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Abbottabad board of education is one of those educational boards that are established under the KPK province and are running under the influence of the KPK education ministry. Every year, the board of education offers enrollment to a large number of students at the intermediate level of education. Students who are getting enrolled for this year and are asking about their exams, they have to keep concentrate on their studies at this time. However, the board of education will make them familiar with the schedule of inter part I examination session after issuing them 11th class roll number slips.

What Are Uses Of Roll Number Slips

What Are Uses Of Roll Number Slips Roll numbers slips are designed to use for several purposes and the following are the main features and uses of intermediate roll number slips:

  • Roll number slip uses as a notice of the final exams.
  • Roll number slip uses to identify the students individually.
  • Roll number slip uses to offer students a complete examination schedule.
  • The examination schedule is comprised of exams date, exams timetable, and exams series, etc.
  • What to use in the examination hall and what to avoid in the examination hall all are mentioned on the roll number slip.


Abbottabad Board Exams Session

Abbottabad board, like all other educational boards of KPK province, completes the intermediate session in 02 years. The session is divided into parts and students appear 02 times for their annual exams. However, we come with a general idea for the intermediate part I students that their examination session starts in March or April. However, the board of education declares the 11th class results within 03 to 04 months after finishing the examination session to complete the 11th class academic year.