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Question: 1
Why the fleming were called a medical family?
Answer: 1
Fleming's family became a medial family because many of its members were joining this field.Fleming brother ,Thomas had studied medicine at Glasgow University .His two brother became opticians.One sister married a doctor and other veterinary surgeon.
Question: 2
What and at which age did Fleming die?
Answer: 2
Lister was an English Surgeon,He discovered that germs could be killed by heat of chemicals ,Thus he along with Pasteur revolutionized the theory and practice of chemicals.
Question: 3
What is antiseptic and what is antiseptic method?
Answer: 3
Antiseptic are the Chemical used to kill germs e.g carbolic acid iodine etc,The used for the chemical for the treatment of wound is called antiseptic method.
Question: 4
Why was the use of carbolic acid abandoned?
Answer: 4
Carbolic acid was used to kill the germs but problems was that it also harmed the white cells of the body so it use was abandoned.
Question: 5
What part is played by the white cells in the blood of human body?
Answer: 5
White blood cells are the natural armour of the body,when germs enter the body;they are immediately attacked by white cell,In fact the disease is a fight between the white blood cells and the germs.
Question: 6
What is the chief defect of antiseptic method?
Answer: 6
Its flaws was that chemical like carbolic acid not only destroyed germs but also harmed the white cells of the body which function as the natural defence of the body,So the use of carbolic acid was abandoned.
Question: 7
What is Lysozyme and how Fleming discovered it?
Answer: 7
Lysozyme is a first natural antiseptic Fleming discovered it when he was suffering from Catarrh,he began ti examine owned their lives to him.He ask his children to pray for Flamening in his prayers.
Question: 8
Why was antiseptic method not successful especially in 1914?
Answer: 8
Antiseptic method was better than antiseptic method,But this method was not successful especially during the War 1914 because it could not be used on a large scale in War time.
Question: 9
How did a man in Italy express his thanks for Fleming?
Answer: 9
In Italy at medical gathering a an with his 3 children pushed forward and said to Fleming that his children owned their lives to him,He asked his children to pray for Fleming in their prayers.
Question: 10
How did Oxford team make penicillin more effective?
Answer: 10
Penicillin n its crude form was not stable .The Oxford Team concentrated it so it could be used more effectively ,After a long struggle,they succeeded and discovered a new method for its manufacture in a wider scale.
Question: 11
Was Fleming proud of his discovery?
Answer: 11
No ,Fleming was not proud of his discovery .He remained humble as usual,He said "I didn't do anything Nature made penicillin".I just found it.
Question: 12
Write a note on penicillin as wonder drug?
Answer: 12
It is the wonder drug because it is an ideal germ killer.It has not toxic effects on the white blood cells and is three tome stronger than chemical antiseptic .
Question: 13
Give an account of the early life of Fleming?
Answer: 13
Fleming was born on a farm near Darvel in 1881.He was the youngest of the family of eight.His father died when he was seven,He got his early education from Darvel School.At 14 he went to London at 21 he received a share in legacy.His brother Thomas pushed him to study medicine.
Question: 14
What was Fleming great contribution to the field of medical science?
Answer: 14
Fleming contribution stimulated other people to work,He discovered new drug made by nature,Fleming himself consider it the most important result of his work.
Question: 15
What was Fleming contribution at St.Mary Hospital?
Answer: 15
Fleming turned to the medical education in 19*01 .He chose St marry hospital for his medical education,He started working in Wright Laboratory.He remained there for eight years and then he joined R.A.M.C.
Question: 16
When and at which age did Fleming die?
Answer: 16
Fleming died in 1955 at the age of 73 years.
Question: 17
Why could not penicillin have been discovered in the research laboratories of America?
Answer: 17
The Americans laboratories were air tight and sterilized ,Therefore penicillin could not be discovered there it was because their culture plates were not dirty.There was no way for mould spore to come in and drop on the culture plate.
Question: 18
What did Wright and Fleming discover about antiseptic method?
Answer: 18
They discovered that the treatment was doing more harm than good.In some cases,the chemical were helping the germs to grow and multiply.They conclude the antiseptic method was wrong.
Question: 19
How did the Lister protects his patient form infections?
Answer: 19
He found that germs could not be destroyed by sterilization,To kill the germs he applied carbolic acid to his instruments.
Question: 20
How did the surgeon infect their parents in the past?
Answer: 20
In the past the surgeon used chemical like carbolic acid asn iodine etc,to treat the infected wounds.
Question: 21
In what respect is penicillin is better than the chemical antiseptic?
Answer: 21
Carbolic acid and iodine harmed the white cells of blood.They did more harm than good,But penicillin is harmless to the cells of the body,So it was hailed as a wonder drug.
Question: 22
In which year Fleming hit on penicillin?
Answer: 22
He discovered penicillin in 1928.
Question: 23
How did Fleming discovered penicillin?
Answer: 23
Fleming was making some experiments ;a mould spore came flying through the window and dropped on the culture plate.This thing began to grow and the germs began to disappear,He named it penicillin.