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An important facility for 11th class students preparing for short questions english 11th class chapter unit 31 of BISE. Get hundreds of questions to prepare and get better marks in 11th english
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Question: 1
Waht moral lesson does the poem." A tale of two cities" convery?
Answer: 1
The poem teaches us that we should respect humanity, Nations should not violate teh humabn rights. It also teaches us that great nations can build marvels on the heap of aches. They can even change the hell into heaven.
Question: 2
Under what circumstances (L) the victims (hlno) of atom bombs have to
pass through?
Answer: 2
Everything was destroyed. The people were in terible (o#) condision. They could do nothing but weep and wail . They were powerless and helpless.
Question: 3
How were the people of the two cities made powerless and helpless.
Answer: 3
During the world war Ii, in a barbaric action by America against two cities of Japan, millions of men , women, children and livng things died in the blink of an eye. They were attached with atomic bombs. They wre made powerless and Helpless by the sudden clamity. There were cries of people and smoke, dust and poisonous gases ever where.
Question: 4
How did the japaness bear the pains of the black day.
Answer: 4
In the noise of wepons and bombs, people of two cities of japan were mashed. There were cries of people and smoke of dust and poisonous gases every where. None was there to console them. Theywere left all alone.
Question: 5
What is the moral lesson of the poem?
Answer: 5
The poem teaches that human rights should not be violated . It al-o teaches that troubles and pains polish men. After bearing pains, they become evengreater
Question: 6
Why were atom bombs dropped on the two cities.
Answer: 6
Americans dropped atomic boms on Heroshima and Nagaki just to satisfy their wild passions. they did not care for human rights even The whole world condemned this barbaric actionof the Americans.
Question: 7
Why did the people of Japan look powerless and helpless?
Answer: 7
Atom bombs were dropped on them. Everything was destroyed Thousands of men died in no time. Those who survived were powerless and helpless.Liverrgo.
Question: 8
What is the central theme of the poem" A tale of two cities.".
Answer: 8
In the noise of weapons and bombs, people of two cities of Japan were smashed. But Japan again becomes the most advanced country of the world.The centrla theme of the poem" a yale of two cities" is " determinatin and will-power". The poet says that thing can be destroye dbut the " determinatin andwill- power" of man cannot be smashed.
Question: 9
Describe the scene of devastation
Answer: 9
Everything was destroyed. Thousands of people died in no time. Those who survivedwere left in terrible pain. They were powerless and helpless.
Question: 10
What was the condition of flowers and flavours in the two cities of Japan after the attack of atom bomb.
Answer: 10
When Americans dropped atom bombs on the two cities of Japan, all flowers and flavours were burnt smashed and crused . There left nothing behind except vast scale destruction