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Question: 1
How has the scientific method help us in out fight against disease?
Answer: 1
The scientific method has helped us a lot in our fight against diseases,Today babies are born in hospitals where there is a little chance of their getting a disease.They are also treated to save from different diseases.Thus scientific method has helped us to control disease.
Question: 2
How is water supplied to towns and cities today?
Answer: 2
Today ,Science has solved the problem of drinking water.Now cities and towns have proper water supply system.Like Los Angeles most of the cities are supplied sufficient pure and clean drinking water through sealed pipes to meet the requirments of the population.
Question: 3
What do superstitious people believe?
Answer: 3
Superstitious people believe in the sign of good or bed omen,They believe in wearinh char, otherwise they feel uncomfortable and uneasy.
Question: 4
Compare tha sanitary conditions of the past with present as mentioned in the lession "Using the Scientific Method".
Answer: 4
Sanitary conditions in our larger cities one hundred years ago were very poor,Streets were narroe ,unpaved and poor drained,Garbage was thrown in the streets ,Outdoor toilets were common.
But today our city streets are paved,well drained and well cleaned,Sewerage from all sections of city is carried through sealed pipes.Clean water is supplied to the inhabitants.
Question: 5
What do we mean by attitude?
Answer: 5
Attitude meas the way we feel towards some idear or some events.
Question: 6
How we can preserve our food today?
Answer: 6
Today science has help us to improve our method of preservation.We now dehydration.This method in not injurious at all.It is not only healthfull but it also increase the nutritions value of the preserved food.
Question: 7
How is Los Angeles supplied with water?
Answer: 7
Water is supplied to the Los Angeles.Through a pipeline or an adequate from the Colorafo River which is 544 km.
Question: 8
We are now generally less fearfull then our ancestors,What were our ancestors afraid of?
Answer: 8
Our ancestors were generally afraid of many superstitious which were totally baseless,They were afraid of black cats,broken mirror,and the number and many other.Now these things do not affact our lives.
Question: 9
What part did astrology play in the lives of men and women in the past? Give example.
Answer: 9
Astrology and fortune-telling affected the lives of people greatly in the pasy,People attributed both good and bad influences to stars,They consulted astrologists befor doing anything.
Question: 10
What kind of disease ,according to the writer are caused by unsanitary conditions?
Answer: 10
The unsanitary conditins cause the disease like typhoid fever,cholera an dysentery,One should be mind full of ones cleanliness to avoid such diseases.
Question: 11
How has the scientific method enabled us to get over the old fear?
Answer: 11
The scientific method has taught us that there must be a sound basis for every happening.Therefore we do not believe in superstitious belifs.Today evil spirits and fortune telling have no effecy on our lives.
Question: 12
How are we better than our ancestors?
Answer: 12
The people of the pasy ,generally belived in the sings of good luck and bad luck.Some of these signs were black cats,broken mirror and the number 13.Now sciecne has demonstrated that we should not believe in the baseless things,We should believe only in these ideas which are supported by fact.
Question: 13
From where did the people of the past obtain food to eat?
Answer: 13
In the past people could get food which grew in their farms or in their gardens,People of the lands could not obtained the food produced on the other land.
Question: 14
Why was varity of food limited in the past?
Answer: 14
In the past water was obtained from sources that contained disease producting germs,So this water was contaminated and caused disease.
Question: 15
State how science has made man open minded?
Answer: 15
Superstitious are feelings that involves baseless fears,Without is they feel themselves insecure ,Science has told us there is some logical reasoning for every happening.We believe in new thing .We have become broad minded.We have removed our Superstitious.
Question: 16
How was the water obtained in the past?
Answer: 16
In the past water was obtained from source that contained disease producing germs,So this water was contaminated and cause disease.
Question: 17
How was the wives did preserve food in the past?
Answer: 17
In the past,thrifty houses wives preserved fruits and vegetable by canning,pickling and drying them or other unreliable method,So there was always a fear of its growing poisonous.
Question: 18
How scientific method benefitted us?
Answer: 18
The use of scientific method help us in solving problem of health,production and preservation of food,contruction of houses and means of communication and transporatation.
Question: 19
What was the ratio of survival in new born babies up to ome year,two hundred years ago?
Answer: 19
Two hundres years ago ,death rate among childern was very high.Seven out of eight babies died before reaching their first birthday.