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Question: 1
Why there s no life on the stars?
Answer: 1
The stars are the collection of fire scattered through space,They are far too hot for the life to exist because life needs suitable physical condition for its exsistance which is not present on the other star.
Question: 2
What is the differernce between the stars and the planets?
Answer: 2
The stars are the sun or bodies in space.They have their own heat and light.The planets are the big or small pieces detached from the stars,They do not have their own heat and light but they get it from their sun,
Question: 3
How when and why did life come into existance?
Answer: 3
According to Sir james jeans,The planets cooled down gradullay,And on the course of time,our earth might have given birth to life,Life started in the simple organisms,which reproduce themselves brfore sying,From these organisms,started a stream of life that ended in the form of human beings.
Question: 4
What are the temprature belts?
Answer: 4
A temperature belts is a narrow area surronding each star at a suitable distance where the temperature is neither too hot too cold for life to exist on it.
Question: 5
What is the total number of stars in the universe?
Answer: 5
The universe contains ,perhaps ,as many stars as the grains of sand on all the sea-shores of the world ,Their number is undoubetly,beyond any countring,Most of these millions of stars are bigger than the earth,Some of them are large enough to contain million and million of earth.
Question: 6
Why is the universe so frightening?
Answer: 6
The universe is so frightening because of its immense distance, great stretches of time ,out littleness and loneliness in space and the impossibility of the existence of life like our own at anywhere else.
Question: 7
How big are the stars how they travel?
Answer: 7
Most of the stars are thousand of times larger than the earth,They are so large that hundreds of thousands of earth can be packed inside each star and leave room to spare.
Question: 8
What is Milky way?
Answer: 8
Milky way is the system of stars that contaon our sun and its planets,seen as a brighy band in the night sky.
Question: 9
How do the stars travel/journey in space?
Answer: 9
A few stars travel in group while other travel alone.
Question: 10
What is planetary system?
Answer: 10
When the wandaring star begin to move away ,the tidal momenteum on the surface of the sun was torn to pieces,These pieces began to move around the sun these are called planets.
Question: 11
Why do s stars not collide with other stars?
Answer: 11
Each star travel in its orbit,There is a distance of million miles among them,That is why star seldom finds another star neat it,Each star remains away the other.
Question: 12
What happen when the wandering star came nearer and nearer to the sun?
Answer: 12
According to the sir james jeans when a wandering star cam near the sun ,its tidal pull ,ust have raised very high on the surface of the sun.