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Question: 1
Why did Mehmet plan fail?
Answer: 1
His plan fail because Mustafa Kamal refused to follow his command,Kamal suggest that the parliament should sit in Ankara ,Instead of Istanbul.Moreover he remained busy in forming a large army of regular troops,armed peasants and women for supplying arms.
Question: 2
Why did Mehmet order Mustafa kamal to return to Constantinople?
Answer: 2
It was because Mustafa Kamal had successfully raised the Nation army of the patriots.They vowed to fight against the foreign forces,Moreover when the people heard about the advancing Greeks they rose to the occasion,A rebellion was anticipated so Mehmat order Kamal to the return Istanbul.
Question: 3
Describe Mustafa Kamal social reform?
Answer: 3
Mustafa Kamal finished old titles,In 1925 the national head-dress ,Fez was abolished and replaced by hats.Veil for women was abolished .Women were allowed to get higher education.
Question: 4
What was the attitude of turkish govt towards the Allies after the World War 1?
Answer: 4
The Turkish Govt and the Padishah were eager to collaborate with the Allies they bought that loyalty to the Armistice and co-operation with the Allies were in the best interest of their nation.
Question: 5
Give a brief account of the Greek attack and its defeat?
Answer: 5
The greeks attacked Turkey on 21 august 1921.In the mountain country 50 km of Ankara ,the two valiant nations fought almost man to man for 14 days,Mustafa Kamal was the commander of the brave turks.
Question: 6
Write a note on Mustafa Kamal activities in Anatolia?
Answer: 6
Mustafa Kamal met Ali Faut,the commander of small army corps centered on Ankara and in secret meeting of the patriots.they sent gorillas bands to attack the advancing Greeks meanwhile they decide to build an army of patriot.
Question: 7
What was Mustafa Kamal brave reply to Sultan Mehmet?
Answer: 7
Mustafa Kamal refused to obey the order of Padishah and vowed to fight till his last breath.He sent the most important telegram to Padaish,saying "i shall stay in Anatolia until the nation has won independence."
Question: 8
Describe the reforms introduced by Mustafa Kamal with reference to change in dress?
Answer: 8
Mustafa Kamal was in favour of woman freedom,He abolished veil,He also abolished the national head dress Fez in 1925 and mage the use of hat compulsory.
Question: 9
Why was Mustafa Kamal was sent to Anatolia?
Answer: 9
Mustafa Kamal was sent to Anatolia to crush the rebellious movement of Kiyazim kera baker who refused to disband his mean and continued resistance against the allies.
Question: 10
What were Mustafa Kamal economic reforms?
Answer: 10
Mustafa Kamal launched great development and construction schemes for the railway,He introduced Turkish five years plan and encouraged heavy industry,He organized the banking system and the ottoman public debt was reduced to its minimum.
Question: 11
Who is called the savior of Turley?
Answer: 11
Mustafa Kamal is called the savior of Turkey because he prepared his nation to fight against the Allies and the Greek forces.
Question: 12
Discuss in a Few sentences "Mustafa Kamal as a nation builder".
Answer: 12
Mustafa Kamal is called nation builder because he liberated his country from the foreign occupation and laid the foundation of modern turkey,He introduced revolutionary reforms to put Turkish nation on the road of progress.
Question: 13
What was the old title of the sultan of turkey?
Answer: 13
The Sultan was called the Emperor of Powerful Emperor ,Refuge of Sovereigns Distributor of Crown to the king of the earth,Master of Eurple ,Asia and africa High King of the two seas.
Question: 14
What was the famous battle -call of Mustafa Kamal?
Answer: 14
In August,1922 Mustafa Kamal was able to sound his famous battle call "Soldiers": yours goal is the Mediterranean forward".
Question: 15
How did Turks enter izmir?
Answer: 15
On the 9th of the september 1922,The turks entered in Izmir in a long line of decorated cars with an escort of cavalry on the either side,He was now the commander in chief of the free Turkish forces and was titled as Savior in Turkey.
Question: 16
How did Mehmet escape from the istanbul?
Answer: 16
Mehmet departed from istanbul on the 17 november 1922.A british motor ambulance drew up at a side door of the place where he was staying,Some baggage was brought out of the palace,placed in the car and Mehmet went on his way to exile.
Question: 17
When was the name of the Ottoman Empire wiped from the slate of history?
Answer: 17
The patriot branded the Ottoman government as the puppet government of traitors and fools lest it should sigh the terms of peace offered by Allies.
Question: 18
What was the nation head dress before Mustafa Kamal?
Answer: 18
Before Mustafa Kamal ,the national headdress was the "The Fez".
Question: 19
Describe the reforms introduced by Mustafa Kamal with the reference to the position of women?
Answer: 19
Mustafa Kamal was the champion of the woman rights.He addresses the people in the manner,:"Our nation had decide to be strong and our absolute need today is the higher education of women.They shall be instructed in eveey firls of sciene and receve the same degree asn men".
Question: 20
What were the terms offered to the Turley by the Allies?
Answer: 20
The Ottoman Empire was ti be under the supervision of the Allied power,The whole of Eastern Anatolia was to be added to the state of America,The capital was to remain under the control of British ,France and Italy.
Question: 21
Describe the reforms introduced by the Mustafa Kamal with reference to adoption of Roman Script.
Answer: 21
Mustafa Kamal replaced the Turkish Script with the Roman Script,he showed personal interest in this work and toured the country to teach the new script to the masses.
Question: 22
When did Grand National Assembly meet?
Answer: 22
On the 23th of April 1920,the revolutionary Turkish Grand National Assembly met at Ankara with Mustafa Kamal as President.
Question: 23
Why did Mustafa Kamal simplify the language?
Answer: 23
The speech of Turkish educated people was a mixture of Turkish ,Arabic and Persian words,So it was necessary to simplify it ti make it easier,Moreover the flowery phrase and the elaborate modes of address were outdated by then.
Question: 24
What was the reaction of Turkish Patriot to the intentions of the Allies to partition of the ottoman Empire?
Answer: 24
The turks became aggressive,A flame of sowwoe and ander burnt in the hearts of all men and women,It was a flame of fury of hatred ,So they rose against the Allies and drew them out.
Question: 25
Why did the turks lay down their arms?
Answer: 25
After the world war 1 throughout the middle east ,their armies of the democracies were welcomed as delivered,So the Turks were glad to lay to down their arms.
Question: 26
What did Mustafa Kamal do with the titles?
Answer: 26
He abolished all the titles.The world "Pasha" was abolished.Every man became "Bay" every woman became "Bayan".
Question: 27
Why did Mehmet try to regain Anatolia for himself?
Answer: 27
Mehmet said that he was ready to call for the government pleasing to the nationalish,The delegated in ANatolia should shit their activities to Istanbul and put Mustafa Kamal idea into practice.