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Question: 1
Describe the moral lesson of the essay?
Answer: 1
The story is humorous but still it teaches us a lesson,The moral lesson of the essay is that we should not do the thins which we do not understand if we do so we shall be upset.
Question: 2
How did Jerome come to suspect that his liver was out of order?
Answer: 2
Jerome came to suspect that his liver was out of order by reading a patent liver pill circular because he realized that he had all the symptoms mentioned in the circular.On reading a book on the treatment of disease,he fancied that he was suffering from every disease.
Question: 3
Write writer visit the chemist?
Answer: 3
He went to the nearest chemist who read the prescription and said that he did not run a cooperative store and family hotel combined,Therefore he refused to help the writer.
Question: 4
How did the doctor examine J,k Jerome?
Answer: 4
The doctor looked down into the writer mouth,He felt his pulse,He hit him over the chest,Then he butted him with the side of his head.After that e set down and wrote out the prescription and give it to the writer.
Question: 5
What was the only disease jerome did not have?
Answer: 5
The only disease he was not suffering was housemaid's knee.
Question: 6
Why did writer call himself a hospital?
Answer: 6
The writer happened to read a medical book dealing with disease,their symptoms and treatments ,He read the book alphabetically and found that he was suffering from almost all the disease except housemaid knee,So he called himself a hospital.
Question: 7
What was the prescription given to Jerome by the doctor?
Answer: 7
The doctor had written the following description"1 lb beefsteak every six hour,ten miles walk every morning bed at 11 sharp every night.And dont stuff your head with things you don't understand".
Question: 8
How did jerome examine his pulse and what was its beat rate?
Answer: 8
The writer felt his pulse,At first he could not find any pulse,Then all of a sudden ,it seemed to start off,He counted his pulse rate it was 147 per minute.
Question: 9
What didJerome K,Jerome discover about typhoid?
Answer: 9
When the writer read about the symptoms of typhoid fever,he discovered that he must have had it for months without knowing it.
Question: 10
Why did the writer go to the british museum?
Answer: 10
Jerome K,Jerome went to the british museum to read up the treatment for some slight ailment of which he had a touch ;he thought it was hay fever.
Question: 11
Describe his visit to the medical men?
Answer: 11
He went to his medical men and brief him about his visit to the museum,his reading about various disease.The doctor examined him,Then he clutched his wrist and on the chest .Later he sat back and wrote a prescription.