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Question: 1
Distinguished between magnetic flux and magnetic flux density.
Answer: 1
Magnetic Flux: The number of magnetic lines of force passing through certain elements of area is called magnetic flux.Magnetic flux is a scalar quantity.
Question: 2
If a charge particle moves in a straight line through some region of space,can you say the magnetic field in the region is zero?
Answer: 2
The magnitude of a magnetic force on a charge particle is F=qVB sin theta
Magnetic field will be zero due to the following reasons.
  1. Magnetic field strength B in the region is zero.
  2. Magnetic field is parallel or antiparallel to the direction of motion.
Question: 3
What is Lorentz force?
Answer: 3
The vector sum of electric force and magnetic force is called Lorentz force.
Question: 4
On what factors the induced currents due to motional emf depend.
Answer: 4
The current can be increased by the following factors :
  1. Using a stronger magnetic field
  2. Moving the loop faster
  3. Replacing the loop with a coil of many turns
Question: 5
What is B non zero outside a solenoid?
Answer: 5
The magnetic field outside a solenoid is not zero.This is only true for infinitely long solenoid.Infinitely long solenoid can not be found in nature,The magnetic field outside a real solenoid is less dense that inside the solenoid and often one is only concerned with the field inside,which is approximately constant.
Question: 6
Two charged particle are projected into a region where there is a magnetic field perpendicular to their velocities.if the charge is deflected in opposite directions,what you can say about them?
Answer: 6
When a charged particle is projected in a magnetic field,it will experience the magnetic force.The magnetic force is a deflecting force,Thus if the charged particle are deflected in opposite direction,then particle are oppositely charged i.e. one particle is positively charged and the other is negatively charged.
Question: 7
A current in a conductor produce a magnetic field,which can be calculated by using Ampere's law.Since current is defined as the rate of flow of charge,what can you conclude about the magnetic field due to stationary charges?What about moving charges?
Answer: 7
In case of stationary charges,the rate of flow of charges is zero.So there will be no magnetic field.But the moving charges produce current so the magnetic field produced around a current carrying conductor.
Question: 8
Define magnetic flux and write its unit.
Answer: 8
The number of magnetic lines of force passing through certain area element is called magnetic flux.Magnetic flux is a scalar quantity and its SI unit is NmA-1which also called weber (Wb).
Question: 9
Can a charge at rest be set into motion by bringing a magnet close to it?
Answer: 9
No a charge at rest can not be set into motion by bringing a magnet close to it.
Question: 10
Define Tesla and write its formula.
Answer: 10
If a magnetic field exerts a force of 1N on 1m length of the conductor placed at right angles to the magnetic field carrying a current of 1A then the strength of magnetic field is said to be one tesla.
1 T = 1 NA-1m-1
Question: 11
State ampere's law.
Answer: 11
Ampere's law states that the sum of the quantity for all path elements into which the complete loop has been divided equal times the total current enclosed by the loop.
Question: 12
What is the function of grid in cathode ray oscilloscope?
Answer: 12
Grid is a negative potential relative to cathode.It controls the number of electrons reaching the screen and thus controls the brightness of spot on the screen.
Question: 13
Define energy.
Answer: 13
The magnetic energy stored in the inductor per unit is referred as energy density.
Question: 14
Is it possible to orient a current loop in a uniform magnetic field such that the loop will not tend to rotate?Explain
Answer: 14
The torque experienced by a current carrying loop when placed in magnetic field is t=NIBA cos alpha.
Clearly when plane off the coil makes and angle of 90 degree will magnetic field, the torque on the coil will be zero.In this condition the coil will not tend to rotate.
Question: 15
Name the main part of CRO.
Answer: 15
A filament,cathode grid,anodes,horizontal deflections plates,vertical deflection plates and fluorescent screen.
Question: 16
Define Lorentz Force.
Answer: 16
The combined effect of electric force and magnetic force exerted on charged particle is called Lorentz force.
Question: 17
What is Cathode ray oscilloscope?
Answer: 17
Cathode ray oscilloscope is a high speed graph plotting device,It is calledCathode ray oscilloscope because it trace the desired waveform with a beam of electrons which are also called cathode rays.
It mainly consists of
  1. Electron gun
  2. Vertical deflection plate
  3. Horizontal Deflection plates
  4. Fluorescent Screen
Question: 18
What should be orientation of a current carrying coil in magnetic field so that the torque acting upon the coil is (a) maximum (b)minimum.
Answer: 18
The torque experienced by a current carrying loop when placed in magnetic field is t=NIBA cos alpha.
When plane of the coil makes and angle of 0 degree with magnetic field ,the torque on the coil will be maximum.t=NIBA.
When plane of the coil makes and angle of 90 degree with magnetic field the torque on the coil will be zero or minimum.
t=NIBA cos 90 degree

Question: 19
What is Time base generator?
Answer: 19
A voltage that is applied across x plates is usually provided by a circuit that is build in CRO and is called sweep or time base generator.Its output waveform is a sawtooth voltage of period T.
Question: 20
Write any two use of CRO.
Answer: 20
  1. The CRO is used for displaying the waveform of given voltage.
  2. Once the waveform is displaying,we can measured the voltage,its frequency and phase.
Question: 21
How can you use a magnetic field to separate isotopes of chemical elements?
Answer: 21
Sinci isotopes of an elements have same charge number but different mass number.As we known that the radius of a charged particle inside a magnetic field is given as, r=mv/qB
It shows that the isotopes projected from the same point at right angle to the magnetic field B will follow circular path of different radii due to their different masses,So they can be distinguished easily.
Question: 22
Briefly give the function of Filament,Cathode,Grid and plates in C.R.O.
Answer: 22
Filament: It heats the cathode.
Cathode: It emits the electrons.
Grid:It controls the number of electrons.
Plates: The two sets of plates are used to deflect the beam of electrons along x axis and y axis.
Question: 23
How can you explain the waveform of various voltage formed in CRO?
Answer: 23
We can easily find the instantaneous value and peak value of the voltage with the help of calibration of y axis in volts.the time period can also be determined by using the time calibration of x axis information about the phase difference between two voltage can be obtained by simultaneously their waveforms.
Question: 24
What is lamp and scale arrangement in galvanometer?
Answer: 24
In sensitive galvanometer,the angle of deflection is observed by means of a small mirror attached to the coil along with the lamp and scale.A beam of light directed towards the mirror of galvanometer.After reflection it produce a spot on the screen.The scale provides the small angle of deflection.
Question: 25
Define galvanometer and cathode ray oscilloscope,
Answer: 25
Galvanometer: Galvanometer is a device used to detect the passage of current.
Cathode ray oscilloscope:Cathode ray oscilloscope is a high speed graph plotting device.
Question: 26
Write the formula used to convert a galvanometer into voltmeter.Why the resistance of voltmeter should be high?
Answer: 26
Galvanometer can be converted into ammeter using this relation/
A voltmeter is connected in parallel to the resistor to measure potential difference across it.It should have very high resistance so that practically a very little current should pass through it and the current of the circuit should almost remain constant ,so that it might measure the potential difference across a resistor accurately.
Question: 27
What is current sensitive of a galvanometer?
Answer: 27
A galvanometer which gives large deflection for the small current is called a sensitive galvanometer,The degree of deflection of galvanometer by unit current passing through it is referred as it sensitivity.It can be made more sensitive.
Question: 28
Why the voltmeter should have the very high resistance?
Answer: 28
A voltmeter is connected in parallel to the resistor to measure potential difference across it,it should have very high resistance so that practically a very little current should pass through it and the current of the circuit should almost remains constant,so that it might measure the potential difference across a resistor accurately.
Question: 29
Why soft iron cylinder is placed inside the coil of galvanometer?
Answer: 29
The soft iron cylinder makes the magnetic field stronger and radial such that into whatever position the coil rotates,the magnetic field is always parallel to its plane.
Question: 30
What is digital multimeter?Give its two advantage over AVO meter.
Answer: 30
It is a digital version of AVO meter.It is used to measure resistance,voltage and current.
  1. The digital values are displayed automatically with decimal point,polarity and the unit for voltage ,current and resistance.
  2. These meters are generally easier to use because they eliminate the human error that often occur in reading the dial of an ordinary AVO meter.
Question: 31
Distinguished between sensitive and dead beat galvanometers.
Answer: 31
A galvanometer which shows large deflection for a small value of unit current is sensitive one whereas a galvanometer in which the coil suddenly comes to rest after the current passed through it or the current is stopped from flowing through it is called dead beat out stable galvanometer.
Question: 32
Why the resistance of an ammeter should be very low?
Answer: 32
Am ammeter is connected in a series with a circuit to measure the current,It is connected in series so that total current passing through the circuit should pass through it.If the resistance of the ammeter will be large,it will alter the current of the circuit to great extent and the measurement of current will not be accurate.
Question: 33
How can a current loop be used to determine the pressure of a magnetic field in a given region of space?
Answer: 33
The torque is experienced by a current carrying loop when placed in magnetic field is t=NIBA cos alpha.
If the loop is deflected in a given region,then it confirms the presence of magnetic field otherwise not.
Question: 34
What is dead beat galvanometer?
Answer: 34
The galvanometer in which the coil comes to rest quickly after current passed through it or the current is stopped from flowing through it,It is called stable or a dead beat galvanometer.
Question: 35
Discuss briefly digital multi meter.
Answer: 35
It is an digital version of an AVO meter,It is used to measure resistance voltage and current.It has become very popular testing device because the digital values are displayed automatically with decimal point,polarity and the unit for voltage current and resistance,
Question: 36
What modification is required to convert a galvanometer into ammeter?
Answer: 36
A shunt is connected in parallel with galvanometer to convert it into ammeter.
Question: 37
How can galvanometer be made more sensitive?
Answer: 37
Since I=c/BAN theta
A galvanometer can be made more sensitive if c/BAN is made small.
Thus,to increase the sensitivity of galvanometer,c may be decreased or B,A and N may be increased.
Question: 38
Is it possible to obtain an isolated north pole?Give reason.
Answer: 38
No,the source of magnetism of an atom is the electrons,Accepting this view of magnetism it is concluded that it is possible to obtain an isolated north pole,The north pole is merely one side of a current loop.The other side will always be present as south pole and these can not be separated.This is an experimental reality.
Question: 39
State the right hand palm rule.
Answer: 39
If the middle finger of the right hand points in the direction of the magnetic field the thumb in direction of current,the force on the conductor will be normal to the palm towards the reader.
Question: 40
Define stable galvanometer and Ohmmeter.
Answer: 40
A galvanometer in which the coil comes to rest quickly after the current passed through it or the current is stopped from flowing through it is called Stable or Dead Beat galvanometer.
Ohmmeter is a useful device for rapid measurement of measure resistance in Ohm.
Question: 41
Define electromagnetism and give the name of one device in which electromagnetism is used.
Answer: 41
The branch of physics which deals with electricity and magnetism and the interaction between them is known as electromagnetism.
Electromagnetism is used in doorbells,electric motors such as electric fan etc.
Question: 42
Define ammeter and voltmeter.
Answer: 42
An ammeter is an electrical instrument which is used to measure current in amperes.
A voltmeter is an electrical device which measure the potential difference in volts between two points.
Question: 43
How the beam of electron is focused on the screen of CRO?
Answer: 43
CRO works by deflecting beam of electrons as they pass through uniform electric field between the two sets of parallel plates,The deflecting beam then falls on a fluorescent screen where it makes a visible spot.
Question: 44
Define magnetic flux and solenoid.
Answer: 44
The number of magnetic field lines passing through certain elements of area is known as magnetic flux through that surface.
A solenoid is a long tightly wound,cylindrical coil of wire,when current passes through such a coil ,it behaves like a bar magnet.
Question: 45
What is AVO-meter?Explain
Answer: 45
It is an instrument which can measure current in amperes potential difference in volts and resistance in ohms.It basically consists of sensitive moving coil galvanometer which is converted into multirange ammeter ,voltmeter or ohmmeter accordingly as a circuit.