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An important facility for 11th class students preparing for short questions english 11th class chapter unit 16 of BISE. Get hundreds of questions to prepare and get better marks in 11th english
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Question: 1
What is the scene of the play" Heat Lightning"?
Answer: 1
A dull interior of a bus- station along a deserted highway There are two long benches in the right of the stage . The room is lighted by an overhanging light with a dull green shade . A large bus schedule is pasted on the wall up right center.
Question: 2
Waht was the condition of the Girl when she ran out of gas.
Answer: 2
The girls become very much upset whenher car ran out of gas. Her car ran out of gas. She locked her car and started walking go back for the car later.
Question: 3
How many Chracters are there in the play?
Answer: 3
There are four Characters in the play " Heat lightning " viz.
Question: 4
What were the circumstances that forced the girl to leave her car.
Answer: 4
The girl was returining from the party of one of her friends. Her can ran out of gas. She locked her car and started walking towards her house. She thought she would go back for the car later.
Question: 5
What is the condition of the girl when she enters.
Answer: 5
There girl is about twenty-three. She is young, smart and energetic . Her clothes are wet and muddy looks upset and nervous.
Question: 6
What forced the girl to leave her car on the road.
Answer: 6
Her car ran out of gas. It was late night . There was no CNG station in the near by areas. Therefore, she had to leave her car there and began to walk on the road.
Question: 7
Did the girl see the face of the murderer.
Answer: 7
It was the dark and stormy night. It was raining heavily outside. The girl could not see the face of the murderer clearly.
Question: 8
Where ws the girl returning from.
Answer: 8
The girl was returning from her frined's party on the way to her house, her car ran out of gas.
Question: 9
Why couldn't the girl describe the killer
Answer: 9
In the flash of lightining when her eyes caught the sight of the deadbody, she became fightened. She that was why she colld not describe the killer.
Question: 10
When did the girl see in the flash of lighting as the came out of her car.
Answer: 10
When the girl came out of her car, she noticed in the flash of lighning a man who was dragging something in the mud. It was a dead body of a woman She saw her hadn and her hair.
Question: 11
What was the conditionof the girl when she ran out of gas.
Answer: 11
The girl became very much uspet when her can ran out of gas. She locked her can and started walking to wards her house.
Question: 12
How did the girl save herself from the chasing man.
Answer: 12
The girl ran crasy on the road- then off the road and into the woods . She circled round and round. She was succeeded in escaping from the killer.
Question: 13
Why did the girl consider the first man her helper.
Answer: 13
When the girl found a man already there at the bus station, She considered him as her helper. She thought the man would give her shelter from the killer. That is why, the girl asks for help from the first man.
Question: 14
Why did she think ill of second man.
Answer: 14
The girl thought second man, the man who had been chasing her. Thus, she didnot accompany him, she thought him as a killer.
Question: 15
What was the condition of the weather.
Answer: 15
The weatehr was windly and unpleasent. The sound of heavey rain could be beard outside. The night was frightful
Question: 16
How did the second man mitigate the fear of the girl.
Answer: 16
The second man took the girl from her arm and led her to the window. He advised her to watch the sky the next time there's a big flash of lightning.
Question: 17
How did the first man forbid the girl not to go with the second man.
Answer: 17
He was standing behind the second man, With the shake of his head, he gave the girl a hint not to go with the second man.
Question: 18
Did the girl become suspicious of the first man as the play progresses.
Answer: 18
No, the girl did not become suspicious on the first man as the play progress but when the watehce dher own flashilight in his hand, she became frightened.
Question: 19
What did the second man think when both the girl and the first man refused to go.
Answer: 19
When both the girl and the first man refused to go, the second man thought that they were friends and they were enjoying weather and the pleasures of life.
Question: 20
What was the impression of the girl about the second man.
Answer: 20
She supposed the second man to be a killer, but when the second man had left the bus station, she recollected man who chased her.
Question: 21
What advice did the second man give to the girls ot get over her fear of lightning.
Answer: 21
Second man said that smart people would not travel on a such stormy night. One shold get somewhere when it was strom. But it was not possible for the person who was in hurry.
Question: 22
Why did the girl decline the second Man's offer to go with him to bus.
Answer: 22
The girl thought the second man, the man who had been chasing her in the jungle. Thus, she did not accompany him
Question: 23
Why did the second man accuse the first man of lying.
Answer: 23
The second man had seen the girl through the window glass-pane. the first man did not want to tell of the girl. Hence , the second man accused the first man of lying.
Question: 24
What did second man say when man and the girl refuse to go by bus.
Answer: 24
Second man says: " I get it. waiting for a bus! laughs No wonder you had the door locked!"
Question: 25
How does the girl behave when it crashes and thunders.
Answer: 25
When there is a crash of lighting or a crack of thunder, the girl seems as if she is about to faint She gets nervous and muffies and cry.
Question: 26
What is the significance of the sterm in the play" Heat lightning".
Answer: 26
"Heat Lightning" is a thrilling play. The terribe storm premoted tragic and emotional situation as the play progresses. The play reaches its climax due to the storm
Question: 27
Who save the life of the girl in the play " Heart lightning"?
Answer: 27
The girl comprehended the situtation quickly, she rushed into a room and locked the door. A dog that had come there by chance seized the Man with its sharp teeth. The man escaped and the girl was saved.
Question: 28
Why does the girl refuse to go to the police station.
Answer: 28
She does not get ready to go to the police in the cannot describe the killer. She was doubted that the police might ask her to identify the man which she could not . So the was hesitant to contact the police.
Question: 29
Do all the people inside the bus station get ready.
Answer: 29
No all the people inside the bus sation do not get ready to go whenthe bus arrives. The first man and the girl refuse to leave the bus station. they both show their winlingness to stay there at the bus station.
Question: 30
What type of play is " Heat Lightning"?
Answer: 30
This play contains all the elements necessary to create a melodrama a dimly - lit bus station , a strom accompanied by flashes of lightning, herror violence suspense , love, hatred and emotions etc.
Question: 31
How did the second man look?
Answer: 31
Second man is a nondescript sort of person. Tail, nice-looking and about thirty years of age.
Question: 32
What is the significance of the light in the play" Heat lightning"?
Answer: 32
A play requires many supporting elements such as make-up eonstume stock shot and light etc. to unfold works of different actors on the stage. Dim and Bright attact concentration of the spectators light reflects horror tragedy , love , hatred and suspense of the actors as well as of the audience.
Question: 33
Why was the girl so afraid.
Answer: 33
The girl was afraid because she had seen a killer hiding a corpse, and the killer also noticed her and ran after her, but she managed to escape the killer and reached a bus station.
Question: 34
What happens to the light in the room, with each flash of lightening.
Answer: 34
With each flash of lighting the lifh tin the room dims almost to the point of going out, but some hoiw feebly struggles back to its full strength.
Question: 35
How did the girl identify the actual killer?
Answer: 35
When the girl watched her flashight with the killer that she had dropped in the jungle , she realized the truth. In this wasy she identified the actual killer. then she escaped from there to save her life.
Question: 36
What ws the condition of the girl when she enters the station.
Answer: 36
When the girl reached the bus station she was sobbing and was out of breath. The girl's clothers were wet and muddy and her hair was dishevelled.
Question: 37
Why does the girl scream when the lightening flashes.
Answer: 37
When the girl looks towards the center door, she screams in the flash of lightering because she sees a man's face pressed against the glass outside the door.
Question: 38
Why is the first man so keen about the girl's affair.
Answer: 38
The first man was very keen about the girl's affair because he was the killer and he wanted to know if the girl had known his secret or not.
Question: 39
What is the role the dog in " Heat lightning"?
Answer: 39
The role of a dog is as a saviour. It came there by chacne to save itself from the strom but it forced the Manto escape. In this way, it saved life of the girl.
Question: 40
Why did the first man ask the firl so many questions.
Answer: 40
The first man asked the girl many questions because he wanted to ensure whether the girl had recognized him as a killer or she knew nothing about him.