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Dear students, prepare for biology class 9th chapter 1 long questions. These important long questions are carefully added to get you best preparation for your 9th class biology ch. 1 exams.
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Question: 1
Describe the relationship of biology to other sciences?
Answer: 1
Question: 2
Define different branches of Biology.
Answer: 2
In order to study all the aspects of life, major divisions of biology arc further divided into different branches as defined below: (i) Morphology This branch deals with the study of form and structure of living organisms. (ii) Anatomy: The study of internal structures is called anatomy. (iii) Histology The microscopic study of tissues is called histology. (iv) Cell biology The study of structures and functions of cells and cell organelles is called cell biology. This branch also deals with the study of cell division. (v) Physiology This branch deals with the study of the functions of different parts of living organisms. (vi) Embryology It is the study of the development of an embryo to a new individual. (vii) Taxonomy It is the study of the naming and classification of organisms into groups and subgroups. (viii) Genetics The study of genes and their role in inheritance is called genetics. Inheritance means the transmission of characters from one generation to the other. (ix) Paleontology It is the study of fossils, which are the remains of extinct organisms. (x) Environmental Biology It deals with the study of the interactions between the organisms and their environment. (xi) Biotechnology It deals with the practical application of living organisms to make substances for the welfare of mankind. (xii) Socio-Biology This branch deals with the study of social behaviour of animals that make societies. (xiii) Parasitology This branch deals with the study of parasites.
Question: 3
Briefly describe the careers of biology.
Answer: 3
The following are the careers that a student of biology can plan to adopt. (I) Medicine / Surgery (a) Medicine deals with diagnosis and treatment of diseases in human. (b) In Surgery, the parts of body may be repaired, replaced or removed. For example, the removal of stones through renal surgery, transplantation of kidney, liver etc. (c) Both these professions are studied in the same basic course (MBBS) after higher secondary education and the students go for specializations. (ii) Fisheries (a) It deals with the study of fish production and enhancing the quality and quantity of fish production. (b) Professionals of fisheries are employed in fisheries departments of Pakistan. (c) This profession can be adopted after the bachelor or masters level study of zoology and fisheries. (iii) Agriculture (a) It deals with the study of food crops and animals which are the source of food. (b) An agriculturist works for the betterment of crops like wheat, rice, corn etc and animals. (c) This professional course can be adopted after the higher secondary education in biology. (iv) Animal Husbandry (a) It is the branch of agriculture concerned with the care and breeding of domestic animals (livestock) e.g. cattle, sheep etc. (b) This professional course can be adopted after the higher secondary education in biology. (v) Horticulture (a) It deals with the study of art of gardening. (b) A horticulturist works for the betterment of existing varieties and for the production of new varieties of ornamental plants and fruit plants. (c) This professional course can be adopted after the higher secondary education in biology. (vi) Farming (a) It deals with the development and maintenance of different types of farm. For example, in some farms, animal breeding technologies are used for the production of animals which are better protein and milk source. (b) In poultry farms, chicken and eggs are produced. (c) In fruit farms, different fruit yielding plants are grown. This profession can be adopted after the course of agriculture, animal husbandary or fisheries. (vii) Forestry (a) It deals with the study of natural forests and advises to the government for planting and growing artificial forests. (b) This professional course can be adopted after the higher secondary education in biology or after bachelor level study of zoology and botany. (viii) Biotechnology (a) It deals with the study and work for the production of useful products through microorganisms. (b) This professional course can be adopted after the higher secondary education in biology or after bachelor level studies of zoology or botany.
Question: 4
Explain the Islamic concept about origin of life.
Answer: 4
Allah hints about the origin and characteristics of living organisms at many places in the Holy Quran. Human beings have been instructed to expose the unknown aspects of life after getting the hints from the verses.
Question: 5
Describe the different Muslim Scientists in the field of biology.
Answer: 5
Question: 6
Describe separate and comparative description of all the levels of biological organization.
Answer: 6
Question: 7
Give comparison in cellular, colonial and multi cellular organization.
Answer: 7
Question: 8
Q no<gwmw class="ginger-module-highlighter-mistake-type-6" id="gwmw-15863552002897784869439">:</gwmw>5-a) How biology is related to other science? Describe any four
Answer: 8
The interelationshipamong different branches of science can not be denied biology include infomation on various aspects of liveingthings but these ingormation relate to the other branch of science as well
It deal with the study of chemistry of different compounds and processes occurringinlinving organism
For example:
The study of basic metabolism of photosynthesis and respiration involves the knowledge of chemistry.
Biomathematics :
It deal with the study thestudy of biological processes using mathematical techniques and tools
For example:
to analyze the data gethered after experimental work, biologists have to apply the rules of mathematics.
Bio geography:
It deal with the study of the occuranceand distribution of different species of living organisms in differerntgeographical of the world. It applied the knowledge of the characteristics of particular geographical region to determine the charactersistics of living organisms found these.
It deal with the study of organisms from economical point of view
For example:
The most value and profit value of the yield of wheat can be calculated through bioeconomics and benefits or losses can be determined.
Question: 9
Describe the contributions of different <gwmw class="ginger-module-highlighter-mistake-type-1" id="gwmw-15863587093625516362840">muslims</gwmw>scientists in the field of Biology.<div>A) Abdul Malik Asmai B) Bu <gwmw class="ginger-module-highlighter-mistake-type-1" id="gwmw-15863587706007258479613">ali</gwmw>Sina.</div>
Answer: 9
Abdul Malik Asmai:
Abdul Malik Asmai (740-828AD) He is considered the first muslim scientist who studied animals in detail His famous writing include Al- Abil (carnel) Al- Khali (horse) Al - wahoosh (animal) and khalaq al Insan.

Bu - Ali - Sina (980-1037AD)
He is honored as the founder of medicine and called as avicema in the west. He was a physician. Philosopher astronomer and poet, one of his book al Qanun fi-al-tib is known as the common of medicine in west
Question: 10
DescribeDivision of biology.
Answer: 10
There are three major division of biology which study the different aspects of the lives of the major group of organisms.
This division of biology deals with the study of animals.
This division of biology with the study of plants
This division of biology deals with the study of microorganisms such as bacteria etc.
In order to study all the aspects of life these divisionare further dividedinto different branches defined below.
This branch deal with the study of form and structure of living organisms
The study of internal structures is called anotomy
The microscopic study of tissue is called Histology.
Question: 11
Define biology and write notes three branches
Answer: 11
Biology is the scientific study of life . The word biology has been derived fro two greekwords'. bios meaning life and logos meaning thought or reasoning.In the course of biology we will study how man study has thought about living things. To understand and appreciate nature it is essential to study the structure functions and relater aspects of living organisms.
Branches of biology:
Cell biology:
The study of the structure and function of cells and cell organelle is cell biology.
This branch deal with the study of the funcntionof different parts of living things.
The study of genes and their role in inheritance is called genetics inheritance mean the transmission of character from one generation to the other
Embryology :
It is the study of development of an embryo to new individual
It is the study of the naming and classification of organisms into group sub group
It is the study of fossils which are the remain of extrinct organisms
Environmental- biology:
It deals with the study of interaction between theorganisms and their environment
The branch deal with the social behaviors of the animal that make societies
This branch deal with the study of parasite.
It is the study of insect.
It deal with the practical application of living organisms substance of welfare of mainkind.
Question: 12
Define community and explain a with an example.
Answer: 12
A community is an assemblage of different population interacting with one another within the same environment. A forest may be considered as a community it includes different plant, microorganisms fungi and animal species. communitiesare collection of organisms In which one population may increase and other may decrease some community are complex forest community a pond commuityetc. other commmunities may be simple fallen log with various population under it. In a simple commmunitynumber and size of population is limited So any change in biotic and abioticfactor may have drasticand long lasting effects.
Question: 13
Differentiate between prokaryotic and eukaryoticcells
Answer: 13
Prokaryotes possess prokaryoticcell which are much simple then the Bukaryotic cell . The main difference between prokaryotic and eukaryoticcell are as fallows
Eukaryotic cells have prominent nuclei, while prokaryotic do not have promiment nucleus their chromosome consist of DNA only and it floatin cytoplasm near center .This region is called nucleus.
Eukaryotic cells have membrane bounded organelles like Prokaryotes possess prokaryoticcell whicharemuchsimplethen the Bukaryotic cell.The main difference between prokaryotic and eukaryoticcell are asfallows
Eukaryotic cells have prominent nuclei, while prokaryotic do not havepromiment nucleus theirchromosome consist of DNA only and it floatincytoplasmnear center.This region is callednucleus.
Eukaryotic cells have membrane bounded organelles likemitrcbondria,Golgi apparatusendopiasmicreticulumetc,While such membrane bonded organelle are not present in prokaryotic cells.
The ribosomesof eukaryotic cell are larger in size are comparable to the ribosomesorparkayoticcells
Eukaryotic cell are on average ten time larger then parkargoticcells
The cell wall of eukaryotic cell is made of cellulose or chitin.All prokaryotic cells have cell wall which is made of peptidoglycan
Question: 14
What do you know about science ?
Answer: 14
The organized study of nature is called science . The things present in this nature are beautiful balanced and the activities occurring in it are highly co-ordinated these processes and activities occur under some defined principles

Definition :
Science is the study in which observations are made , experiments are done and logical conclusions are drawn in order to understand the principles of nature
All the scientific information was included under one hand i-e science

Question: 15
What is biology ? Explain its different divisions and branches .
Answer: 15
The biology has been derived from two Greek words
Bio means life
Logos means discussion , reasoning , thought
Definition : Biology is the scientific study of living things in which all aspects of living organisms are discussed . To understand and appreciate nature , It is essential to study the structure , function and related aspects of living organisms , the study of living organisms also provides information and remedies to human problems regarding health , food , environment etc

Definition of life : Life is a set of characteristics that distinguish living things from non-living objects
Characteristics of living living organisms :
Characteristics of living living organisms are as follows :
1: Movement 2: Growth 3: Nutrition 4:Respiration secretion 5: Sensitivity 6: Reproduction

Question: 16
What is the relationship of biology to other sciences ?
Answer: 16
The relationship among different branches of science cannot be denied . Biology include information on various aspects of living things but these information relate to the other branches of science as well . Each branch of science has relationship with all other branches . For example : when studying the process of movement in animals , the biologists have to refer to the law of motion in physics . This form the basis of interdisciplinary sciences
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Jan 17, 2020

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