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Question: 1
How did christopher manage to get a seat in the weapon carrier?
Answer: 1
Christopher showed a permit from the war ministry to join the French Foreign Legion,That permit was cancelled later but the Lieutenant did not notice it and allowed him to travel in the army vehicle.
Question: 2
Describe Christopher's Journey through the land of Thirst and Death?
Answer: 2
Between Tamanrasset and Kidal,the most dangerous stage of journey was "The land of thirst and death"that area was known for sand storms and dried up wells,Christopher and his companions had to face a storm.They could have been buried by the sand,But fortunately the storm ceased shortly.
Question: 3
How did Christopher develop interest for crossing the Sahara?
Answer: 3
Christopher's foster mother often threatened him to send him to Timbuktu,it he does any mischief .Instead of alarming this threat created in him a keen,desire and interest to see his distant place.
Question: 4
What does hitch hiking mean?
Answer: 4
Hitch -Hiking means to travel by using irregular modes of traveling.In the mode a traveler reaches his destination by taking free lifts from various passing vehicle.
Question: 5
How did Christopher manage to get water at in Abbangarit?
Answer: 5
In Abbangarit the well was about 275 meters away but water was 46 meters below,he look a tape recorders wire and tired it with a teapot and lowered it in the well,This method worked and he succeeded in collection a lot of water.
Question: 6
What is Sahara desert situated?
Answer: 6
The Sahara desert is situated in North Africa,It spreads over thirty lac square miles and extends from the Atlantic to Red sea and from the Mediterranean to Central Mali,Niger Chad and Sudan.
Question: 7
Give an idea of the size of the Sahara.How is it in comparison with England?
Answer: 7
The full Sahara area,stretching almost the complete with of North Africa,is many times the size of great britain.For example it england is placed somewhere in the desert,it will be an uphill task to find it.
Question: 8
Where is situated the Timbuktu Desert?
Answer: 8
Timbuktu is and ancient in the heart of French America,It is the near the river Niger in the extreme south of the Sahara Desert.
Question: 9
In which thing Christopher travelled from Ghardaia to EI Golea?
Answer: 9
Christopher travelled from Ghardaia to Ei Golea in a heavy truck.It weighted ten tons.The road continued only for ten miles.Then the truck could not move on soft sand,They had to spread steel strips on the sand under the wheels of the trucks,Thus it was very difficult to continue the journey.
Question: 10
What do you know about Professor Claude Balonguernon?
Answer: 10
Claude Balangueron was very prominent French Professor and he had devoted himself to the service and Education of The Tuareg people,he acted as Christopher's host ,guide,and friend. Towards the end of hitch-like ,he saved Christopher's life.
Question: 11
What was the most noticeable feature of the desert city named Ghardaia?
Answer: 11
Gharida was desert city with numerous and stickier files,The food was covered with flies,They followed the food to the mouth and remained stuck on the face of children constantly.The children looked as if wearing of flies.
Question: 12
Whom did Christopher meet in Tamanrasset?
Answer: 12
In Tamanrasset,Christopher made on of his most valuable contacts and met with Professor Claude a Frenchman.
Question: 13
Write a note on Christopher's Journey to Kidal?
Answer: 13
While travelling to Kidal,Christopher and his companions ran short of food and water,They also cane across 20 vulture there,They were anxious to eat them up when they died,Luckily they were able to reach the next water hole safety,
Question: 14
What happened with the christopher when he jumped bare footed from the front cabin of the truck?
Answer: 14
When he jumped out of the truck barefooted,he felts as if he had jumped onto a bed burning coals,With a screen of pain,he jumped backed into the truck,Meanwhile his thirst become fiecece.
Question: 15
Who was Christopher?
Answer: 15
Robert Christopher was an American adventure who did hitch-hiking across the Sahara,His first adventure was to go around the world,He completed this trip with only eighty dollars.
Question: 16
How did Prof.Balamgueron save christropher life?
Answer: 16
On the journey of Timbuktu ,he sent his pupil Boubakar with him as a guide,At the end he saved his life by connecting the Desert patrol for help,They discovered Christopher in Abbangarit.
Question: 17
How is El-Golea different from In-Salah?
Answer: 17
El-Golea was a beautiful town,It was a true oasis,There was much water available there,In Salag was barren and hot town.Sand was encroaching the town,The quality of water was not good.
Question: 18
How did Christopher save himself from the sandstorm?
Answer: 18
Christopher tried to save himself from sand storm,as advised by his fellows he hid himself behind a camel.
Question: 19
What happened when Christopher mixed a little wine with water?
Answer: 19
He was overcome by a stranger sickness.His head started to pound.He began to shiver violently,Finally he fainted and fell down.He could not speak for an hour.
Question: 20
What happened with the three English men who attempted to cross the Sahara Desert?
Answer: 20
Hanton told the story of three English men whose car got stuck into a dune,They tried to drink water from the radiator and even the oil form the crank case.Three days later ,their bodies were found dried like leaves.
Question: 21
What is Timbuktu?
Answer: 21
It is an ancient city in the heart of French Africa,It is near the river Niger in the extreme south of Sahara Desert.