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Question: 1
How did Pasteur discover treatment for cattle disease,Anthrax?
Answer: 1
Pasteur cultivated the Anthrax germs in such a way that they become weak,He injected them into the body of an animal suffering from Anthrax,The animal developed a slight from the disease first but recovered .He found out that the method protected the animal from the deadly from the disease.
Question: 2
What do you mean by spontaneous generation?
Answer: 2
Spontaneous generation means the production of living things from nonliving things.Pasteur proved it a wrong concept.He claimed that if a substance is sufficiently heated,no bacteria would be produce in it.
Question: 3
Who was the first human being whom Pasteur treated of Rabies?
Answer: 3
The child was the patient of rabies of hydrophobia,He was suffocated by the mucus which filled his mouth,He died after 24 hour hours of terrible suffering.
Question: 4
When and whom did Pasteur marry?
Answer: 4
He married the daughter of the Rector of Academy in Strasberg University in 1850.At that time he was the Deputy Professor of Chemistry at the University of Strasberg.
Question: 5
How did the Pasture discovered the method of making vaccines?
Answer: 5
Once,while working on fowl cholera,Pasteur discovered that all his cultivations were dying,He injected them into the body of healthy bird which showed slight symptoms of disease but recovered.
Question: 6
What happened to Pasture rejected from army?
Answer: 6
Pasture presented himself for enrollment in the National Guard in 1870 but he was refused on health grounds,Pasture had suffered a palytic stroke which had a lasting effect on him.
Question: 7
What happened to Pasture in his marriage day?
Answer: 7
He was so absorbed in his work in his laboratory on his wedding day that he entirely forgot the ceremony .A friend reminded him of his wedding ceremony and fetched him.
Question: 8
Describe the early life of Pasture?
Answer: 8
Louis Pasteur was born in quite humble circumstance ,at Dole in Jura District of France in 1822.At Arbois he attended, communal college where at first he did not show any interest in studies but later grasped his mistake and set himself in earnest at school .His family shifted to Besancon ,from where he granted and latter on taught there.
Question: 9
Give an account of Pasture discoveries.
Answer: 9
Pasteur was a great scientist. He was a true lover of his people.He discovered the germs and treatment of many disease of animals and human beings including hydrophobia,Anthrax,Silk worm ,disease and puerperal fever.
Question: 10
How did Pasteur show the way to other scientist?
Answer: 10
Pasteur proved that disease are caused by germs and germs can be killed.The fame got by Pasteur motivated other scientist to try similar method of cure for other disease,In just 10 years from 1880 to 1890 ,they discovered the germs of consumption diphtheria ,typhoid ,lock pain cholera and Malta Fever.
Question: 11
Where did Pasteur become the Deputy Professor of Chemistry?
Answer: 11
He became Deputy Professor of Chemistry at the University of Starsberg.
Question: 12
Describe the importance and popularity of the silkworm industry in France.
Answer: 12
Keeping of Silkworm was one of the chief home industries of France,Every family set aside the best room of reading and tending of silkworm.,Their common greeting was"How was your silkworms doing"Pasteur discovered the cause of the silkworm disease and suggested its cure.
Question: 13
Give some instance of Pasture patriotism.
Answer: 13
Pasture love for France was so intense that he tried to enroll himself twice in the National Guard despite his physically and incapacity.He offered all his worldly wealth for the country.His work on brewing proved very beneficial for France.He donated all his wealth 150 France ,When France went to war with Germany in 1870,he again tried to fight for France .
Question: 14
Describe Pasture treatment of Hydrophobia.
Answer: 14
Pasture applied inoculation to hydrophobia.He tried to take some of the nervous tissues of an animal which had died of disease and by exposing the spinal cord of rabbits to the dry air.It weakened the cells until after fourteen days,they became harmless.He injected them into the body of a boy Joseph,
Question: 15
How did Pasteur prove that spontaneous generation was not fact?
Answer: 15
In 1860,he proved that if a substance is sufficiently heated and the air is in contact with it is filtered;bacteria do not develop in it.In this way he proved that spontaneous generation was not fact.
Question: 16
What are the symptoms of Hydrophobia?
Answer: 16
Hydrophobia or Rabies is a dangerous human ,disease caused by the bite of mad dog,Its signs are : restlessness,shudder ,thirst ,impossibility of swallowing and fits of rage.
Question: 17
What is vaccine?
Answer: 17
Vaccine means weekend germs.These are injected in measured quantities into the body of a person to create immunity.Pastuer initiated this treatment of the disease.
Question: 18
What is Pasteur achievement in brewing?
Answer: 18
France was plagued into war with Germany,Pasteur was shocked,He decided not to import beer from the enemy country .So ,the turned to the study of brewing and prepared good beer.
Question: 19
What did Pasteur discovered about bacteria in milk?
Answer: 19
He discovered that some germs in milk are very difficult to destroy,The bacteria in milk can be destroyed if temperature is raised 10 C above boiling point.
Question: 20
What did Pasteur write to the University of Bonn in Germany?
Answer: 20
In 1870,France was dragged into the war with Germany.He returned his degree obtained from University of Bonn with the words that his name should be removed from the faculty of the university.
Question: 21
What quantities did Pasteur inherit from his father?
Answer: 21
His father had served in Napoleon military force and had won medal for bravery and faithfulness.He inherited bravery and faithfulness from his father.
Question: 22
What did Pasteur hate germany?
Answer: 22
Germany and England plunged into war in 1870.He felt angry at this war started by Germany against his country,So he began to hate Germany.
Question: 23
How did Pasteur embarrss the professor of chemistry at Besancon?
Answer: 23
Pasteur was deeply interested in Chemistry.He used to embrass the professor of Chemistry with unanswerable question,The professor had to admit that he did nok know the answer the question.