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Question: 1
Campare and contrat the people of two planets.
Answer: 1
People living on the earth are backward in knowldege, science and technology. They are passing through most primitive stages of their civilization while Kreton's people are advanced, intelligent and having extraordinary spiritual powers.
Question: 2
What is the announcement about the luminous object.
Answer: 2
Mr. Spelding annoucnes that the flying object which has given rise to so. many irresponsible rumours is nothign more than the meteor . It is neither is a secret weapon of the united States, nor is it a speceship
Question: 3
Who put mr. Spelding's house under marshal law and why?
Answer: 3
General powers annoucned that spelding's house had been surrounded by troops it was put under the martial law. Nobody could go out of the house without permission.
Question: 4
How much advanced is the civilizationof Kreton.
Answer: 4
The civilization of Kreton is much more advanced scienctifically, than that of the earth. They can read human minds. They have flying cars. They have conquered death. They can learn and speak languages easily.
Question: 5
What is the theme of Kreton's study on the earth.
Answer: 5
Kreton's iinitial study is that " the planet earth, is divided into five continents with a numebr of large islands. There is mostly water there is one moon and the civilization on the earth is in its most primitive stages.
Question: 6
How does Kreton impress General powers.
Answer: 6
Kreton impressed general powers by reaidng his mind. He builds an invisible wall around his flying sauce. He did not allow general powers to touch himself.
Question: 7
Write a brief note on General powers.
Answer: 7
General Powers plays the role of an army officer in the play He performs his role successfully in the play
Question: 8
What was the view of Mr. Spelding about the flying object.
Answer: 8
the view of Mr. Spelding about the flying object was that it was nothing more than the meteor passing through the earth's arbit, it is neither, as many people believe, is a secret weapon of the United States, nor is it a speceship
Question: 9
How does Kreton prove his extraordinary powers.
Answer: 9
Kreton builds an invisibel wall around his flying saucer when the army personal tries to blow it up. He also build an invisible wall around him when they try to arrest him.
Question: 10
How did Kreton look.
Answer: 10
Kreton was a mild pleasant looking man. He wore side-whiskers. He was wearing an old fashioned dress of 1860. He was in his forties.
Question: 11
What is Roger spelding doing when the play starts.
Answer: 11
Roger Spelding is concluding his TV broadcast when the play starts.
Question: 12
What was the impressionof Kreton on seeing the inside of the house of Mrs. Spelding.
Answer: 12
When he entered Mrs. Spelding's house he looked around delightedly. He whispred " Oh, it's better than I'd hoped."
Question: 13
Why does Mr. Spelding oppose his daughter's marriae with John.
Answer: 13
Mr. Spelding wishes that her daughter shuld marry a wealthy and ambitious man who could make a mark i the world He syas that she should not marry John who is mere a farmer. He was of the view that John hasno get up -=and go
Question: 14
Why couddn't General Powers smash Kreton's ship.
Answer: 14
Kreton shut the door of the spaceship and put an invisible wall around it. The army men could not go close to the spaceship. Thus they cold not destroy it.
Question: 15
What were the ristrictions imposed on John?
Answer: 15
John was banned to make a telephone call to his hous. He was also not allowed to leave the house without the prior permission of General power.
Question: 16
Who is Mr.Spelding?
Answer: 16
Speldingis a well-educated middle -aged , unctuous and resonarit person. He is a journalist by profession. He welcomes Kreton with open arms. Thus, he is bold, ambitious, educated polite and mild person.
Question: 17
Why does Mr. Spelding hate John?
Answer: 17
MR. Spelding did nto like John's profession. He blamed john a lazy and irresponsible boy. He say's that john had every virtue except the most important one he has no get up and go
Question: 18
Who is John.
Answer: 18
John is a wealthy farm owner. He works at his farm. He grows walnuts and earns his livelihood. He is courageous. hard working and a energetic boy. Ellen is Mr. Speding's daughter. She is a lively girl of twenty John loves Ellen, hence he wants to marry her.
Question: 19
What happened to powers and AIDE when they rushed to grab Kreton.
Answer: 19
General powers and AIDE rushed to grap him but within a foot of him, they stopped, stunned . They could not even touch to him. Kreton had built an invisible force-field aroudn him. General powers and AIDE seem helpless before him.
Question: 20
Can the people of the earth compete with those of Kreton's plannet.
Answer: 20
The people of earth cannot compete with those of Kreton's planet. They are backward in science and technology. Kreton's people are advanced, intelligent and having extraordinary spiritual powers.
Question: 21
How much damaging is the violence in life.
Answer: 21
Violence gives rise to enmity. It destroves peace, law and order situation in the country. It brings uncertainty and destruction.
Question: 22
Who comes out of the flying saucer and whare does this saucer land.
Answer: 22
When the flying saucer lands at the rose -garden Mrs. Spelding, a strange looking visitor gets out of it The man is in his forties. He is a mild pleasant lockiing man iwith side -whiskers and dressed in the fashion of 1860
Question: 23
What is the hobby of Kreton.
Answer: 23
The purpose of Kreton visit was to study the nature and behaviour of the earthly people. But later, he decided to take over the charge of the world and rule over it all alone
Question: 24
Draw a character sketch of Mrs. Spelding.
Answer: 24
Mrs. Speldingis a very simple . innocent and funny woman she has no interest in politics or other matters. She is not quarrelsome.She is quite different from other characters . She likes to live peacefully.
Question: 25
What restrictions were imposed on spelding's house.
Answer: 25
Spelding's House was declared military reservation. Mr. Spelding was forbiden to publish any story in the newspaper or telecast on the media.
Question: 26
Why does Kreton cal the people or the Earth the poor frangile butterfiles.
Answer: 26
Kreton knew that earthly people are mortal and they must die on one day. Sicne they live a brief life under the sun, so he felt pity for them and he called them poor fragile butterflies.
Question: 27
Describe the arrival of the flyign saucer in five sentences.
Answer: 27
It was night . Stars were shinging in the sky Slowly, a liminous object arcs into view. As it is almost upon, it dissolves to the living room of the spelding hous in Maryland.
Question: 28
What does Kreton say about powers, thinking for the second time.
Answer: 28
Kreton says to powers, " You are making a picture of three silver stars. You are pinning them on your shoulder." General power was thinking about his promotion.
Question: 29
Write the brief note of Ellen.
Answer: 29
Ellen is Mr. Spelding's daughter. She is a lively girl of twenty. She has clear opinion about different matters. She loves John and going to marry him.
Question: 30
What quotation does Mr. Spelding quote?
Answer: 30
Mr. Spelding quoted the words of General powers, "If any travelling is to be done in space, we will do it first."
Question: 31
How does Mr. Spelding look?
Answer: 31
Mr. Spelding is middleadged, unctuous and resonant.
Question: 32
Write a short note on Kreton.
Answer: 32
Keton was a mild pleasant looking man with side -whiskers. He dressed in the fashionof 1860. He possesses extraordinary spiritual powers. He can read minds and can build invisible wall around him
Question: 33
What does Spelding ask power to have first.
Answer: 33
Spelding asks powers to get the story of Kreton first.
Question: 34
What did general power say about the life on other pianets.
Answer: 34
General powers said that it was highly doubtful there was any form of life on otehr planets capable of building a spaceship
Question: 35
What types of life do you foresee in the year 5000?
Answer: 35
The world is changing repidly. Scientific developments have encircled the whole world. In the year 5000, travelling from one planet to other would be possible. People would travel to satellite stations justto pass their leisur hours. They would watch their business matters through different machines. special monitors and reactors. it is expected that in the world, there would be100% literacy rate.
Question: 36
Why do Kreton's people not travel much.
Answer: 36
Kreton's people do not travel much because they see everything through special monitors and re-creators.
Question: 37
What did the captain find iinside the spaceship.
Answer: 37
The Captian said that the spaceship was egg-shaped with a fourteen foot diameter. It was made of an unknown metal there was nothing inside of the spaceship no food, no instrument nothing.
Question: 38
What did General powers say about the life on other planets.
Answer: 38
General powers said that it was highly doubtful there was any form of life on other planets capable of building a spaceship
Question: 39
What does Kreton think of the emotions of earthly people.
Answer: 39
He thinks the earthly people seethe with unlikely emotions.
Question: 40
What was general powers thinking.
Answer: 40
General was thinking that Kreton is either a lunatic from the earth or a spy from another world. For the second, time powers was think of his promotion.
Question: 41
How did Spelding end his show.
Answer: 41
Mr. Spelding ended his show by saying good night to Mother and Father America, and by posing with his wife and daughter Ellen.