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Question: 1
Waht do you understand by zero error of measuring instrument?
Answer: 1
Zero error means the minimum error found in a measuring instrument.
Question: 2
Define Mechanics.
Answer: 2
It is the study of motion of objects its causes and effects.
Question: 3
Define Heat.
Answer: 3
Branch of physics which deals with the nature of heat, modes of transfer and effects of heat.
Question: 4
Define Sound.
Answer: 4
The branch of physics which deals with the physical aspects of sound waves, their production properties and applications.
Question: 5
Define physics.
Answer: 5
Branch of science which deals with matter, energy and their mutual relationship. there are many branches of physics.
Question: 6
Define Plasma physics.
Answer: 6
Which deals with the stydy of production properties of the ionic state of matter, the forth state of matter.
Question: 7
What is international system of units?
Answer: 7
A world-wide system of measurements is known as international system of units(SI).In SI,the units of seven base quantities are meter,kilogramme,second,ampere,kelvin,candela and mole.
Question: 8
Define electricity and magnetism.
Answer: 8
The branch of physics which deals with the study of charges at rest and to motion their effects and their relationship with magnetism
Question: 9
What are physical quantities.
Answer: 9
All measurable quantities are called physical quantities. For example mass, length and temperature.
Question: 10
Define optics/light.
Answer: 10
The branch of physics which deals with the study of physical aspect of light . Its properties working and use of optical instrument.
Question: 11
Write two important parts of ernier callipers.
Answer: 11
A vernier callipers consists on two parts. One part is main scale and other part is known as vernier scale. Main scale is attached with fixed jaw on which centimeters and millimeters are marked. The other part, vernier scale, is connected by a movable jaw which is divided into 10 equal divisions.
Question: 12
What role SI units have played in the development of science?
Answer: 12
With the development in field of science and technology,the need for a commonly acceptable system of units was seriously felt all over the world particularly to exchange scientific and technical information.This need was fulfilled by SI units.
Question: 13
What is nuclear physics.
Answer: 13
Which deals with the properties and behaviour of nuclei and particles within the nuclei
Question: 14
Define atomic physics.
Answer: 14
Which deals with the study of structure and properties of atom.
Question: 15
What do you know aboutphysical balance?

Answer: 15
Physical Balance:
Physical balance is a modified type of beam balance used to measure small masses by comparison with greater occuracy.
Question: 16
Define Derived Quantities.
Answer: 16
The quantities that are expressed in terms of base quantities are called derived quantities.For Example speed area etc.
Question: 17
What is the use of physical balance
Answer: 17
A physical balance is used in the laboratory to measure the mass of various objects by comparison.
Question: 18
What are prefixes? Also give example.
Answer: 18
There are some numbers which are very large or small .to write them using some suitable multiples or submultiples is called prefixes. Example: Centi, Milli, mega
Question: 19
Define Base Quantities.
Answer: 19
Seven physical quantities which form the foundation for other physical quantities are called base quantities.
Question: 20
Differentiate between positive zero Error and Negative zero Error
Answer: 20
Positive Zero Error: Zero error will be positive if zero line of the vernier scale is on the right side of the zero the main scale.
Question: 21
Estimate your age in seconds
Answer: 21
Age in years= 15
Age in seconds=15 x 365 x24 x60x60
=473040000 second
Question: 22
What is Internal system of units?
Answer: 22
The worldwide acceptable system of measurements is called international system of units. It was adopted in the 11th General conference on wight and measures held in Paris in 1960
Question: 23
Why is the use of zero error necessary in a measuring instrument?
Answer: 23
Zero error is necessary in measuring instruments because it helps us to check the instrument we are using wheathercorrect or wrong.
Question: 24
Define physical quantities and explain its types
Answer: 24
physical Quantities: All measurable quantities are called physical quantities.
Examples: length mass, time, temperature etc.
Characteristics: A physical quantity possesses at least two characteristics:
Numerical magnitude, A unit in which it is measured
Question: 25
What is meant by Vernier Constant
Answer: 25
The least count of the vernier callipers is also called the vernier constrant. Vernier callipers is a measuring instrument in which the difference between one small division on main scale division and one vernier scale division is 0.1 mm. It is called least count (LC)of the vernier callipers.
Question: 26
Differentiate between lever balance and electronic balance lever Balance:

Answer: 26
A lever balance consists of a system of levers. When lever is lifted placing the object in one pan and standard masses on the other pan, the pointer of the lever system mover.
Question: 27
What is meant by scientific notation.
Answer: 27
A way of writing number s by using the power of ten or prefixes and there is only one nonzero digit before the decimal is called scientific notation. Example a number 62750 can be expressed as 6.275 x 10^4.
Question: 28
What is meant by vernier constant?
Answer: 28
the vernier constant is defined as the difference between one main scale division and one vernier scale division
Question: 29
How do we need to measure extremely small intervals of time
Answer: 29
In nature, there are so many phenomenon which vary with respect to the extremely small interval of time and for their experimental measurement we need to measure extremely small intervals of time.
Question: 30
What is significant figure?
Answer: 30
Significant Figure:
All the accurately known digits and the first doubtful digit in an expression are called significant figures.
Question: 31
What is least count of digital vernier callipers.
Answer: 31
Digital vernier callipers has greater precision than mechanical vernier callipers. Least count of digital vernier calipers is 0.01 mm.MM.
Question: 32
What is law of conversation of momentum?
Answer: 32
The momentum of an isolatedsystem of two or more than two interacting bodies remains constant
Question: 33
What is meant by Least Count of a screw gauge
Answer: 33
Least count of screw gauge. The minimum measurement can measure a screw gauge is called least count of screw gauge.
Question: 34
Define physical balance.
Answer: 34
A physical balance is used in laboratory to measure the mass of various objects by comparison. Its least count is 10 mg
Question: 35
Define Screw gauge.

Answer: 35
Screw Guage:
Screw guage is an instrument used to measure small lengthswith occuracygreater than a vernier calliper. It is also called micrometer screw gauge
Question: 36
How many divisions are there on vernier scale
Answer: 36
Vernier scale having 10 divisions over is such that each of division is 0.9 mm.
Question: 37
What is screw gauge, why is it used?
Answer: 37
A screw gauge is an instrument used to measure small lengths with accuracy greater than a vernier callipers it is also called micrometer screw gauge.
Question: 38
Differentiate between base units and derived units.
Answer: 38
Base units: The units that describe base quantities are called base units e.g. kg.
Question: 39
How can we measure the volume of and irregular shaped solid
Answer: 39
Take some water in a graduated measuring cylinder.
Note the volume vi of water in the cylinder.
Tie the solid with a thread
Lower the solid into the cylinder till it is fully immersed in water.
Note the volume vf of water
Volume of the solid will be vf-vi
Question: 40
Define prefixes and give examples.

Answer: 40
The words or letters added before a unit and stand for the multiples or sub-multiples of that unit are known as prefixes . For example Kilo, mega, milli, micro, etc.
Question: 41
Define geophysics.
Answer: 41
Which deals with the study of internal structure of the earth.
Question: 42
Define science and describe how science was divided into various branches.
Answer: 42
The knowledge gained through observations and experimentations is called science. The word science is derived from the Latin word scientia" which means knowledge. Science was divided into various branches initially as described below.
Question: 43
What do you mean by zero error and zero correction?
Answer: 43
Zero Error:
If the zero line of vernier scale is not coincidingwith main scale the zero error exits
Question: 44
Write twoi names of measuring instruments.
Answer: 44
Names of measuring instruments are
Question: 45
Write the importance of physicsin our daily life
Answer: 45
Physic plays an important role in our daily life For example, office equipments, electricity is widely used everywhere, domestic appliancesmachines used in industry etc. Work on the basic law and principles of physics.
Question: 46
What do you understand by zero error of measuring instrument
Answer: 46
Zero error means the minimum error found in a measuring instrument.
Question: 47
Describe scientific notation? Give an example.

Answer: 47
Scientific Notation:
In scientific notation a number is expressed as some power of ten multiplied by a number between 1 and 10. For example, a number 62750 can be expressed as 6.2750 x 104
Question: 48
Differentiate between electronic balance and physical balance
Answer: 48
Electronic balance: Electronic balance is the most precise instrument for the measurement of mass.
The least count of electronic balance is 0.001g or mg
Question: 49
Define physics
Answer: 49
In physics, we study matter, energy and theirinteraction. The laws and principles of physics help us to understand
Question: 50
Define measuring cylinder and write its uses
Answer: 50
Measuring cylinder: A measuring Cylinder is a glass or transparent plastic cylinder. Measuring cylinder has a scale along its length that indicate the volume in mills lite
Question: 51
Define least Count and also wirte least count of meter rod
Answer: 51
Least Count: The smallest reading that can be taken by using any measuring instrument, is called its least count.
Question: 52
When the zero error of screw guage will be positive
Answer: 52
Zero error will be positive if zero circular scale is behind the index line. In this case, mutiply the number of divisions of the circular scale that has not crossed the index line with the least count of screw gauge to find zero error,
Question: 53
What is the importance of physics in our daily life
Answer: 53
Laws and principles of physics help us to understand nature.
The rapid progress in science during the recent years has become possible due to discoveries and inventions in the field of physics. The technologies are the applications of scientific principles. Most of the technologies of our modern society throughout the world are related to physics. For example, car is made on the principles of mechanics and a refrigerator is based on principles of thermodynamics. In our daily life there are lots of applications of physic For example in electrical appliances (air conditioners, washing machine), means of transport (cars, aeroplanes), means of communication (radio, T.V, Telephone) etc.
Question: 54
Find the base quantities involved in each of the following derived quantities
Answer: 54
speed, volume, force, work
Question: 55
When the zero error of screw gauge will be negative
Answer: 55
Zero error of screw gauge will be negative if zero of circular scale has crossed the index line. In the case, the zero correction will be positive.
Question: 56
Write four names of laboratory safety equipments.
Answer: 56
A laboratory must have following safety equipments.
Question: 57
What is meant by pitch of screw gauge
Answer: 57
A thimble has a threaded spindle inside it. As the tumble completes one rotation, the spindle moves 1 mm along the index line. The distance between consecutive threads on the spindle is 1mm. This distance is called pitch of screw gauge.
Question: 58
Define electricity and magnetism
Answer: 58
The branch of physics which deals with the study of charges at rest and in motion, their effects and their relationship with magenetism
Question: 59
What is the use of meter rod
Answer: 59
A metre rod is a length measuring instrument which can use to measure the length of an object r distance between two points with an accuracy of 1min.
Question: 60
What are prefixes
Answer: 60
Prefixes: The words or letters added before a unit and stand for multiples or sub-multiples of that unit are known as prefixes.
Question: 61
What is Screw Gauge
Answer: 61
Screw gauge: A screw gauge is an instrument that is used to measure small lengths with accuarc greater than vernier callipers. It is also called as micrometer screw gauge.
Question: 62
Define physics and explain its branches.
Answer: 62
physics: The branch of science which deals with the study of matter, energy and their mutual relationship is called physics.
Question: 63
How is stop watch used
Answer: 63
A mechanical stopwatch has a knob that is used to wind the spring that powers the watch.
This kind can also be used as a start-stop and reset button
The watch starts when the knob is pressed onece.
When pressed second time, it stops the watch
The third press brings the needle back to zero position.
Question: 64
Why a Screw Gauge measures more accurately than Vernier Callipers
Answer: 64
Least count of Vernier calipers is 0.1 mm and least count of screw gauge is 0.01mm. Thus measurements taken by micrometer screw gauge are the most precise.
Question: 65
Least count of vernier callipers.
Answer: 65
The vernier constant is defined as the difference between one main scale division and one vernier scale division.
Question: 66
Enlist the main branches of physics.
Answer: 66
Mechanic, Heat thermodynamics, Atomic physics, Nuclear physics . plasma physics, Light, sound, Geophysics, Electricity and magnetism.
Question: 67
Writer down rules to find the significant digits.
Answer: 67
Rule to find the significant digits: Digits other than zero are always significant. i.e 27 has 2 significant digits and 275 has 3 significant digits
Zero between significant digits are also significant .e.g. 2705 has 4 significant digits.
Zeros after decimal point are significant. e.g 275.00 has 5 significant digits.

Question: 68
How to use digital stop watch
Answer: 68
The digital stop watch starts indicate the time lapsed as the start/stop button is pressed.
When start/stop button is pressed again, it stop and indicates the time interval recorded by it between start and stop of an event.
A reset button retroes its initial zero setting
Question: 69
What is the function of balancing screw in a physical balance
Answer: 69
Balancing screws in a physical balance is used to bring the pointer at zero position.
Question: 70
What is international system of units
Answer: 70
The worldwide acceptable system of measurments is called international system of units.It was adopted in the 11th General Conference on weight and measures held in paris in 1960
Question: 71
What is digital stopwatch
Answer: 71
Mechanical Stopwatch: A mechanical stopwatch can measure time interval upto minimum 0.1 second
A mechanical stopwatch showes reading through
During measuring reading may be a human error in reading
The least count of mechanical stopwatch is 0.1 second.
Question: 72
Define stop watch. What is L.C of mechanical stopwatch
Answer: 72
The instrument used to calculate the time interval of an event is called stop watch. L.C of mechanical stopwatch = 0.1 second.
Question: 73
What role SI unit has play in the development of science
Answer: 73
The SI unit are internationally acceptable units. They are very helpful to exchange scientific and technical information. They have brought consistency and uniformity in measurements and calculations by different scientist in different part of the world.
Question: 74
What is electronic balance
Answer: 74
Electronic balance is a device which is used to measure the mass of objects. It comes in different rangers i.e. mg, g,kg. Electronic balance is the most sensitive balance.
Question: 75
Find the number of significant figures in 0.00580km
Answer: 75
Significant figures: 0.00580km the first two zero are not significant. They are used to space the decimal point. The digit 5,8 and the final zero are significant thus there are three significant figures.
Question: 76
What is meant by significant fique's
Answer: 76
Significant figuers: All the digits that are known accurately and one estimated (doubtful) digit are called significant figures.

Question: 77
Define optics
Answer: 77
The branch of physics which deals with the study of physical aspect of light Its properties. working and use of optical instruments.
Question: 78
What is meant by pitch of screw gauge give its value
Answer: 78
The distance between two consecutive threads on a spindle of a screw guge is called pitch Its value is 1mm.
Question: 79
Explain the construction and use of metre rule and measuring tape.
Answer: 79
Metre rule is a length measuring instrument and is commonly used in laboratories to measure length of an object or distance between two points.
Construction: It is one metre long which is equal to 100 cm. Each centimetre is divided into 10 small divisions called millimeter (mm). Thus one millimeter is the smallest reading on metre rule.
Question: 80
Find the number of significant figures in 100.8s and express in scientific notation
Answer: 80
The number of significant figures in 100.8s is 4.
Question: 81
Define scientific notation. Describe. it with examples.
Answer: 81
Scientific Notation: In scientific notation a number is expressed as some power of ten multiplied by a number between 1 to 10 A simple but scientific way to write large or small numbers is to express them is some power of ten.
The Moon is 384000000 metres away from the Earth. Distance of the moon form the Earth can also be expressed as 3.84*10m. This form of expressing a number is called the standard form or scientific notation. This saves writing down or interpreting large numbers of zeros.
Question: 82
Define Kinemaics
Answer: 82
Kinematics is the study of motion of an object without discussing the causes of motion.
Question: 83
Why is the use of zero error necessary in a measuring
Answer: 83
Zero error is necessary in measuring instrument to obtain an extremely correct value by means of applying zero correction.
Question: 84
A chocolate wrapper is 6.7cm long and 5.4 cm wide. calculate its area up to reasonable number of significant figures.
Answer: 84
Length of chocolate wrapper 6.7cm
Question: 85
Define nuclear physics
Answer: 85
The branch of physics which deals with the properties and properties of atoms.
Question: 86
Define sound
Answer: 86
The branch of physics which deal with the physical aspects of sound waves their production properties and application
Question: 87
What is difference between base quantities and derived quantities also give example
Answer: 87
Base Quantities: The quantities on the base of which other quantities are expressed are called base quantities.
Example: There are seven base quantities Length, mass, time, electric currrent, intensity of light, temperature, amount of substance.
Question: 88
Define unit and what is International system of units.
Answer: 88
Unit: A standard quantity needed for measuring unknown quantities is called unit.
Question: 89
What are measuring instruments
Answer: 89
Measuring Instruments: Measuring instrument are used to measure various physical quantities such as length, mass, time, volume etc. Measuring instruments used around 1300 AD were quite crude. On the other hand, digital clocks and watches used now-a-days are highly reliable and accurate.

Question: 90
What do you mean by unit and system of unit
Answer: 90
A standard quantity needed for measuring unknow quantities is know as unit
Question: 91
Which one of following two instruments is more precise and why
Answer: 91
Least count of vernier caallipers is 0.1 cm, and L.C of screw guage is 0.01mm so screw guage is more precise than vernier callipers because screw guage can take small reading more accurately.
Question: 92
What is stopwatch? Write the least count of mechanical stopwatch
Answer: 92
Stopwatch: stopwatch is an instrument which is use to measure time interval of an event.
Question: 93
How is precision related to the significant figures in a measured quantity
Answer: 93
More significant figures mean greater precision. For example two students measure the length of a book 18.42 cm and 18.425cm respectively with a vernier calliper and screw gauge respectively. The measurement 18.425 =cm is more precision becasue it has greater significant figures/
Question: 94
Why do we need to measure extremely small interval of time.
Answer: 94
In physics most of the physical quantities are related to time like speed. velocity, acceleration etc. So to measure a quantity with great precision we need to measure extremly small interval of time.
Question: 95
Pick out the base units in the following:
Answer: 95
Base Unit: Kilogramme, mole, ampere, metre, Kelvin.
Question: 96
Describe two situations in which force of friction is needed?
Answer: 96
1-We cannot write if there would be no friction between pen and paper
2- Friction enables us to walk on the ground. we cannot run on a slippery ground. A slippery ground offers very less friction.
Question: 97
What is digital stopwatch.
Answer: 97
Mechanical stopwatch: A mechanical stopwatch can measure a time interval up to minimum 0.1 second
A mechanical stopwatch shows reading through needles
During measuring reading may be a human error in reading
The least count of mechanical stopwatch is 0.1 second
Question: 98
Give constructtion and use of a vernier Callipers
Answer: 98
An accuracy greater than Imm can be obtained by using instruments such as Vernier Callipers.
An instrument which can length correct upto 0.1mm is called Vernier Calliper.
Question: 99
Define physical balance
Answer: 99
A physical balance is used in laboratory to measure the mass of varous objects by comparison Its least count is 10mg.
Question: 100
Why do we study physics
Answer: 100
Laws and principles of physics help us to understand nature Rapid progress in science during recent hears is due to discoveries and inventions in physics.
Question: 101
What are the advantages of vernier calliper over meter rule
Answer: 101
Vernier calliper can measure up to 0.1mm i.e up to one tenth of millimeter whereas meter rule can measure up to 1mm.
Question: 102
Define least count of screw gauge
Answer: 102
Least count of screw gauge can also be found by dividing pitch of screw on number of divisions on circular scale i.e. 0.01mm or 0.01cm
Question: 103
What is meant by significant figures of a measurement
Answer: 103
In any measurement all accurately know digits and first doubtful digit are called significant figures.
Question: 104
Write the use of prefixes
Answer: 104
Some quantities are either very large or very small prefixes are used to express very large or very small quantities. It makes these quantities to be express and understand esaily.
Question: 105
Give characteristics of physical quantities.
Answer: 105
There are two characteristics of physical quantities
A Physical quantities of have magnitude
A physical quantitites have a suitable unit in which it is measured
Question: 106
Define geo physics.
Answer: 106
The branch of physics which deals with the study of internal structure of the earth.
Question: 107
Writer the name of laboratory safety equipments.
Answer: 107
The laboratory safety equipments are following
Waste disposal basket, Fire extinguisher, Fire alarm. First Aid box. Sand and water buckets, Fire blanket to put off fire.
Question: 108
What is meant by least count
Answer: 108
The smallest reading that can be taken by using any measuring instrument is called its least count.
Question: 109
Describe two advantages of physics in daily life.
Answer: 109
Pulleys that make it easy to left heavy loads.
Question: 110
Convert 12 years into seconds.
Answer: 110
Days in one years = 365 days
Question: 111
Why is the use of zero error necessary in a measuring instrument
Answer: 111
We use zero error in an instrument to get accurate reading.
Question: 112
Name the two scales of vernier calliper.
Answer: 112
There are two scales in vernier callipers.
Main scale, Vernier scale
Question: 113
Define base quantities
Answer: 113
Base Quantities: Base quantities are the quantities on the basis of which other quantities are expressed
Question: 114
Write down rules to find the significant digits
Answer: 114
Rule to find the significant digits: Digits other than zero are always significant has 2 significant digits and 275 has 3 significant digits
Zero between significant digits are also significant e.g 2705 has 4 significant digits
Zero after decimal point are significance e,g 275.00 has significant digits
Question: 115
What is meant by multiple and sub multiples
Answer: 115
A unit can be increased or decreased by multiplying or dividing with 10 or some suitable power of 10.A positive power of 10 is called multiple and negative power of 10 is called sub multiples.
Question: 116
What is screw gauge, why is it used
Answer: 116
A screw gauge is an instrument used to measure small lengths with accuracy greater than a vernier callipers it is also called micrometer screw gauge
Question: 117
What is meant by scientific notation
Answer: 117
A way of writing numbers by using the power of ten or prefixes and there is only one non-zero digit before the decimal is called scientific notation. For example a number can be expressed a similarly the standard form of.
Question: 118
What is the function of balancing screws in a physical balance
Answer: 118
Balancing screw are used to equalize the pans when the balance is empty.
Question: 119
What is andromeda
Answer: 119
Andromeda is one of the billions of galaxier nearest nearest to our mikly way galaxy.
Question: 120
What is Hubble space telescope
Answer: 120
Hubble space telescope orbits around earth. It provided information about astronomic planets and galaxies.
Question: 121
Define scientific notation and express 0.00580 in scientific notation.
Answer: 121
Scientific notation: A way to express a given number as some power of ten mulltiplied or by prefixes by a number between 1 and 10 is called scientific notation.
Example: 0.00580
Question: 122
Define the term light.
Answer: 122
Light is the form of energy. Light is electromagnetic radiation that can be detected by the human eye. Light is a general term that is commonly used to refer to the visible spectrum. Visible means something that can be seen using the eye, as opposed to invisible" things that cannot be seen.
Question: 123
Define Scientific notation
Answer: 123
Scientific notation: A way to express a given number as some power of ten multiplied or by prefixes by a number between is called scientific notation
between 1 and 10 is called scientific notation
Question: 124
Estimate your 14 years age in seconds
Answer: 124
total days in one year =14 years
Total days in 14 years 365 = dasys
= 14*365
=5110 days
Question: 125
Define atomic physic
Answer: 125
The branch of physics which deals with the study structure and properties of atoms.
Question: 126
Write down the formula to calculate the least count of screw gauge
Answer: 126
Formula of least count is
least count=pitch of the screw gauge/no. of divisions on circular scale
Question: 127
Define zero error and zero correction.
Answer: 127
Zero error If a measuring instrument does not measure the correct value of measurement, then this error is called zero error.
Question: 128
What is least count of digital Vernier calipers
Answer: 128
Digital vernier callipers has greater precision than mechanical vernier callipers Least count of digital vernier callipers is 0.01mm
Question: 129
How numbers do are rounded off
Answer: 129
There are some rules to round of the numbers.
If the last digit is less than 5, then if is simply dropped. For example 1.943 is rounded
If the last digit is greater than 5, then the digit on its left side is increased by one for example rounded
If the last digit is 5, then it is rounded to nearest even number. For example 1.35 is rounded to

Question: 130
What role SI units have played in the development of science
Answer: 130
With the development of science and technology S.I units fulfill the serious need of for a commonly accept system of unit all over the world
Question: 131
What is important of physics in our daily life
Answer: 131
The rapid progress in science during the recent yeard has become possible due to discoveries and inventions in the field of physics. For example, A car is made on the principles of mechanics and refrigerator is based on the principle of thermodynamics Similarly, the means of commuincation such as radio TV, Telephone, Computer are result of application of physics
Question: 132
Define Physical quantities.
Answer: 132
All measurable quantities are called physical quantities such as length,mass,time and temperature.
Question: 133
Name five prefixes most commonly used.
Answer: 133
There are prefixes most commonly used centi (c), milli. (m), kilo (k), mega (m), giga (g) micro (u)
Question: 134
Write 6000 km and 3800 km in standard form.
Answer: 134
In standard form: 3800km=3.8*10km
Question: 135
Write the numbers given in scientific notation.
Answer: 135
In scientific notation.
Question: 136
Define the term light
Answer: 136
Light is the form of energy Light is electromagnetic radiation that can be detected by the human eye Light is a general term that is commonly used to refer to the visible spectrum Visible means something that can be seen using the eye as opposed to invisible things that cannot be seen
Question: 137
Write four names of laboratory safety equipments
Answer: 137
A laboratory must have following safety equipment's
  1. Waste disposal basket
  2. Fire extinguisher
  3. Fire alarm
  4. First aid box
Question: 138
Write down the formula to calculate the least count of screw gauge.
Answer: 138
Formula of least count is
Question: 139
What is meant by prefixes
Answer: 139
Prefixes: Prefixes are the words or letters added before a unit and stand for the multiples or submultiples of that unit
Question: 140
What do you understand the by the zero error of measuring instrument
Answer: 140
any error in the measuring instrument that can effect the reading is called zero error
Question: 141
What is the difference between Biological sciences and physical sciences
Answer: 141
Biological Sciences: The branch of natural philosophy in which we study about living things is called biological sciences.
Question: 142
Write in standard form 384000000m and 0.00045s.
Answer: 142
384000000 m
Question: 143
What do you understand the by the zero error of measuring instrument.
Answer: 143
  1. Any error in the measuring instrument that can effect the reading is called zero error
  2. Zero error may be positive or negative
  3. If the an instrument measured more then zero error will be positive
  4. If an instrument measured less then zero error will be negative
  5. The measured value will be less or more than the actual value