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An important facility for 11th class students preparing for short questions english 11th class chapter unit 33 of BISE. Get hundreds of questions to prepare and get better marks in 11th english
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Question: 1
What is the central Idea of the poem.
Answer: 1
" He came to know himself" is a spiritual poem composed by Sachal Sarmaast. It says that Allah Almighty came down to earth from Heavens to bless human beings with his divine love and the pious people are the deputy of Allah Almighty.
Question: 2
What makes one entangled in love?
Answer: 2
Man needs to know himself. The poet tells us that love leads to the knowledge of 'selfr.Therefore, man gets himself entangled in love with this end in view.
Question: 3
Why does the poet put emphasls on how to know himself?
Answer: 3
The knowledge of 'elf is the knowledge of ALLAH. Therefore, the poet glves importance (a4) to the knowledge of self and tells us how to acquire it
Question: 4
What is the bare truth Sachal Sarmast talks of in the poem" He came to know Himself."
Answer: 4
Sachal Sarmast says that Allah lives in this world in human from. He calls it abare truth.
Question: 5
Explain this liine a hi alighted from high heaven.
Answer: 5
ALLAH is present in the form of love in the hearts of pious humans, Thus their hearts begin to glow with Divine Light. To bless the people with Divine Love, ALLAHalighted from heaven.
Question: 6
What is the bare truth?
Answer: 6
Pious hearts glow with Divine Light. Pious people diacover this Divine Light in everything they see. The poet says that the presence of this Divine Light on earth is the bare truth.
Question: 7
Why did Mansur mount to gallows.
Answer: 7
allah Blessed Mansur (RA) with his divine love, Since Allah put his loved ones on trial, so mansur was mounted to galows only for the love of his beloved, Allah.
Question: 8
What does the poet say about "His sojourn on earth" in the last line?
Answer: 8
The poet says that ALLAH is present everywhere in this world: It is not mere a elaim. It is the whole truth. He says that all the things created by ALLAH show the Divine Art.
Question: 9
Who treated in the bazzar of Egypt.
Answer: 9
Hazrat Yousuf (AS) is one of the Holy Rasools of Allah Almighty. He was sold int he bazzars of Egypt.He was treated as a slave by his woridly lords.
Question: 10
Write the main idea.
Answer: 10
The poem highlights a religious idea. It says that God and the universe are one thing and that God is present in all natural things. But it is a controversial doctrine. The poet says -that God descended from heaven to bless humans with His love.