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Question: 1
What has made the efforts of the Muslims fruitless.
Answer: 1
The poet says that the Muslims do not follow teachings of Islam and Sunnah of the Rasool Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W.W thus, weakness in faith and disunity among their ranks has made the efforts of the Muslims fruitless.
Question: 2
Who was abraham ? what was his faith.
Answer: 2
Abraham (AS) was prophet of Allah Almighty. He has true faith in Allah. He was thrown by namrud in a hug efire for preachig Islam, but he got no harm and saved by Allah.
Question: 3
Why is the soul of Europe empty of concord.
Answer: 3
The soul of Europe is empty of concord as it has no Makkah. It means the people of Europe are not united.
Question: 4
On what does nation's harmony depends.
Answer: 4
Makkah is the symbol of unity for the Muslims. The people who embrace Islam become the memebrs of Muslim Community. Thus, the poet says that strength of Islam lies in the philosophy of onerness, while harmony and unity of Muslims depends upon Islam.
Question: 5
What is worse than slavery?
Answer: 5
Allama Iqbal says that the life without faith in Allah is worse than the life of slavery. If there is no faith, there is no life. Life with ot fith is an empty vessel.
Question: 6
What drawback of the Muslims were pointed out by Allama Iqbal is " Rubaiyat"?
Answer: 6
Allama Muhammad Iqbal mentioned that the Muslims had lost faith, they were following the English civilization. In Muslims's veins blood runs thin, their ranks are broken, hearts perplexed prayers cold and feelings are not deeper than the skin.
Question: 7
Who cannot compete with the civilization of Makkah.
Answer: 7
Makkah is the symbol of unity of the Muslims. Thesould of Europe is empty of concord as it has not civilization like Makkah. Thus, they cannot compete with the Muslim Ummah and civilization of Makkah.
Question: 8
Why is Iqbal worried about the faith of the Muslims.
Answer: 8
Allama Iqbal is worried because Muslims have lost faith, and they are follwing the European culture. To hae no faith is worse tha slavery and it is the slavery from which Iqbal is trying to free the nation.
Question: 9
What sort of faith Muslims shoud have?
Answer: 9
Muslims should have a faith as strong as Abraham's when he as being thrown in the fire. Muslims should have a faith like a human indulged in the love of God, who is self- honouring and strong.
Question: 10
On what does nation's harmony depends?
Answer: 10
Makkah is the symbol of unity for the Muslims. The people who embrace Islam become the memebrs of Muslim Community thus, the poet says that strength of Islam lies inthe philosophy of oneness, while harmony and unity of Muslims depend upon Islam.