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Question: 1
What we cannot see in broad day light.
Answer: 1
In broad day light, we miss looking at a shining water stream whos water is shingng like stars at night.
Question: 2
Why does the poet lament in the poem?
Answer: 2
The poes laments over the indulgence of modern man in woridly affairs. He says that man has no time to see even the charming smile of the Beauty. Such busy life is misearble.
Question: 3
Which weakness of the modern man is mentioned in the poem " Leisure"?
Answer: 3
the poem ' Leisure" unveils the materiallistic natrue of man. It is teh weakness of the modern man that he has become materialistic, selfish and mean. He gives no time to enjoy the beauty of nature. The poet calls it " a poor life"
Question: 4
What is meant by personification? What personification has been used in the poem " Leisure"?
Answer: 4
When non-living thing are regarded as living tings, they are said to be personified. Fro example, the plate runs the trian ssnorts etc.In this poem " Leisure". beauty" has been personified. Her this word stnad sfor a beautiful woman.
Question: 5
What kind of the delights do we miss in our daily life because of lackof time.
Answer: 5
We being the busy people, we miss the delights of shades of bought shinging streams. We miss the delights of wonderful smile of Doll of beauty. We miss all these because of lack of time.
Question: 6
What does the poet emphasize isn " Leisure"?
Answer: 6
The poet emphasizes that we should not indulge in material things of the life. We should also spare some time to enjoy the beauties of nature such as green boughts , the starry steams, the Beauty's glance, the shinging eyes, smilling limps and the dancing feet of the Doll of beauty.
Question: 7
When does the life of a man become poor ?
Answer: 7
The pet says that we are so busy in coping with daily routine of life that we have no time to enjoy and look at the wonders around us. He calles this life" a poor life and " a life full of cares ". Thus, when man leads a materialistic life it becomes a " poor life".
Question: 8
How can the streams be full of stars.
Answer: 8
When the sunlight strikes against the surface the stream water, it shines and reflects difference light. It seems that the stream is full of stars as the skies a night.
Question: 9
What is the poet trying to say in the last two lines of the poem " Leisure"?
Answer: 9
In the last two lies of the poem " Leisure", the poet is trying to say if we have no time to enjoy the beauties of the nature, then we are leading a poor and pitiable life.
Question: 10
What is the main idea of the poem " The Leisure"?
Answer: 10
Life is short and there are countless beacuse of nature. the poet says that we are busy and materialistc person. We have no time to enjoy and look atthe wonders around us and watch Beauty's glace. The poet therfore calls this life" a poor life" and a life full of cares .
Question: 11
Whydo we ignore the charms of life.
Answer: 11
We are materialistic and busy people. that is wy, we ignore the charms of life.
Question: 12
How does the poet compare men with animals in the poem" Leisure"?
Answer: 12
The poet put many examples for us that indicate the we are leading a life worst than the animals. He says that we have no time to stand under the green and shady trees. He does not look at the baranches covered with blooming flowers we do not enjoy the smile of the Beauty that begins with he eyes.
Question: 13
What message does the poet give in the poem Leisures.
Answer: 13
The poet gives message in the poem that man should free some leisure hours to enjoy the beauty of Nature.