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An important facility for 11th class students preparing for short questions english 11th class chapter unit 34 of BISE. Get hundreds of questions to prepare and get better marks in 11th english
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Question: 1
What makes one scare of sinning?
Answer: 1
ALLAH ia all 'Seeing'. He sees everyone all the time. Nobody ean hide from ALLAH.This attribute of ALLAH stops people from sinning
Question: 2
How do God's attibutes affect a man's character.
Answer: 2
When God calls himself" All seeing", it restrains a person from doing wrong and when God calls Himself" All hearing", it checks a person from using foul language. God attributesurge us to do good deeds or stop us from doing evil deeds.
Question: 3
What are the effects of the attributes of ALLAH?
Answer: 3
ALLAH's attributes urge to do good deed. They also stop us from dotng
evil deeds. For example, ALLAH is the 'Knowing'. It stops us from doing evil deed.
Question: 4
Waht is the centrla idea of the poem God's Attributes.
Answer: 4
God is the Gracious the Merciful the Forgiving . He loves his people and all the creatures of the unvierse. The poet makes us realize tha twe should also be kind and merciful to others.
Question: 5
Mention two attributes of God Almighty.
Answer: 5
God's attributes means the qualities of Allah, Allah has countless attributes but only three attributles are mentioned in the poem. These attribute are the knowing the seeing and the hearing.
Question: 6
How many attributes of ALLAH are mentioned in the poem?
Answer: 6
Three arrtbutes of ALLAH have been mantloned the poom
They prove that ALLAH is the "Knowing', the 'Seeing' and the 'Hearing'.
Question: 7
Why does God call Himself" Hearing "
Answer: 7
God calls Himself" Hearing" to stop us from foul talk
Question: 8
Mentdon three more attributes of ALLAH.
Answer: 8
There are 99 attributive names of ALLAH. These names express various attributes of ALLAH. The other three attributes of ALLAH ares The Gracious, the Merciful, theForgiving'
Question: 9
How do these attributes help in refining the character of a person?
Answer: 9
ALLAH's attributes urge us to do good deeds. They also stop us from doing evil deeda.In this way. they refine our character.
Question: 10
Do you think these atributes of ALLAH are remembered and kept in mind by us inour daily routine work?
Answer: 10

The pious people keep these attributes in mind all the time. But usually, people do not keep them in mind.