A great video lecture conducted by experienced physics teacher on 11th class physics chapter 11 topic11.1 carnots engine and theorem. Get full understanding or ask any questions.
Carnot's Engine and Theorem, ch 11, lec 11.9, Carnot's Engine and Theorem - Inter Part 1 Physics
Physics Chapter 11 Topics
- 11.1 Kinetic Theory of Gases
- 11.2 Internal Energy
- 11.3 Work and Heat in Physics
- 11.4 First Law of Thermodynamics
- 11.5 Molar Specific Heat of Gas
- 11.6 Reversible and Irreversible Process
- 11.7 Heat Engine
- 11.8 Second Law of Thermodynamics
- 11.9 Carnot's Engine and Theorem
- 11.10 Thermodynamics Scale of Temperature
- 11.11 Petro Engine
- 11.12 Entropy
- 11.13 Environmental Crisis as Entropy Crisis
- Exercise
- Examples
- Numericals