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An important facility for 11th class students preparing for short questions english 11th class chapter unit 26 of BISE. Get hundreds of questions to prepare and get better marks in 11th english
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Question: 1
What did the features of statue reflect.
Answer: 1
The features of the satue refects two things pride of Ozymandias and Rulling power of Allah.
Question: 2
What was the condition of the status standing in the desert.
Answer: 2
The statue itself was broken curshed and sunk in the sand.No achievements of the great king were visible now. All had vanished under the crushing pressure of time.
Question: 3
What did the traveller see in the desert.
Answer: 3
The traveller saw two broken legs and a huge body of a statue in the desert. The body was lying on the sand near its trunkless legs.
Question: 4
In what sense has the word 'mock' been used in the poem.
Answer: 4
Here the word has been used in the sense to ridicule it also means to tease, todegrade and to look down upon too.
Question: 5
What was the written on the pedestalof Ozymandias staue.
Answer: 5
On the pedestalof Ozymandias statue, these word were written My name is Ozymandias, king of king look on my works ye Mighty, and despair!"
Question: 6
What did the statue reveal about the king.
Answer: 6
The satue reveald sbout the king that he was a curel and proud king and he used to call himself God.
Question: 7
What do the facial expression of statue tell.
Answer: 7
The facial expression of the statue tells that the sculptor had read those passions very well which still survived on these lifeless things.
Question: 8
What moral lesson do we get from the peom Ozymandias.
Answer: 8
The poem teaches us that man is mortal the glory and greatness, powers and prestige all are the slaves to death. We shoudl not be proud of out works We shoud only bow our head to Allah Almighty.
Question: 9
Waht expressions yet survived on the face of the statue.
Answer: 9
Wrinkled lips and sneer of cold command were yet survived on the shattered visage.
Question: 10
What kind of feelings does poem create in the reader's mind.
Answer: 10
The sonnet teaches us that manis mortal.The glory and greatness, powers and prestige all are the slaves to death. We should not be proud of our works, we should only bow our head to Allah Almighty.
Question: 11
What the condition of the statue standign in the desert.
Answer: 11
The statue itself was broken, crushed and sunk in the sand. No achievements of the great king were bvisible now. All had vanished under the crushing pressrue of time.
Question: 12
Give the short character sketch of Ozymandias.
Answer: 12
Ozymandlas was the king of anclent Egypt. His name was Ramesses the Great. He was known as Pharaoh in the history. He was the king of kings. Its status indicates that man is mortal. He is to die one day.