Your best place to find 2019 past papers of math 12th class from bise rawalpindi board. These old up to date papers can be downloaded or viewed online.
Math Past Papers 2019 Rawalpindi Board
2019 Math Past Papers 12th Class BISE Rawalpindi Board Analysis gives you unique insight into each past paper about what are the top chapters and topics.
Math Past Papers 12th Class BISE Rawalpindi Board

I scored 346 in Pre-Engineering Part-1. I ain't satisfied with my marks. In this regard I need your advice, shall I improve in some subjects (phy,chem,math) or shall I let it be? Kindly reply me as I need an expert advice. Regards, Ibneha Shahzad

Aftab Khalil ap p depend krta hai k ap furthur kia study krna chahte h ..