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Question: 1
What is the effectof death of Bullah shah 's friend on hin.
Answer: 1
Bullah Shah feels gloomy and Ioneliness at the death of his friend and spiritual guide. He mourns the death of his friend and prays to Allah Almight" May his soul rest him in paradies."
Question: 2
When does a person remember ALLAH?
Answer: 2
Usually, man remembers ALLAH in a crisis , He remembers Him when he
sees someone dying. He seeks His help when he is helpless or worried.
Question: 3
What lesson do we get from the poem" My Neighbour friend"?
Answer: 3
The lesson that we get from the poem" My Neighbour friend breathing His last!" is that man is moratal.At last, he is to die one day. He is helpless in ths regard before Allah.
Question: 4
Why does a person feel helpless on the death of a frlend?
Answer: 4
Death is a hard reality. When a person sees a dear one dying, he feels helpless. He cando nothing to help him. He feels sad only.
Question: 5
How is the poet feeling at the death of his spiritual guide? Why is the heart of Bullah Shah burning?
Answer: 5
The poet is feeling at the death of his spiritual guide. His heart is burning with grief.
Question: 6
The poet artives at a certain conclusion in the lost three lines of the poem. What isit? Write in your own words.
Answer: 6
The poet is sad at the death of his spiritual guide. He finds no joy in this world now.He can neither enjoy this life nor die to bless himself with the company of his spiritualguide. He feels helpless.
Question: 7
What is meant by 'decamping'?
Answer: 7
'Decamping' means to leave. In the poem, decamping is used for the spiritual guid of Bullah Shah as he leaves this world for the next world.
Question: 8
Why does the person feel helpless on the death of a friend.
Answer: 8
Death is a hard reality of life. When a person sees his dear ones neighbours, relative dying,he feels sad and helpless. He can neither die with him nor prevent death from him. That is why, he feels helpless at the death of his dear ones.
Question: 9
Why does a person rememebr God?
Answer: 9
A persoon rememebrs All when he sees someone dying. He also rememebrs him when he is helpless.
Question: 10
What are the poet's ideas on death?
Answer: 10
The poet says that where there is death, there is departure, sadness, cries, disappointment and burning hearts. On death, every talks about leaving there are cries, and there is no dcharmiong thing in sight.
Question: 11
Without whose love is Bulla is loss?
Answer: 11
The poet mourn the death of his spiritual guide . He feels sad and gloomy. The presence of his spriritual leader was the blessings of Allah, and now the absences of his leader means a loss to him. Though he feels utterly helpless and ioneliness yet at the same time, he cannot blame Allah almighty.
Question: 12
What is the effect of the death scene?
Answer: 12
Usually a death scene is pathetic , It arouses the feelings of
grief. The poet is also sad at the death of his spiritual guide.