 11
11-82Yes mass of our moon can be determinedby using law of gravitation. We have to know the value of G, The gravitational acceleration g on moon and the radius of moon .
Question: 12
On what factors the orbits speed of a satellite depends
Answer: 12
12-82Orbital speed of satellite depends upon following factors.
Height from earth surface
Gravitational aceleration
Question: 13
What is meant by gravitational field strength?
Answer: 13
13-82In the gravitational field of the earth, the gravitational force per unit mass is called the gravitational field strength of the earth.
Question: 14
What is meant by force of gravitation?
Answer: 14
14-82The force due to which everybodyof the universe attracts every other body is called force of gravitation
Question: 15
What is Satellite?
Answer: 15
15-82Satellite an object that revolves around a planet is called a satellite.
Example: The moon revolves around teh Earth so moon is a natural satellite of the Earth.
Question: 16
Define orbital velocity
Answer: 16
16-82Orbital Velocity: The velocity of the satellite in its orbit is called orbital velocity
Note: Orbital velocity of satellite orbiting nearest to the earth surface is 8km
Question: 17
How the mass of Earth can be dtermined
Answer: 17
17-82Mass of Earth can be determined by Newton's law of gravitation. Mass of earth is determined by following formula
Question: 18
Every body has weight in Earth's gravitational field. why?
Answer: 18
18-82Weight of a body in Earth's gravitational field is due to the gravitational force between the body and the earth.
Question: 19
Who is the first man who gave the idea of gravity?
Answer: 19
19-82The first man who came up with the idea of gravity was is99c newton.
Question: 20
Define orbital velocity.
Answer: 20
20-82The velocity of the satellite in its orbit is called orbital velocity.
Question: 21
What is the relation between the value of g and radius of Earth
Answer: 21
21-82As we know that: G=gm/r
Question: 22
Why don't we feel the force of gravitation between objects around us in daily life
Answer: 22
22-82Due to small value of g the gravitational force of attraction between objects around us is very small and we do not feel it.
Question: 23
What is meant by the force of gravitation
Answer: 23
23-82Gravitational force: The force with which everybody in the universe attracts another body toward its self is called gravitational force. OR the force with which earth attract the objects toward us centre
Question: 24
What is meant by geostationary orbit?
Answer: 24
24-82Communication satellites take 24 hours to complete its one rotation around Earth, As Earth also complete its one rotation about its axis in 24 ours hence these communication satellites appear to be stationary with respect to Earth.So the orbits of such satellites are called as geostationary orbits.
Question: 25
With what force an apple weighting 1 N attracts the Earth.
Answer: 25
25-82Due to Newton's third law of motion , an apple attracts the Earth with an equal magnitude that the Earth attracts the apple with and the type of force is gravitational .
Question: 26
Define Geostationary orbit
Answer: 26
26-82Geostationary orbit: An orbit in which Geostationary satellites travel is called Geostationary orbit
Question: 27
What are artificial satellites?
Answer: 27
27-82Scientist have sent many objects into space, Some of these objects revolved around the earth. These are called artificial satellites.
Question: 28
Does an apple attract the Earth toward it
Answer: 28
28-82yes, according to law of gravitation apple attracts the earth
Question: 29
What is the numerical values of g at Sun and Mars
Answer: 29
29-82The value of g on Sun is 274.2
The value of g on mars is 3.73
The value of g on moon is 1.62ms
The value of g on earth is 9.8 ms
Question: 30
Do you attract the Earth or earth attracts you?
Answer: 30
30-82You attract the earth with the same force that the earth attracts you. However, this force has more effect on you because you are much lighter than Earth.
Question: 31
Why communication satellites appear stationary with respect to Earth
Answer: 31
31-82When communication satellites are sent to space after some times, these satellites begin to revolve around the Earth and their speed becomes to the speed of the Earth Therefore communication satellites appears stationary with respect of Earth
Question: 32
Explain the law of gravitation
Answer: 32
32-82Law of Gravitation: Every body in the universe attracts every other body with a force which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centrer
Question: 33
Define Natural satellite?
Answer: 33
33-82The moon revolves around the Earth as moon a natural satellite
Question: 34
The weight of an object is less a=on moutains as compared on sesa level
Answer: 34
34-82The value of g is less on mountains as compared to sea level therefore the weight of an object is also less on mountains as compared to sea level
Question: 35
Why communication satellites are geostationary satellite?
Answer: 35
35-82Communication satellites take 24 hours to complete their one revolutionaround the earth. As earth also completes it's one rotation about it's axis in24 hour, hence these communication satellites appear to be stationary with respectof Earth
Question: 36
Write the value and unit of gravitational constant G in SI units
Answer: 36
36-82Value In SI unit the value of G is
Unit: Nm kg
Question: 37
What do you known about G
Answer: 37
37-82G is a constant It called gravitational constant Its value is same every where.
Question: 38
What is GPS?
Answer: 38
38-82Global positioning system (GPS) is a satellite navigation system. It helps us to find the exact position of an object anywhere on the land on the sea or in the air.
Question: 39
What is meant by satellite
Answer: 39
39-82Satellites An object that revolves around a planet is called statellite
Question: 40
What is a field force
Answer: 40
40-82Such a force which act on a body by another body any physical contact is called field force
Question: 41
How Newton's law of gravitation helps in understanding the motion of satellites?
Answer: 41
41-82A satellite requirescentripetal force that keeps it to move around the earth. The gravitational force of attraction between the satellite and the earth provides the necessary centripetal force.
Question: 42
How Newton's law of gravitation helps in understanding the motion of satellites
Answer: 42
42-82Satellites require centripetal force to orbit around the Earth. This centripetal force provided to satellite by gravitational force of Earth according to Newton's law of gravitation.
Question: 43
What is meant by GPS
Answer: 43
43-82GPS: Global positioning system (GPS) is a satellite navigation system GPS consist of 24 Earth satellites It helps us to find the exact position of an object on the land on the sea or in the air
Question: 44
What is field force
Answer: 44
44-82The gravitational force acting on a object in gravitational field is called field force.
Question: 45
Write equation to determine mass of earth
Answer: 45
45-82Mass of earth can be determine by formula
and its value is M=6*10 kg
Question: 46
Define gravitational field
Answer: 46
46-82Gravitational Field
The space around the Earth in which another object feels the earth gravitational force called gravitational field Its direction is toward centre of Earth.
Question: 47
What is the height and speed of Geo stationary satellite from the surface of the earth
Answer: 47
47-82The height of a geostationary satellite is about 42300km from the surface of the Earth Its velocity with respect to Earth is zero
Question: 48
Give value and unit of G in gravitational law
Answer: 48
48-82Value of G in gravitational law is 6.673*10
Question: 49
Why law of gravitation is important to us
Answer: 49
49-82Following points explain the importance of gravitational law
We can find mass of Earth with the help of gravitational law
We can understand the motion of satellites with the help of gravitational law of gravitation tells us that why artificial satellites orbit around the Earth.
Question: 50
What is difference between g and G
Answer: 50
50-82Gravitational Acceleration: The value of acceleration due to gravity g depends on the radius of the earth
The value of g changes with respect to height for a body from the earth
Question: 51
Define force of gravitation.
Answer: 51
51-82Force of gravitation: The force due to which every body of the universe attracts every other body is called force of gravitation
Question: 52
Explain how the value of g varies with altitude
Answer: 52
52-82The value of g at height (h) from the earth surface is given by
Question: 53
Define orbital velocity and write its formula
Answer: 53
53-82Orbital Velocity: The Velocity at which a body revolves about another body
Question: 54
How can you say that gravitational force is a field force
Answer: 54
54-82When an object thrown upward it comes back to earth due to gravitational pull of Earth as Earth attract that object without any physical connection so the gravitational force is a field force.
Question: 55
Why communication satellites are stationed at geostationary orbits
Answer: 55
55-82Communication satellites are stationed at geostationary orbit so that they always face the same side of the earth and dish antennas sending and receiving the signals from them have always fixed direction.
Question: 56
Why we can not feel gravitational force around us
Answer: 56
56-82Due to small value of the gravitational force of attraction between object around us is very small and we do not feel it.
Question: 57
What is a satellite
Answer: 57
57-82Satellite: An object that revolves around a planted is called a satellite
Question: 58
Why does the vale of g vary from place to place
Answer: 58
58-82The value of g is inversely proportional to the square of radius of earth A the radius of Earth vary from place to place so the value of g is also vary from lace to place
Question: 59
Write the values of Following
Answer: 59
59-82Radius of Earth
Gravitational constant g
Radius of Earth
The value of Radius of Earth R is 6.4*10m
Question: 60
What is consistence of gravitational law with Newton's third Law
Answer: 60
60-82According to Newton's gravitational law the force of gravitation between two masses is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction which is exactly the same to Newton third law of motion
Question: 61
What is the meant by communication satellite
Answer: 61
61-82Communication satellite: Satellites which was for commination are called communication satellites these are 423,00km away from surface of earth
Question: 62
What is meant by geostationary orbit
Answer: 62
62-82Communication satellites take 24 hours to complete its one rotation around Earth As Earth also complete its one rotation about its axis in 24 hours hence these communication satellites appear to be stationary with respect to Earth So the orbits of such satellites are called as geostationary orbits
Question: 63
Can you determine the mass of our Moon
Answer: 63
63-82Yes We can determine the mass of our Moon by Newton's law of gravitation
Question: 64
Why is the value of g different at different place
Answer: 64
64-82Therefore it is clear that the value of g becomes one fourth if the height of object increases equal to Earth radius from Earth surface Similarly, the value of g becomes one nineth if the height of object increase equal to double of Earth radius from Earth surface Formula shows that the value of g at different heights will be different Due to this reason the value of g is different at different places.
Question: 65
On which factors the value of g on any celestial object depends upon
Answer: 65
65-82Value of g on the surface of a celestial object depends on its mass and its radius
Question: 66
Everybody has weight in Earth gravitational field
Answer: 66
66-82Weight of a body in Earth gravitational field is due to the gravitational force between the body and the Earth
Question: 67
On which factors gravitational acceleration depends
Answer: 67
67-82We know that According to formula gravitational acceleration depends upon height
Question: 68
With what force an apple weighing 1 N attract the Earth
Answer: 68
68-82According to Newton law of gravitation apple attract the Earth with a force of 1N
Question: 69
Define field force and gravitational field strength
Answer: 69
69-82Force Field: A force which is affect by a body due to any field is called force field
Question: 70
Give the orbital speed formula for Artificial Satellite
Answer: 70
70-82The equation of orbital speed of a sate lite is
According the this equation the satellite depends on gravitational acceleration of earth, velocity and radius of earth
Question: 71
With what force an apple weighing attracts the earth
Answer: 71
71-82According to Newton third law To every action there is a reaction Therefore the apple attracts the Earth with a force equal to its weight
Question: 72
What are artificial satellites
Answer: 72
72-82Scientist have sent many objects into space. Some of these objects revolved around the earth These are called artificial satellites.
Question: 73
What is orbital speed of a low orbit satellite
Answer: 73
73-82A satellite revolving around very close to the Earth, has speed V nearly 8kms
Question: 74
How much Moon is away from the Earth and Completes its cycle around the Earth
Answer: 74
74-82Moon in nearly 3,80000 km away from the Earth it completes its one revolution around the Earth in 27.3 days
Question: 75
Does the weight of an apple increases decreases or remain constant when taken to the top of a mountain
Answer: 75
75-82When an apple is taken to the top of mountain its weight decreases because the value of g decreases on mountains
Question: 76
What is the direction of gravitational field
Answer: 76
76-82The direction of gravitational field around the earth is always toward the centre of earth
Question: 77
Define geo stationery satellite
Answer: 77
77-82Geo-stationery Satellite: Such a satellite whose velocity is zero with respect to Earth is called geo-stationery satellite The height of geostationary satellite is about 42300 km from the Earth
Question: 78
How can you say that gravitational force is a field force
Answer: 78
78-82Gravitational force can act on a body with and without contact fhere fore it is field force
Question: 79
State the difference between natural and artificial satellites.
Answer: 79
79-82Artificial Satellites: Scientists have sent many objects into space Some of these objects revolve around the Earth These are called artificial satellites.
Question: 80
Define mass of earth
Answer: 80
80-82The quantity of matter in Earth is called Mass of Earth Its value is
Question: 81
What is meant by global positioning system
Answer: 81
81-82Global Positioning System Global positioning System (GPS) is a satellites navigation system It help us to find the exact position of an object any where on the land on the sea or in the air GPS consists of 24 Earth a day with a speed
Question: 82
Define Artificial Satellites
Answer: 82
82-82Scientists have sent many objects into space Some of these objects revolve round the Earth These are called artificial satellites.