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Question: 1
What does hunger mean on large scale as viewed by the author?
Answer: 1
According to the author ,the real hunger means never having enough to eat.It also means a situation in which there is a shortage of food and one is always wondering where the next meal is coming from or even if there will be next meal.
Question: 2
What are the main cause of famine?
Answer: 2
Famines occur because of the three reasons;by the shortage of food when too many peoples are there to eat,by the failure of crops,or by the lack of rain.
Question: 3
What is the history of Famine in China?
Answer: 3
China has to face 90 major famine in one century,In the last century.nine and half million people perished in a single famine in North China,
Question: 4
How did India face famine?
Answer: 4
The worst famine occured in India in 1964-65.It was due to failure of the monsoons.A year later,India still faced an even worse threat of famine.
Question: 5
What is role of public heath measure in the increase of population?
Answer: 5
Public health measure are quite important in increasing population as better health facilities reduce death rate,And reduction in death rate is the main cause of increase in population.
Question: 6
What was the condition of hungry children in kenya?
Answer: 6
After visiting a nutrition center in kenya,Arthur Hopcraft of the Guardian described."They were the children whose eyes started as if blind whose legs and arms were like stick of liquor ices,who neither cry not laugh and who weighted 10lb at the age of 2 years.".
Question: 7
Describe Some great famine of past.
Answer: 7
China had 90 major famine in one century.Ten million died in the great famine of Bengal in 1969-70,There was the worst of the century in india in 1964-65,The russian Famine in 1921-1922 killed several million people.
Question: 8
What is the main reason for population increase today?
Answer: 8
The main reason for population increase today is the difference between the birth rate and the death rate as the number of who are born in a year is greater than a number who die.
Question: 9
Why is birth rate ,according to the writer ,not so high in the more advance countries?
Answer: 9
In the most advance countries,the birth rate has been reduced by various methods.They have introduced contraceptives and other medical facilities for family planning.They have educated their public about limited family.Hence there birth rate is not high.
Question: 10
Which famine is mentioned in the Bible?
Answer: 10
We read in the Bible many cases of famine.There were seven years of famine in Egypt and the surrounding countryside during the time of joseph.
Question: 11
How was India disturbed by the famine in the 20th century?
Answer: 11
More than one million people died in a famine in Bombay,India was again disturbed by the worst famine of the century in 1964-165.
Question: 12
How can the problem of population explosion be solved?
Answer: 12
The most important measure to check the increase in population is to create to desire among people to limit the size of the family.
Question: 13
How did the hunger hit of the early period?
Answer: 13
The early hunter suffered from hunger during the winter months when pronaly he could not hunt.
Question: 14
What is meany by birth rate in "Hunger and population Explosion".
Answer: 14
Birth rate means the number of birth s per 100 population while the death rate means the number of death per 100 people.When birth rate is greater than the death ratm population increase.