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Question: 1
Explain Isotopes with examples and write down any two uses of radioactive isotopes.
Answer: 1
1-16 Isotopes:
Isotopes are defined as the atoms of an element that have same atomic number but different mass number.
They have same electronic configuration and number of neutrons. Isotopes have same chemical properties and have different physical properties.
Isotopes of Hydrogen:
Three isotopes of hydrogen are named as Protium (H), deuterium (2H or D) and tritium (3H or T). Each one of them has 1 proton and 1 electron, but no. Of neutrons are different
Protium(H) Deuterium (2H) Tritium (3H) Isotopes of chlorine:
There are two isotopes of chlorine, 17^35 Cl 17^37CL.
Uses of Isotopes:
Following are uses of isotopes for the treatment of skin cancer, isotopes like p-32 and Sr-90 are used because they emit less penetrating beta radiations The radioisotopes are used in a chemical reaction to follow a radioactive element during the reaction and ultimately to determine the structure