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Question: 1
Explain 1st condition of equilibrium.
Answer: 1
1-123A body said to satisfy first condition of equilibrium if the resultant of all these forces acting on it is zero.
Question: 2
Write the types of parallel force.
Answer: 2
2-123i) Like parallel forces.
ii) Unlike parallel forces.
Question: 3
Differentiate between like and unlike forces.
Answer: 3
3-123Like parallel forces:
such a parallel forces whoe direction is same are called like parallel force.
Example: the weights of apples in a sack are parallel to each other and also in the same direction.
Question: 4
Differentiate between torque and couple.
Answer: 4
4-123Torque is produced by only only force
one moment arm is there to produce the torque
Question: 5
Define parallel forces.
Answer: 5
5-123When a number of forces acting on a body in such a way that their point of action s are different but line of action are parallel to each other ,are called parallel forces.
Question: 6
Give an example of a moving body which is in equilibrium.
Answer: 6
6-123WA paratrooper coming down with the constant speed is in equilibrium as well as in motion.
Question: 7
Unit of torque.
Answer: 7
7-123It unit newton metre.
Question: 8
What is centre of gravity.
Answer: 8
8-123A point where the whole weight of the body appears to act vertically downward is called centre of gravity of a body e.g. centre of gravity of uniform rod is centre of the rod.
Question: 9
Define Resultant vector.
Answer: 9
9-123A resultant vector is a single vector that has the same effect as the combined effect of all vectors to be added.
Question: 10
Define centre of mass
Answer: 10
10-123Centre of mass of a system is a point where an applied force causes the system to move without rotation.
Question: 11
When a body is said to be in equilibrium?
Answer: 11
11-123A body is said to be in equilibrium if no net force acts on it.
Question: 12
Which factor torque depends.
Answer: 12
12-123Torque = F X L
So, Torque depends upon force and moment arm.
Question: 13
What is 2nd condition for equilibrium?
Answer: 13
13-123A body is said to be satisfy 2nd condition of equilibrium if the resultant torque acting on a body is zero.
Question: 14
Define couple with the help of an example.
Answer: 14
14-123Couple: A couple is formed by two unlike parallel forces same magnitude but not along the same line.
Question: 15
Define equilibrium. and give one example.
Answer: 15
15-123A body is said to be in equilibrium, if no net force acts on it.
Example: i) A book lying on a table is in equilibrium because the weight of book and force of reaction of table are in opposite direction and hence cancel their effect.
Question: 16
What is line of action of force.
Answer: 16
16-123A line along which a force acts is called line of action of the force.
Question: 17
Define Resultant Vector
Answer: 17
17-123A resultant vector is a single vector that has the same effect as the combined effect of all vector to be added
Question: 18
What is meant by principle of moments?
Answer: 18
18-123A body is balanced if the sum of clockwise moments acting on the body is equal to the sum of anticlockwise moments acting on its.
Question: 19
What is 2nd condition for equilibrium
Answer: 19
19-123A body is said to be satisfy 2nd condition of equilibrium if the resultant torque acting on a body is zero
Question: 20
Define moment arm.
Answer: 20
20-123The perpendicular distance between the axis of rotation and line of action of force is called moment arm.
Question: 21
Differentiate between stable and neutral equilibrium.
Answer: 21
21-123Stable equilibrium: A body is said to be in stable equilibrium if after a slight tilt it returns to its previous position
In stable equilibrium centre of gravity of the body is at its lowest position and after the slight tilt it return to its previous position.
Question: 22
Define unlike parallel forces.
Answer: 22
22-123Such parallel forces which are opposite in direction are called unlike parallel forces.
Question: 23
Define Trigonometric ratio.
Answer: 23
23-123The ratios between any two sides of a right angle triangle are called trigonometric ratio.
Question: 24
Define like parallel forces.
Answer: 24
24-123Such parallel forces which have same direction are called like parallel forces.
Question: 25
Think of a body which is at test but not in equilibrium
Answer: 25
25-123When we throw a body in up ward direction at its highest position the body is at rest for a moment but it is not in equilibrium because no other force is present to cancel the force of weight.
Question: 26
Define Trigonometry.
Answer: 26
26-123The branch of geometry which explains the properties of right angle triangle is called trigonometry.
Question: 27
Differentiate between like and unlike forces
Answer: 27
27-123Like Parallel forces: Such a parallel forces whose direction is same called are called like parallel forces
Example: The weights of apples in a sack are parallet to each other and also in the same direction.
Question: 28
Define couple arm.
Answer: 28
28-123The perpendicular distance between two forces of couple is called couple arm.
Question: 29
Does the fan satisfy second condition for equilibrium when rotating with uniform speed
Answer: 29
29-123Yes, It satisfy because moment arm is zero than
Question: 30
What is stat of neutral equilibrium.
Answer: 30
30-123Neutral Equilibrium; If a body remains in its new position when disturbed from its previous position, then body is said to be in neutral equilibrium.
Question: 31
What is centre of gravity
Answer: 31
31-123Centre of Gravity: A point where whole weight of the body appears to act vertically downward is called centre of gravity of a body e.g centre of gravity of uniform rod is centre of the rod
Question: 32
Define unstable equilibrium. Give one example
Answer: 32
32-123Unstable equilibrium: If a body does not return to its previous position when set free after a slightest is said to be in unstable equilibrium.
Example: A pencil just balanced at its tip with centre of gravity at the highest position is the example of unstable equilibrium=brium
Question: 33
Define Resolution of vectors.
Answer: 33
33-123Resolution of Vectors: to split up a force into its perpendicular components is called resolution of forces.
Question: 34
Can a small child play with a fat child on the sea-saw Explain how
Answer: 34
34-123Yes a small child can play with a fat child if the fat child sists near the axis of rotation of the sea-saw and the small child sists away the axist of rotation.
Question: 35
Define rigid body and give an example.
Answer: 35
35-123Rigid body is composed of large number of particles. If the distance between all pairs of particles of the body do not change by applying a force, then it is called a rigid body.
Example: Adoor , a cylinder.
Question: 36
Write the types of parallel forces
Answer: 36
36-123There are two types of parallel forces.
Like parallel force
Unlike parallel force
Question: 37
Define equilibrium and give its example
Answer: 37
37-123Equilibrium: A body is said toi be in equilibrium if no net force acts on it
Question: 38
Define stable equilibrium with example.
Answer: 38
38-123Stable equilibrium: A body is said to be in stable equilibrium if after a slightest it returns to its previous position.
Example: If a book returns to its previous position after a slightest tilt then book is said be in stable equilibrium.
Question: 39
Why there is need for 2nd condition of equilibrium if body satisfy 1st condition of equilibrium
Answer: 39
39-123If a body satisfied 1st condition of equilibrium then it is not completely in equilibrium. Because there is a chance of producing torque in that body
If two same force are acting on a body in opposite direction in a same line then no rotation is produced but if those two forces act in different lines then the torque is produced so we need another condition for equilibrium to eliminate the torques.
Question: 40
Define axis of rotation.
Answer: 40
40-123The line about which a body rotates is called axis of rotation.
Question: 41
Give an example of a moving body which is in equilibrium
Answer: 41
41-123A paratrooper coming down with the constant speed is in equilibrium as well as in motion
Question: 42
In a right angled triangle length of base is 4cm and its perpendicular is 3cm.
Answer: 42
42-123length of its hypotenuse, cos , sin, tan,
Question: 43
Why the height of a vehicle is kept as low as possible
Answer: 43
43-123To lower the centre of mass of vehicles their height is kept low. Low centre of mass make them more stable as compare to the high centre of mass Due to this vehicles are made heavy at the bottom and their height is kept minimum
Question: 44
How a force can be resolved into its prependicular components
Answer: 44
44-123To resolve a force into its perpendicular components we neend head to tail rule. It the given forces is considered as resultant force then the two components can be drawn In the figure force F is making an angle 0 with horizontal surface and it is resolved into Fx and Fy which are horizontal and vertical components respectively.
Question: 45
What is directional graph
Answer: 45
45-123To draw a vector on a paper we need direction Graphically two mutually perpendicular lines are used to indicate the direction. These two line are used to direct a vector on paper or plane.
Question: 46
Define torque
Answer: 46
46-123Turning effect of a force is called torque or moment of force
Question: 47
How head to tail rule helps to find the resultant of forces
Answer: 47
47-123When two forces are added with head to tail rule it gives the resultant of two forces, It gives the magnitude and direction both of the resultant force.
Question: 48
What is meant by perpendicular components
Answer: 48
48-123Perpendicular Component: Those components which makes an angle of 90 with each other are called perpendicular components. The perpendicular components of force is fx and fy
Question: 49
Does the speed of a ceiling fan go on increasing all the time.
Answer: 49
49-123No, speed of a ceiling fan is not increasing all the time but it is constant.
Question: 50
A force of 150 N is making an angle of 40 with horizontal surface what is its vertical components.
Answer: 50
50-123Given data: Give data F= 15N
Question: 51
When a body is said to be in equilibrium
Answer: 51
51-123A body is said to be in equilibrium if no net force acts on it.
Question: 52
Explain 1st condition for equilibrium.
Answer: 52
52-123A body is said satisfy first condition of equilibrium if the resultant of all these forces acting on it is zero.
Question: 53
Define parallel forces
Answer: 53
53-123When a number of forces acting on a body in such a way that their point of actions are different but lines of action are parallel to each other are called parallel forces.
Question: 54
What is head to tail rule
Answer: 54
54-123When two or more than two vectors are added such that the head of the first vector is joined with tail of second vector and finally the tail of first vector is joined with the head of the second vector. This method of addition is called head to tail rule. The vector joining the tail of first vector to the head of last vector is called resultant vector a Graphical method used to find the resultant of two or more forces is called head to tail rule.
Question: 55
Can force be added by ordinary addition of number
Answer: 55
55-123No, forces cannot be added by ordinary addition of number They can be added by head to tail rule because force is vector quantity
Question: 56
Discuss centre of gravity of some symmetrical object
Answer: 56
56-123Uniform rod, Square plate and rectangular plate, Uniform circular disc, Uniform solid sphere, Triangular plate, Uniform solid or hollow cylinder,
Question: 57
How can we increase the stability of a vehicle
Answer: 57
57-123Stability of the vehicle can be increased by lowering the centre of mass of vehicle and by making them heavy at the bottom.
Question: 58
Two children are sitting on the sea-saw such that they cannot swing
Answer: 58
58-123In this situation the net torque is zero
Question: 59
How head to tail rule helps us to find resultant of vectors
Answer: 59
59-123To determine resultant vector by head to tail rule we have to draw the resultant vector from head of last to tail of 1st vector It given us resultant graphically
Question: 60
What is Plumb line
Answer: 60
60-123Plumb line: A plumb line consists of a small metal bob lead or brass supported by a string. When the bob is suspended freely by the string, it rests the vertical direction due to its weight acting vertically down ward.
Question: 61
Why a body cannot be in equilibrium due to single force acting on it
Answer: 61
61-123When a single force acts on a body acceleration and torque is produced due to this reason a body is not equilibrium.
Question: 62
What is hypotenuse
Answer: 62
62-123The facing the angle of 90 is called hypotenuse e.g the side AC in the figure is hypotenuse
In right angle triangle the side opposite to right angle is called hypotenuse
Question: 63
Head to tale rule explain?
Answer: 63
63-123Draw the representative lines of all the vector to be added in such a way that head of first vector coincides with the tail of second vector, head of second vector coincides with the tail of third vector and on so
Question: 64
Explain couple with the help of an example
Answer: 64
64-123Couple A Couple is formed act on a steering wheel and produce torque to torque to turn the vehicle
Question: 65
A ladder leaning at a wall as shown in figure is in equilibrium how
Answer: 65
65-123The weight of ladder produces anticlock wise torque. The wall pushes the ladder at its tope end thus produce a clockwise torque. Both torques are equal and opposite and cancel their effect. So, the ladder is in state of equilibrium.
Question: 66
The weight of the ladder in fig produces an anticlock wise toruqe
Answer: 66
66-123Yes, the ladder is in state of equilibrium.
Question: 67
Why the handle of a door is placed at the outer edge of the door
Answer: 67
67-123We can open or close door more easily by applying a force at the outer edge of a door rather than near the hinge (axist ) Because by this a long moment arm is obtained which produce more torque which helps to open the door more easily.
Question: 68
What is line of action force
Answer: 68
68-123A line along which a force acts is called line of action of the force
Question: 69
What is right angle triangle
Answer: 69
69-123A triangle having an angle of 90 in it is called Right angle triangle.
Question: 70
Define couple arm
Answer: 70
70-123The perpendicular distance between two force of couple is called couple arm
Question: 71
Define stable equilibrium with example
Answer: 71
71-123Stable Equilibrium: A body is said to be in stable equilibrium if after a slightest tilt it returns to its previous postion.
Question: 72
Define trigonometry
Answer: 72
72-123The branch of geometry which explains the properties of right angle triangle is called trigonometry.
Question: 73
Define unstable equilibrium
Answer: 73
73-123Unstable Equilibrium: If a body does not return to its previous position when set free after a slightest tilt is said to be in unstable equilibrium
Question: 74
Define like parallel forces
Answer: 74
74-123Such parallel forces which have same direction are called like parallel forces. e.g in the above figure f1 and f2 are like parallel to each other and the weight of apples closed in a sack are also in downward direction. These forces are also parallel forces.
Question: 75
What is base
Answer: 75
75-123The smaller side of right angle triangle with angle is called base e,g the side AB in the figure is base.
Question: 76
What is meant by graph
Answer: 76
76-123A graph is a diagram showing the relationship between variable quantities typically of two variables, each measured along a pair of axis at right angle.
Question: 77
What is meant by principle of moments
Answer: 77
77-123A body is balance if the sum of clockwise moments acting on the body is equal to the sum of anticlock wise moments acting on its
Question: 78
What is perpendicular
Answer: 78
78-123The line facing the angle in a right angle triangle is called perpendicular e.g the side BC in the figure is perpendicular
The line have 90 angle with any plane is called perpendicular
Question: 79
What is meant by Couple of forces
Answer: 79
79-123Couple: A Couple is formed by two unlike parallel forces of the same magnitude but not along the same line.
Question: 80
Give an example of a moving body which is in equilibrium?
Answer: 80
80-123A paratroopercoming down with terminal velocity is in equilibrium this type of equilibrium.
Question: 81
Why a body does not regain its previous state in unstable equilibrium
Answer: 81
81-123Because in this state centre of gravity of body is at highest position.
Question: 82
Why a body regain its previous state in stable equilibrium
Answer: 82
82-123Because in stable equilibrium its centre of gravity is at the lowest position
Question: 83
Define resolution of vectors
Answer: 83
83-123To split up a force into its perpendicular components is called resolution of forces.
Question: 84
On doubling the moment arm, what will be its effect on the value of torque
Answer: 84
84-123On doubling the moment arm the value of torque will also be double
Question: 85
Define center of gravity
Answer: 85
85-123Resultant vector: A resultant vector is a single vector that the same effect as the combined effect of all the vectors be added
Question: 86
At which point an applied force does not produce rotation
Answer: 86
86-123A force applied at the centre of mass of a body does not produce any rotation rather the body moves in the direction of applied force
Question: 87
Define axis of rotation
Answer: 87
87-123The line about which a body rotates is called axis of rotation
Question: 88
On which factor torque depends
Answer: 88
88-123So, torque depends upon force and moment arm
Question: 89
What is the second condition of equilibrium
Answer: 89
89-123First condition of equilibrium: A body is said to satisfy first condition for equilibrium if the resultant of all the forces acting on it is zero,
Formula F=0
Question: 90
Difference between Center of mass and center gravity?
Answer: 90
90-123Center of mass.
Center of mass of a system is such a point where an applied force cause the system to move without rotation
Question: 91
Define Resolution of forces
Answer: 91
91-123Forces into their component forces is called resolution of forces
Question: 92
Define Centre of mass of a body
Answer: 92
92-123Centre of mass: The point where when the force is applied, the system move without rotation is called centre of mass.
Question: 93
Force of 150N can loosen a nut when applied at end of a spanner 10cm long
Answer: 93
93-123Given data: F=150N
Question: 94
Why the height of vehicles is kept as low as possible?
Answer: 94
94-123We Know that smaller the height of center of gravity of a body , greater will be its stability . The height of vehicles is kept low to lower their center of gravity and as a result their stability increases.
Question: 95
Where are the centre of gravity of uniform square and uniform triangular sheets.
Answer: 95
95-123Centre of gravity of a square of a rectangular Square: The centre of a gravity of a uniform square or a rectangular sheet is the point of intersection of its diagonals
Question: 96
Define Resultant vector?
Answer: 96
96-123A resultant vector is a single force that has the same effect as the combined effect of all the forces to be added.
Question: 97
Define parallel forces. Write n names of its types
Answer: 97
97-123Parallel forces: Such forces which are parallel to each other are called parallel forces.
Question: 98
Why door is easy to open or close by pushing or pulling at handle?
Answer: 98
98-123We open or close a door by pushing it . Here push or pull turn the door about its hinge or axis of rotation, The door is opened or closed due to the turning effect of the force acting on it.
Question: 99
What is meant by Rigid body
Answer: 99
99-123Rigid Body: A body is composed of large number of small particles. If the distance between all pairs of particles of the body do not change by applying of force the, it is called rigid body A rigid body is the one that is not deformed by force or forces acting on it
Question: 100
What is state of neutral equilibrium
Answer: 100
100-123Neutral Equilibrium: If a body remains in its new position when disturbed from its previous position then body is said to be in neutral equilibrium
Question: 101
Why are vehicles made heavy at the bottom
Answer: 101
101-123Vehicles are made heavy at the bottom to lower their centre of gravity to keeps the balanced vehicles.
Question: 102
Differentiate between Axis of rotation and Mometn
Answer: 102
102-123Axis of rotation The straight line passing through a body about which the body can rotate is called axis of rotation
Question: 103
Define plumb line?
Answer: 103
103-123A plum be line is a piece of string with a weight attached to the end that is used to check that something such as wall is vertical
Question: 104
Define like parallel forces and moment arm
Answer: 104
104-123Like parallel forces: Like parallel force are the forces that are parallel to each other and have the same direction
Question: 105
Define rigid body and give an example
Answer: 105
105-123Rigid Body: A body is composed of large number of particles. It the distance between all pairs of particles of the body do not change by applying a force, then it is called a rigid body
Question: 106
Define equilibrium
Answer: 106
106-123Equilibrium: A body is said to be in equilibrium if no net force acts on it. A body in equilibrium thus remains at rest or moves with uniform velcity
Question: 107
Define like and unlike parallel forces
Answer: 107
107-123Like parallel forces: Like parallel forces are the forces that are parallel to each other and have the same direction
Question: 108
What is meant by additionof forces?
Answer: 108
108-123Force is a vector quantity. It has magnitude as well direction; therefore forces are not added by ordinaryarithmetic rules. They are added by a method known as head to tail rule .
Question: 109
Why a body cannot be in equilibrium due to a single force acting on it
Answer: 109
109-123A body cannot be in equilibrium due to a single force because a single force cannot be considered zero as a net force and the torque produced by it will also not be zero
Question: 110
Difference between like and unlike forces?
Answer: 110
110-123Like forces:like forces are the forces that are parallel to each other and have the same direction
Question: 111
Write the principle of moments
Answer: 111
111-123State the principle of moments: A body initially at rest does not rotate if the sum of all the clockwise moments acting on it balanced by the sum of all the anti clockwise moment acting on it This principle is known as the principle of moments. Mathematically clockwise moments=Anti-clockwise moments
Question: 112
Define resultant of forces and explain by diagram
Answer: 112
112-123Resultant of forces: A resultant force is a single force that has the same effect as the combined effect of all the force to be added
Question: 113
What is line of action of force
Answer: 113
113-123Line of action of force and moment arm always makes angle 90 with each other
Question: 114
Differentiate between clockwise and anti-clockwise moment
Answer: 114
114-123Clockwise Moment: The force that trrns a spanner in the clockwise direction is known is clockwise force. The torque or moment of force produced to this force is called clockwise moment
The moment produced during tighten a nut
Question: 115
Define torque and Center of mass
Answer: 115
115-123Torque: The turning effect of a force is called torque or moment of the force
Question: 116
Why the height of vehicles is kept as low as possible
Answer: 116
116-123The height of vehicles is kept as low as possible to make them more and more stable because stability increased as height of vehicle decrease.
Question: 117
Define couple and couple arm?
Answer: 117
117-123A couple is formed by two unlike parallel forces of the same magnitude, but not along the same line
Question: 118
Differentiate between torque and couple
Answer: 118
118-123Torque: Turing effect of force is called torque .
To produce a torque we need only one force at least
Torque or moment of force is equal to product of force F and moment arm L
Question: 119
Think of a body which is at rest but not in equilibrium
Answer: 119
119-123A body thrown vertically upward at maximum height is at rest for a while but at that moment gravitational force
Question: 120
Define parallel forces and types?
Answer: 120
120-123In a plane, if number of forcesact on a body such that their points of action are different, but lines of action are parallel to each other, then these forces are called parallel forces.
There are two types of parallel forces
1- like parallel forces, unlike parallel forces
Question: 121
What is difference between stable and unstable
Answer: 121
121-123Stable: equilibrium: A body is said to be in stable equilibrium if after a slight tilt it return to its previous position.
Question: 122
What is meant by resolution of forces?
Answer: 122
122-123The decomposition or division of a vector into itscomponent is called resolution of a vector or force
Question: 123
Define first condition of equilibrium?
Answer: 123
123-123A body will be in equilibrium if the resultant of all the forces acting on it is zero this is first condition of equilibrium.