A great video lecture conducted by experienced chemistry teacher on 12th class chemistry chapter 8 topic8.1 alkanes or paraffins. Get full understanding or ask any questions.
Preparation of Alkanes, ch 8, lec 8.3, Alkanes Or Paraffins - Inter Part 2 Chemistry
Physical Properties of Alkanes, ch 8, lec 8.3, Alkanes Or Paraffins - Inter Part 2 Chemistry
Reactivity of Alkanes, ch 8, lec 8.3, Alkanes Or Paraffins - Inter Part 2 Chemistry
Chemical Reaction of Alkanes, ch 8, lec 8.3, Alkanes Or Paraffins - Inter Part 2 Chemistry
Uses of Methane, ch 8, lec 8.3, Alkanes Or Paraffins - Inter Part 2 Chemistry