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Question: 1
Define aqueous solution.
Answer: 1
The solution which is formed by dissolving a substance in water is called an aqueous solution . Example: NaCl in water and ink in water etc.
Question: 2
What do yu mean by %volume/volume?
Answer: 2
It is a volume in cm3 of a solute dissolved per 100 cm3 of solution for example 30% alcohol solution means 30 cm3 of alcohol dissolved in sufficient amount of water, so total volume would 100 cm3
Question: 3
What is the reasons for the difference between solutions, colloids and suspensions?
Answer: 3
Particles of solutions are so small that they can't scattered the rays of light, thus solution do not show tyndall effect Particles of suspension are so big that light is blocked and difficult to pass.
Question: 4
What is the size of suspension particles?
Answer: 4
The particles are of largest size. they are larger than 10-5 cm in diameter.
Question: 5
Define suspension?
Answer: 5
Suspension is a heterogenousmixture of undissolved particles in a given medium
Question: 6
What is percentage m/volume?
Answer: 6
It is the number of grams of solute dissolve in 100 grams of solution.
Question: 7
Why suspension and solutions do not show Tyndall effect, while colloids do?
Answer: 7
Suspension and solutions do not show Tyndall effect because particles of solution are so small that can't be scatter the rays of light and particles of suspension are so big that light is blocked and difficult to pass. The solloids do show tyndall effect because particles scatter the path of light rays thus emitting the beam of light i.e. exhibit the tyndall effect.
Question: 8
What is meant by percentage mass/volume?
Answer: 8
It is the number of grams of solute dissolve in 100cm³ of solution
%m/v =Mass of solute / volume of solution x100
Question: 9
Can colloids be separated by filtration, if not why?
Answer: 9
Colloids cannot be separated by filtration because particles are big but they can pass through a filter paper.
Question: 10
Write two characteristicsof suspension?
Answer: 10
Particles are of large size. They are larger than 10-5 cm in diameter
Particles are big enough to be been with naked eyes
Question: 11
What is concentration?
Answer: 11
It is the ratio of the amount of solute to the amount of solution or the amount of solution or the amount of solute to the amount of solvent.
Question: 12
What do you mean like dissolve like? Explain with examples?
Answer: 12
The general principle of solubility is like dissolves like. The ionic and polar substances are soluble in polar solvents. Ionic solids and polar covalent compounds are soluble in water e.g. KCl, Na2Co3,CuSO4 etc. Non-Polar substances are not soluble in polar solvents. None polar covalent compounds are not soluble in water but dissolve in petrol and benzene etc.
Question: 13
Why suspension does not form homogeneous mixture.
Answer: 13
Particles remain un dissolved and from a heterogeneous mixture. Particles settle down after some times.
Question: 14
What is Tyndall effect?
Answer: 14
Particles of colloids are big enough to scatter the beam of light called tyndall effect.
Question: 15
What is Tyndall effect and on which factor depend?
Answer: 15
The scattering of beam of light by particles of colloidsis called Tyndall effect. It depends up the size of particles
Question: 16
Define Solution.
Answer: 16
A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances. Example: Sugar solution
Question: 17
How can you distinguish between solution are ure solvent?
Answer: 17
The simplest way to distinguish between a solution and a pure liquid is evaporation. The liquid which evaporates completely, leaving no residue, is a pure compound, while a liquid which leaves behind a residue on evaporation is solution.
Question: 18
Can colloid be separated by filtration, if not why?
Answer: 18
Colloids cannot be separatedby filtration becauseparticles are not so big.
Question: 19
Define aqueoussolution?
Answer: 19
The solution which is formed by dissolving a substance in water is called aqueous solution
Eg: Sugar dissolved in water.
Question: 20
What is percentage - mass/mass(%m/m)?
Answer: 20
It is the number of grams of solute dissolve in 100 grams of solution.
Question: 21
Why are the colloids quite stable?
Answer: 21
A colloid appears to be a homogeneous but actually it is a heterogeneous mixture , Hence they are not true solution. Particles do not settle down for a long time, there colloids are quite stable.
Question: 22
Define solution?
Answer: 22
A homogeneous mixture of two or more substances is called asolution
eg: sugar dissolved in water.
Question: 23
What is the size of solution particles?
Answer: 23
The size of solution particles are 10-8 cm in diameter.
Question: 24
Difference between solute and solvent?
Answer: 24
The component of solution which is present in smaller quantity is called solute.
Question: 25
Why iodine is soluble in CCL4 than water?
Answer: 25
Because iodine is non polar so dissolve in non polar solvent CCl4 than solvent like water.
Question: 26
What is thedifference between dilute and concentrated solution?
Answer: 26
Dilute solutions are those which contains relatively small amount of dissolved solute in solution.
Question: 27
Why are the alloys considered solutions?
Answer: 27
Alloys is the homogeneous mixture of two or more metals.
Question: 28
Define supersaturated solution?
Answer: 28
The solution that is more concentrated than a saturated is known as supersaturated solution.
Question: 29
What is the major difference between a solution and a mixture.
Answer: 29
The solution exists in one phase and homogeneous while mixture exists in more than one phase and may be homogeneous or heterogeneous.
Question: 30
Difference between colloid and suspension?
Answer: 30
In colloid particles are larger than those present in the true solution.
the solute particles can pass through the filer paper
Question: 31
Why does the collid show tyndall effect?
Answer: 31
Colloid shows tyndall effect because particles of colloids are big enough to scatter the path of beam of light.
Question: 32
What is tyndall effect and on what factors it depends?
Answer: 32
The scattering of beam of light by particles of colloidal solution is called tyndall effect. It depends upon the size of particles.
Question: 33
How can you Justify that milk is colloid?
Answer: 33
Milk is colloid because it shows Tyndall effect.
Question: 34
What do you mean by volume?
Answer: 34
It is the volume in cm³ of a solute dissolved per 100cm³ of the solution.
%volume/volume = volume of solute/volume of solution x 100
Question: 35
Write two characteristics of colloid?
Answer: 35
The particles are large consisting of many atoms, ions or molecules
Particles are large, but can,t be seen with naked eye