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An important facility for 11th class students preparing for short questions english 11th class chapter unit 23 of BISE. Get hundreds of questions to prepare and get better marks in 11th english
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Question: 1
How doe fruits look like in the street of the fruits stalls.
Answer: 1
The fruits like guave, mandarin and melons look like hot cannon balls in the light of lanterin, they are meatdy piled in pyramid shape.
Question: 2
Why has the poet used" cannon balls" to describe the fruits.
Answer: 2
The horror of war is hovering over different nations. The poet is so much worried in the light of the lantern, the piles of fruits seem him to be the " Cannon balls".
Question: 3
What are the feelings of the poet standing in the dark.
Answer: 3
The poet is standing in the darkness where only a dim and faint ligh tof alantern is visible. While standing, he is distrubed by the dearkness but at the same time. he is enjoying the inccocence of children who are playinginthe fruit street.
Question: 4
Write a critical note on the poem.
Answer: 4
The poem tells us about the joys and troubles (w) of life. The night time,
cannonballs , and the dark street refer to the troubles of life. But there is
joy in the world as well. Fruit pulp (l), the giow of the lamp and the radiant
faces of the children refer to the joys of the world.
Question: 5
Which fruite names and mentioned in the poem.
Answer: 5
The poem ha smention the names of guava, mandrin and melons in this poem.
Question: 6
What fruits does the writer mention.
Answer: 6
The fruits which the writer describes in the poem are melon, guava and mandarin. They are lying there in the form of pyramids. They look like heaps of cannon balls.
Question: 7
Give a summary of the poem in your own words.
Answer: 7
It is a night time. Many fruits have been stalled in the stret. A lamp is burning there Some black children come there, buy fruits and eat them. They enjoy the sweet fruits and begin to glow like the lamp. They forget the dark street they are standing in.
Question: 8
What happens to the children when they eat fruit.
Answer: 8
When the children eat fruit, its juice sticks to their mouths, fingers, cheeks , noses and chins . The wet juics reflects red-hot , gold-hot, silver or golden shades in the light of lentern.
Question: 9
What are the feelings of the poet standing in the dark?
Answer: 9
The poet is sad and gloomy He is standing in the dark street. He is pondering over the hard (r) realitdes (30) of life.
Question: 10
What is the centeral idea of the poem " In the street of fruit stalls"?
Answer: 10
After eating fruit, the little dark children feel happy andforget the dark street where the poet was standing.