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Question: 1
How did Abd-al-Rahman deal with the governor appointed by the Abbasid caliph to contest his rule?
Answer: 1
Abd-al-Rahman 1 killed in the governor of Spain and sent his head preserved in salt and camphor wrapped in a black flag with his letter of appointment to the Abbasid caliph in Baghdad.
Question: 2
What high statue did the University of Cordova have and what was the literacy rate in Spain?
Answer: 2
The University of Cordova was one of the three greatest universities of the world at that time.It had an amazing collection of about 400000 of books in its library,The literacy rate of muslim spain was very high and alsmost every person could read and write.
Question: 3
Why Cordova was called "The jewel of the world".
Answer: 3
The fame of Cordova spread such an extent that it was called the jewel of the world,It had made so marvelous progress in every field of life,People from all overt the world attracted to it.
Question: 4
Who was Abd-al-Rahman ?Describe his physical appearance?
Answer: 4
Abd-al-Rahman I was the grandson of the tenth caliph of Damascus,He was a tall,lean,red haired youth with sharp aquiline feature and extraordinary nerve and ability ,It was he who established Muslim rule in Spain,he belonged to the Umayyad dynasty of Damascus.
Question: 5
How was the royal income spent in Muslim Spain?
Answer: 5
One third of the royal income was spent on army ,one third on public workers while the rest was placed in reserve.
Question: 6
What did Al-hakim do in the field of education?
Answer: 6
Al-Hakam,himself a great scholar ,patronized learning .He established many educational institutions including the University of Cordova through the country,He also invited scholars from other countries of Europe,
Question: 7
Give brief description of the royal palace,named "AL-Zahra".
Answer: 7
Al-Zahra the royal palace has 400 rooms,There was seven hundred mosques and three hundred public bathrooms.
Question: 8
How did Abbasids behave with Umayyad family?
Answer: 8
The Abbasid killed every member of the Umayyad family whom they could catch.
Question: 9
How was the royal income spent in Muslim Spain?
Answer: 9
One third of the royal income was spent on army ,one third on public workers while the rest was placed in reserve.
Question: 10
What did Al-Hakam do to promote learning and scholarship in his kingdom?
Answer: 10
Al-Hakam was Abd-al-Rahman successor and was probably the best scholar among the muslim caliphs.He was generous to scho0lar and established 27 free schools.He enlarged the University of Cordova,He was a lover of books and has gathered 400000 books,
Question: 11
Who was Abd-al-Rahman escape and how did he live there?
Answer: 11
After escaping assassination at the hands of the Abbasid soldiers at the bank of the Euphrates River,Abd-al-Rahman ,I made his way to Spain ,fought his way to mastery and kept in power there the Umayyad dynasty which was wiped out in the East.
Question: 12
Briefly describe the mosque of Cordova.
Answer: 12
Abdul Rehman i founded the great mosque of Cordova in 788,two years before his death,The present of the mosque is "Mezquita" which means the mosque in 1236 it was transformed into christian church.
Question: 13
When did the Abbasid caliph says on receiving the head of his governer?
Answer: 13
When the caliph received the head of his governor he said,"Thanks be to Allah for having placed the sea between us and such a foel"He meant that it was better that there was a great distance between him and Abdul Rehman.
Question: 14
What did Abdul Rahman do to make himself strong and beautify his capital?
Answer: 14
To beautify his capital ,he built an aqueduct for the supply of pure water,He erected a place and a garden with fruit tree outside Cordova.He got a grand mosque built and got a bridge constructed across the river.