A great video lecture conducted by experienced physics teacher on 12th class physics chapter 14 topic14.1 determination of em of an electron. Get full understanding or ask any questions.
Determination of E/M of an Electron, ch 14, lec 14.7, Determination of E/M of an Electron - Inter Part 2 Physics
Physics Chapter 14 Topics
- 14.1 Magnetic field due to Current in a Long Straight Wire
- 14.2 Force on a Current Carrying Conductor Placed in a Uniform Magnetic Field
- 14.3 Magnetic Flux & Magnetic Flux Density
- 14.4 Ampere's Law & Determination of Flux Density
- 14.5 Field Due to Current Carrying Solenoid
- 14.6 Motion of a Charge Particle in a Electric & Magnetic Field
- 14.7 Determination of E/M of an Electron
- 14.8 Cathod Ray Oscilloscope
- 14.9 Torque on a Current Carrying Coil
- 14.10 Define Ammeter
- 14.11 Define Avo-Meter
- Examples
- Exercise
- Numericals