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An important facility for 11th class students preparing for short questions english 11th class chapter unit 35 of BISE. Get hundreds of questions to prepare and get better marks in 11th english
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Question: 1
How can the crust of the snow glitter?
Answer: 1
The beams of light fall upon the crust of anow. They reflect andthe snow begins to What is the dream of glitter
Question: 2
What are the things that keeps a person alive.
Answer: 2
A person's good relation with people, its lords and its beautiful and fruitful things keep him alive and happy. It is the secret of happiness that poet points out in the poem.
Question: 3
What do you understant when the poet says. " I am the shadow that follows a child"?
Answer: 3
He means to say that he loves and care about, children. He remains with them as a shadow.
Question: 4
What is the dream of th epoet in the poem" The Delight song"?
Answer: 4
Teh dream of the poet of the poem" the Delight song" is that he should have all the beauties, qualities, vigours etc. in him, He wish that , he were a feather on the sky, a fast horse in the plain, a fishin the water, an eveirng light , an eagle in the sky, a cluster of beads, a far-off star, the cold of morning , the sound of rain, the moon, the star and shades of four colour. He thinks himself alive and not a dead one.
Question: 5
Why does the poet call himself a fish.
Answer: 5
The poet wish that he were a fish and rolls in the clear gittering water of rivers and oceans.
Question: 6
What is the effect of man's good reation with the earth and the lords
Answer: 6
By having good relation with the earth and the lords of the earth, man becomes happy. His life becomes beáutiful.
Question: 7
What do you understand when the poet says, "I am the shadow that follows a child"
Answer: 7
A child s usually free, playful and lively RD.He always enjoys Pure
pleasure . The shadow here stands for an the poet's pure pleasure.
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Question: 8
What does the line" I stand in good relation to the earth" means.
Answer: 8
This phrase means that the writer calls hereself environmetn friendly. She does not hurt any natrual being, and cares about the natural beauty like plants, trees, lakes, butterfiles, mountains etc.
Question: 9
Person and optimist and two words which describe the state of mind.of a person who ls hopeful and another who ls in despalr . Can you tell whichof a of the two states of mind go well with this poem?
Answer: 9
Pessimism is to look at the dark aspect of something: while optimiam is to lóok at the bright aspect of it. The poet is happy, So, the mood of the poem is optimisti.
Question: 10
Write down your opinion in a few sentences basing it on the theme of the poem.
Answer: 10
The man ahould be happy. He ahould enjoy life and nature, He should have god relations with all that is beautiful and fruitful. Then his life would be enjoyable.