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Question: 1
Write the formula of Borax and Chile Saltpeter.
Answer: 1
1-55Borax: Na2B4. 10H2O
Chile Saltpeter : NanO3
Question: 2
How is borax converted into boric acid vice versa?
Answer: 2
2-55A hot concentrated solution of borax is treated with a calculated quantity of concentrated H2SO4.On cooling,crystals of boric acid formed separated out.
Na2B4O7 +H2SO4+5H2O------>Na2SO4+ 4H3BO3
Borax Boric acid
Na2B4O7 +H2SO4+5H2O------>Na2SO4+ 4H3BO3
Borax Boric acid
Question: 3
Write any four uses of borax.
Answer: 3
3-55i) It is used to prepare borate glass,which is heat resistant.
Question: 4
Boric acid can be converted to borax and vice versa.Give reaction?
Answer: 4
4-55Conversion of boric acid into borax:Borax is prepared by treating a hot solution of boric acid with proper amount of soda ash:
4H3BO3+ Na2CO3-------> Na2B4O7+ 6H2O +CO2
4H3BO3+ Na2CO3-------> Na2B4O7+ 6H2O +CO2
Question: 5
Justify that solubility of borax changes with change in temperature.
Answer: 5
5-55It is sparingly soluble in cold water but is more soluble in hot water:100 grams of water dissolve 3 gram of decahydrate at 10oC and 99.3 grams at 100oC.
Question: 6
What is reaction of heat on orthoboricacid,H3BO3?
Answer: 6
6-55When orthoboric acid is heated strongly,it swells to frothy mass losing water molecules.It is first converted into metaboric acid then to tetra boric acid and finally to boric anhydride.
Question: 7
What happens when borax is treated with HCl and H2SO4separately?
Answer: 7
7-55Aqueous solution of borax reacts with HCl or H2SO4to form boric acid.
Na2B4O7+ 2HCI + 5H2O------->4H3BO3+ 2NaCI
Na2B4O7 + H2SO4+ 5H2O------>4H3BO3+ Na2SO4
Na2B4O7+ 2HCI + 5H2O------->4H3BO3+ 2NaCI
Na2B4O7 + H2SO4+ 5H2O------>4H3BO3+ Na2SO4
Question: 8
What is the action of an aqueous solution of Borax on litmus.
Answer: 8
8-55Aqueous solution of borax is alkaline in nature due to hydrolysis.It will turn red litmus to blue.
Na2B4O7+ 7H2O------>2NaOH + 4H3BO3
Borax Strong alkali Weak acid
Na2B4O7+ 7H2O------>2NaOH + 4H3BO3
Borax Strong alkali Weak acid
Question: 9
How borax is commercially prepared?Give two methods of preparation.
Answer: 9
9-55i) Borax is prepared by treating a hot solution of boric acid with proper amount of soda ash:
4H3BO3+ Na2CO3--------> Na2B4O7+ 6H2O + CO2
4H3BO3+ Na2CO3--------> Na2B4O7+ 6H2O + CO2
Question: 10
Discuss chemistry of borax bead test?
Answer: 10
10-55Borax,when fused,is decomposed into sodium metaborate and boric anhydride.
Question: 11
Aqueous solution of borax is alkaline in nature.Justify the statement.
Answer: 11
11-55Aqueous solution is alkaline in nature due to hydrolysis.
Na2B4O7+ 7H2O------->2NaOH +4H3BO3
Borax Strong alkali Weak acid
Na2B4O7+ 7H2O------->2NaOH +4H3BO3
Borax Strong alkali Weak acid
Question: 12
Show that H3BO3is monobasic acid?
Answer: 12
12-55H3BO3is a very weak acid and inoizes to a very limited extent mainly as a monobasic acid.
H3BO3 + H2O ----->{B(OH)4} + H+
H3BO3 + H2O ----->{B(OH)4} + H+
Question: 13
Under what conditions aluminium corrodes?
Answer: 13
13-55When aluminium sheet is exposed to moist air it acquires a thin,continuous coating of aluminium oxide,which is product of aluminium corrosion.
Question: 14
Write the names and chemical formulas of four boric acids?
Answer: 14
14-55Name Formulae
i) Orthoboric acid H3BO3
ii) Metaboric acid HBO2
iii) Tetraboric acid H2B4O7
iv) Pyroboric acid H6B4O9
i) Orthoboric acid H3BO3
ii) Metaboric acid HBO2
iii) Tetraboric acid H2B4O7
iv) Pyroboric acid H6B4O9
Question: 15
Write down two uses of boric acid.
Answer: 15
15-55i) Boric acid are used in medicines as an antiseptic,e.g dusting powder,boric ointment and boric solution is used as an eye wash.
Question: 16
Give reaction of Aluminium with dilute and concentrated H2SO4?
Answer: 16
16-55Reaction with dilute H2SO4:Aluminium does not react with dilute sulphuric acid.
Question: 17
Write the behavior of Al with conc. HNO3
Answer: 17
17-55Aluminium does not react with nitric acid at any concentration,probably because of the formation of protective layer of aluminium oxide.
Question: 18
Aluminium sheets are said to be corrosion free.Comment.
Answer: 18
18-55When a sheet of aluminium is exposed to moist air it acquires a thin,continuous coating of aluminium oxide,which prevents further attack on the metal by atmospheric oxygen and water under normal conditions.Because of this aluminium sheets are said to be corrosion-free.
Question: 19
Why Boric acid cannot be titrated by NaOH?
Answer: 19
19-55Boric acid is partially neutralized by caustic soda to give borax so,boric acid cannot be titrated by NaOH.
4H3BO3+ 2HaOH------->Na2B4O7+ 7H2O
4H3BO3+ 2HaOH------->Na2B4O7+ 7H2O
Question: 20
Aluminium is not found free in nature.Comment the statement?
Answer: 20
20-55It occurs primarily as alumino-silicate minirals found in the rocks of the outer portion of the earth.So,Aluminium is not found free in nature.
Question: 21
In which way Al becomes water soluble by using NaOH?
Answer: 21
21-55Aluminium dissolves in sodium hydroxide to form a soluble aluminate,with the evolution of hydrogen.
2Al(s)+ 2NaOH(aq)+ 6H2O(I)---->2NaAI(OH)4(aq)+ 3H2(g)
2Al(s)+ 2NaOH(aq)+ 6H2O(I)---->2NaAI(OH)4(aq)+ 3H2(g)
Question: 22
How does Aluminium react with a) NaOH b) H2SO4.
Answer: 22
22-55Alluminiumis dissolved in sodium hydroxide to give solube aluminate,with the evolution of hydrogen.
Al + 2NaOH-----> + 6H2O----->NaAl(OH)4+ 3H2
Al + 2NaOH-----> + 6H2O----->NaAl(OH)4+ 3H2
Question: 23
CO2is a gas while SiO2is solid at room temperature.Justify?
Answer: 23
23-55Silicon atoms are much larger than carbon atoms and thus tend to surround themselves with more oxygen neighbours. Silicon forms only single bonds to oxygen atoms whereas carbon may form double bonds.Carbon,in fact forms double bond to each of the two oxygen atoms to produce a small,symmetrical,linear molecules CO2,which is volatile and reasonably reactive.
Question: 24
Outline any four uses of aluminium?
Answer: 24
24-55i) It is non-magnetic and is thus used in navigational equipment.
ii) It is non toxic and can be used for making food and brewing equipments and is packaging.
iii) Aluminium readily forms alloys with other metals like copper,magnesium,nickel and zinc.
At home,aluminium is found in the form of cooking utensils,window frames and kitchen foil.
ii) It is non toxic and can be used for making food and brewing equipments and is packaging.
iii) Aluminium readily forms alloys with other metals like copper,magnesium,nickel and zinc.
At home,aluminium is found in the form of cooking utensils,window frames and kitchen foil.
Question: 25
How does H3BO3act as an acid?
Answer: 25
25-55i) Boric acid turns blue litmus red.
ii) Boric acid partially neutralized by caustic soda to give borax.
4H3BO3+ 2NaOH------>Na2B4O7+ 7H2O
ii) Boric acid partially neutralized by caustic soda to give borax.
4H3BO3+ 2NaOH------>Na2B4O7+ 7H2O
Question: 26
Under what conditions aluminium corrode.
Answer: 26
26-55When aluminium sheet is exposed to moist air it acquires a thin,continuous coating of aluminium oxide,which is product of aluminium corrosion.
Question: 27
Give four common properties of group IVA elements of periodic table.
Answer: 27
27-55i) All the elements of this group show a valency of four.
Question: 28
What is vitreous silica?Give its two uses?
Answer: 28
28-55When crystalline silica is heated sufficiently it melts to give a viscous liquid having a random structure,presumably with the silicon atoms still on the average closed to four oxygen atoms and the oxygen atoms close to two usually it undercools tremendously and eventually becomes rigid without having undergone orientation into a regular crystal pattern.
Question: 29
In what respects,carbon behaves differently from other members of group IV-A?
Answer: 29
29-55Carbon differs from the remaining members of Group IVA in following respects;Carbon and silicon are non-metals while the other members of the family are metalloids or metals.
Question: 30
Discuss that CO2is acidic in character.
Answer: 30
30-55CO2gas when dissolved in water gives H2CO3an acid.The reaction is given below as: CO2+ H2O------->H2CO3
Question: 31
How Aluminium reacts with aqueous sodium hydroxide?
Answer: 31
31-55Aluminium dissolves in sodium hydroxide to form a soluble aluminate,with the evolution of hydrogen.
2AI(s)+ 2NaOHaq)+ 6H2O(I)------->2NaAI(OH)4(aq)+3H2(g)
2AI(s)+ 2NaOHaq)+ 6H2O(I)------->2NaAI(OH)4(aq)+3H2(g)
Question: 32
Give two similarities between carbon and silicon.
Answer: 32
32-55Carbon and silicon both form acidic oxides where as other oxides areamphoteric in nature.
Question: 33
How lime and sand are used to make glass?
Answer: 33
33-55Water glass or soluble glass (Sodium Silicate) is prepared by fusing sodium carbonate(Lime) with pure sand (silica).This process is carried out in a furnace called reverberatory furnace.
Na2CO3+ SiO2------>Na2SiO3+ CO2
Na2CO3+ SiO2------>Na2SiO3+ CO2
Question: 34
State procedure by which surface of stoneware is made less porous?
Answer: 34
34-55Stoneware are usually glazed to give it a less porous surface by throwing salt upon the articles while they are hot.This treatment produces sodium aluminate and sodium aluminium silicate,which melt readily and cover the entire surface.When the article cools,the covering solidifies,producing a compact,smooth,waterproof surface.
Question: 35
What are silicates?Give example
Answer: 35
35-55Compounds derived from silicic acid (H2SiO3), are calledilicates. For sodium silicate (Na2SiO3),it is a sodium salt of metasilicic acid.
Na2CO3+ SiO2------->Na2SiO3+ CO2
Na2CO3+ SiO2------->Na2SiO3+ CO2
Question: 36
Write four uses of Sodium Silicate?
Answer: 36
36-55i) It is used as filler for soap in soap industry.
Question: 37
Give the formula and use of Talc soap stone?
Answer: 37
37-55Formula of soap stone: Mg3H2(SiO3)4
Question: 38
Write two points to show peculiar behavior of carbon.
Answer: 38
38-55Carbon differs from remaining members of group IV-A the following respects;
Question: 39
Why liquid silicones are preferred over organic lubricant?
Answer: 39
39-55The outstanding physical attribute of silicone oil is its very small change in viscosity with changing temperature,compared with the behavior of other oils of similar viscosity.If the temperature is dropped from 100oC to 0oC the viscosity of petroleum oil may increase about one hundred folds,whereas,that of silicons oils will increase less than four folds,in the presence of air or oxygen at temperature as high as 300oC silicon oils remain free from acid formation,oxidation and similar phenomenon,which frequently limit the usefulness of petroleum products and other synthetic organic liquids.
Question: 40
What is effect of temperature on semiconductor?
Answer: 40
40-55The electrical conductivity of semiconductor depends upon their temperautre. When a metal is heated,its resistance increases,when a semiconductor is heated its resistance decreases and vise versa.
Question: 41
Describe composition and used of chemical garden?
Answer: 41
41-55When crystals of soluble coloured salts like nickle chloride,ferrous sulphate,cooper sulphate or cobalt nitrate,etc,are placed in a solution of sodium silicate,they produced a very beautiful growth,like plant,which is called chemical garden.
Question: 42
How weathering of potassium feldspar takes place?Give chemical equation also.
Answer: 42
42-55Many important silicate rocks contain aluminium.The weathering of these rocks results in the disintegration of the complex silicates which they contain.The boiling and freezing of water in the rocks,and the chemical action of water and carbon dioxide convert these compounds into potassium carbonate,sand and clay.The following reaction explain the weathering of potassium feldspar:
K2O.Al2O3.6SiO2+ H2CO3+H2O------>K2CO3+ 4SiO2+Al2O3.(SiO2)2.2H2O
K2O.Al2O3.6SiO2+ H2CO3+H2O------>K2CO3+ 4SiO2+Al2O3.(SiO2)2.2H2O
Question: 43
What is meant by chemical garden?
Answer: 43
43-55When crystals of soluble coloured salts like nickle chloride ferrous sulphate,copper sulphate or cobalt nitrate,etc,are placed in a solution of sodium silicate,they produced a very beautiful growth,like plant,which called chemical garden.
Question: 44
What is asbestos?Give its two uses.
Answer: 44
44-55Asbestos is hydrated calcium magnesium silicate CaMg3(SiO3)4.It commonly used in making incombustible fabrics and hardboards,etc.
Question: 45
How semiconductors are used in transistors?
Answer: 45
45-55Semiconductors may joined to other material,which may be a metal or a different semiconductor.The junction between the different materials form a boundary.It allows electricity to pass more properly and is used in transistors.
Question: 46
Write two uses of silicons.
Answer: 46
46-55i) They are used in hydraulic brakes and other hydraulic system.
Question: 47
Which elements and compounds can act as semiconductors?
Answer: 47
47-55Elements:Semiconductor include the elements germanium,selenium and silicons.
Question: 48
Give uses of Lead Suboxide?
Answer: 48
48-55It is back powder,obtained on heating plumbous oxalate in the absence of air.Other than pigments,it is used in the manufacture of lead storage batteries.
Question: 49
What happens when borax is heated with NH4CI?
Answer: 49
49-55WHen borax is heated when ammonium chloride boron nitridride is produced,
Question: 50
How Clay Articles are glazed?
Answer: 50
50-55Clay articles are glazed by boric acid because borate glazes possesses a higher coefficient of expansion.
Question: 51
White lead is not a good pigment.Give reason?
Answer: 51
51-55Basic lead carbonate 2PbCO3.Pb(OH)2is an amorphous white pigment.White lead is not suitable for use as good pigment since it is darkened by the hydrogen sulphide which is frequently present in the atmosphere.
Question: 52
Borate glazes are better than silicate glazes.Explain?
Answer: 52
52-55Boric acid is used in pottery as a glaze because glazes are more fusible than silicate glazes and possess a higher coefficient of expansion.
Question: 53
Write any two properties of boron which show peculiar behavior?
Answer: 53
53-551.Boron is only element in Group IIIA which is non metallic in behaviour.
2.It is the only element with less that four electrons in the outermost shell which is not a metal.
Question: 54
Discuss use of PbCrO4in paints?
Answer: 54
54-55It is used as a pigment under the name of chrome yellow.Orange or red basic lead chromates are formed when lead chromate is boiled with dilute alkali and are used as pigments.The stable yellow modification of lead chromate is monoclinic Mixture of lead chromate with lead sulphate or barium sulphate are also used as yellow pigments.
Question: 55
Boron differs from its family members,Discuss?
Answer: 55
55-55- Boron is only element in group IIIA which is non metallic in behaviour.
- Its is the only element with less tha four electron in the outermost shell which is not a metal.
- One of the outstanding feature of the chemistry of boron is its ability to form molecular addition compounds.