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Question: 1
How does China rely on its own resource?
Answer: 1
The chinese follow Mao-Test-Tung maxim;"Rely on your own forces" ,They must use local machines as they are superior to and cheaper than the foreign machines,They can stimulate the revolutionary spirit among the masses.
Question: 2
Describe the Chinese women.
Answer: 2
Chinese women play an important role in their national development.They enjoy free hospitalization and many other social security benefits,They are determined to keep pace with men.They lack femininity from western point of view.
Question: 3
Why has the world changed its attitude towards China?
Answer: 3
The world has changed its attitude because it has realized its past mistake of not giving China its due place in the world.Moreover ,it feels political guilt complex for keeping china out of the U.N for a long time.
Question: 4
What was the three fevers that are not present in the China?
Answer: 4
There are three fevers of money,alcohol and sex are totally absent.
Question: 5
How has population of the cities has been controlled in china?
Answer: 5
Through the political influence over the people China has controlled not only the migration of people from the rural areas but also managed to reduce the population of cities to come extent.
Question: 6
Write the lined on Chinese Agriculture system.
Answer: 6
In China,the average size of farming concern is growing through a system of communes.with sub division into production brigades and teams,but most of the peasants are involved in farming,The use local machines,Their agriculture is incorporated in local industry.
Question: 7
What is the humanistics aspect of chinese modernization?
Answer: 7
Modernization in China is striving for collective welfare of is decorating the landscape and developing cultural life.It prefers man to machine.
Question: 8
What is secret of China's wonderful progress?
Answer: 8
China gained to the wonderful progress that she has made in the social ,economic and industrial field after independence .Now china has become a fashion in the world.Therefore the people flock to china on the official as well as private visits.They work for the collective welfare of the nation.
Question: 9
How was China treated for twenty two years after its revolution?
Answer: 9
The attitude of the world towards china after its revolution of 1949 was of disregard,China had to face split economy and split culture for 22 years.Because the world did not recognize its resource and its talent.It was called the land of opium and was not given its due place in the world.
Question: 10
How does je Wen Siu a chinese girl student spend her day?
Answer: 10
A Chinese student spend a very busy day.She gets up very early in the morning.does some domestic work and goes to school,She had a short break and then she returned home for lunch.She does her homework at school and reads newspaper to keep her aware pf the national and international situation.In free time she plays with her fellows.
Question: 11
What is the social security benefits provided to chinese workers?
Answer: 11
In the agricultural communes,housing is free whereas,in cities workers are housed in the factories,All medical and hospital treatment in free,Each factory has a cafeteria where worker can eat three meals a day at a small amount,In old age they get adequate pensions also.
Question: 12
What does Mao says about women.?
Answer: 12
Mao says that women are holding half of the sky and they are determined to keep their part as high as is kept by men.
Question: 13
What is the humanistics aspect of chinese modernization?
Answer: 13
Modernization in China is striving for collective welfare of is decorating the landscape and developing cultural life.It prefers man to machine.
Question: 14
What is system of communes in China?
Answer: 14
We read in the Bible many cases of famine.There were 7 years of famine in Egypt and the surrounding countryside during the time of Joseph.
Question: 15
Why the phrase ,lack of femininity in the chinese woman is used by the author in "China's way to progress"?
Answer: 15
The western people say that Chinese women lack femininity.The objective of Chinese women is not sex,beauty or luxury but work for benefit of all.