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Question: 1
What does the writer mean by inhospitable regions?
Answer: 1
Churchill was interested in the subject of Literature,History and Essay writing,But the examiner mostly ask question from Latin and Math.Therefore he found examination an inhospitable and unlike,
Question: 2
How did Mr.Somervell teached English analysis to the students?
Answer: 2
He used to take a long distance and divided in into parts with different colours of Chalk,it was kind of drill and the students were made to it every day till they got it into their bones.
Question: 3
How did Mr.Somervell teach English?
Answer: 3
Somervell laid great stress on Parsing and analysis,He wrote long sentences on the blackboard and then marked evertpart of it with chalk of different colors.
Question: 4
Who was Mr,Somervell?
Answer: 4
Mr,Somervell was the english teacher at Harrow,He was assigned the task to teach English to the student,Churchill declared him most delightful man to whom his debt was great,The students learnt English parsing and analysis throughly from Mr,Somervell.
Question: 5
In which subjects the writer want to be examined?
Answer: 5
The examiner selected Latin and Math for the writer but Churchill liked History,Poetry and Essay Writing.
Question: 6
How did Churchill perform in his entrance examination to Harrow?
Answer: 6
Churchill did not perform well in his entrance examination to Harrow.This was especially true with his Latin Paper in which he could not answer even a single answer,he wrote his name and the question No 1 as"(a)".he left rest of the paper quite blank.
Question: 7
What were the intelligent boys taught at Harrow?
Answer: 7
The intelligent student were taught Greek and Latin at Harrow.
Question: 8
Why did not Churchill do well in examination?
Answer: 8
Churchill was not good at Latin and Math,while the examiners asked question mostly from those subject.Moreover the question asked were un-answerable.He liked history,poetry and essay writing.Therefore he did not do well in the exams.
Question: 9
Churchill was taught English at Harrow.Was it gain or loss?
Answer: 9
Learning of english was gain for the writer,He could use it accurately .He found it useful in practical life where medium of communication was English,He did not feel himself at a loss.
Question: 10
Why did churchill dislike examinations system?
Answer: 10
Churchill criticizes examination system and says that it does not test all the physical and mental abilities of the students but gives importance inly the performance on the paper,
Question: 11
Why did churchill have the greatest regard for the headmaster ,Mr .Welldon?
Answer: 11
Churchill had great regard for Mr.Welldone,the headmaster of Harrow Public school,He had a positive approach so he could see beneath the surface of things,That is why he was able to judge the hidden qualities of Churchill.
Question: 12
Why does the writer prefer English to Latin and greek?
Answer: 12
Churchill prefers English to Latin and Greek because both Latin and Greek had become dead language in the modern age and English had become the language of the day,Churchill thought it necessary for students to learn English to earn their living.
Question: 13
Why was the Churchill placed in the lowest division?
Answer: 13
In the alphabet list of the entrance test,Spenser Churchill name was third from the bottom.unfortunately the last two students disappeared and he remained at the bottom.
Question: 14
What did churchill three years stay at Harrow him?
Answer: 14
By remaining in the same class or three years,Churchill learnt English thoroughly ,It proved a great blessing for him because English was made the most important medium of communication later.
Question: 15
What sort of man was the headmaster at Harrow?
Answer: 15
Mr.Welldon was the headmaster of Harrow Public School.He was capable of assessing the hidden qualities in his students.
Question: 16
How did churchill admit to Harrow despite his poor performance?
Answer: 16
The headmaster was interested in assessing the general abilities of student,From churchill performance in subjects other than Latin and Math the headmaster could foresee a good student in making,Therefore he selected Churchill for admission to Harrow.
Question: 17
What advantage did churchill get out english?
Answer: 17
The knowledge of english help churchill a lot n practical life,he could express himself in English vert effectively,The writer said,all the students should learn english first and then could learn other languages,so learning of english was great advantage for the writer.
Question: 18
Why was the examination a trail to churchill?
Answer: 18
The subjects that the examiners like most were almost always those which he like least,So examined in the subjects he liked.
Question: 19
What sports of question are asked by your examiner?
Answer: 19
Out examiners ask both easy and difficult question which cover the entire book,They ask question that distinguish a diligent student form an ordinary one.
Question: 20
Churchill was taught english,not Latin and greek why?
Answer: 20
At Harrow Churchill was taught English thoroughly.The essential structure of English got into his bones,He became a good writer it was a great gain for him.