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An important facility for 11th class students preparing for short questions english 11th class chapter 7 of BISE. Get hundreds of questions to prepare and get better marks in 11th english
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Question: 1
Why did the parents keep the sick child in the kitchen.
Answer: 1
The sick girl had a high fever. It was chilly outside. The parents wanted to keep the girls warm and safe therefore, they kept her in the kitchen.
Question: 2
What was the behaviour of Mathilda with the doctor.
Answer: 2
Mathilda was looking to the doctor with fairly eating up eyes. She was not ready to co-operate with the doctor. She also attacked the doctor at his eyes.
Question: 3
Why was the mouth of the girl bleeding.
Answer: 3
When the doctor put a wooden blade behind the last teeth in the child's mouth, she gripped it between her molars and reduced broke it to pieces. This caused her mouth to bleed.
Question: 4
What was the condition of the parents of the sick girl on the arrival of the doctor.
Answer: 4
On the arrival of the doctor, the parents were greately disturbed . They were worried at the illness of their daughter.
Question: 5
Why did the doctor call the girl by her first name
Answer: 5
The doctor called the girl by her first name because he wanted to realize the firl that he was well-wishere and symphatatic towards her.
Question: 6
Why was Mathilda hiding her sore throat?
Answer: 6
Mathilda was hiding her sore throat and lying to her parent for three days to escape an examination by the doctor.
Question: 7
Why did the girl break the wooden blade.
Answer: 7
The doctor wanted to inspect the girl's tonsills by opening her mouth with the wooden blade. But the resisted strongly.She broke the wooden blade to places.
Question: 8
Under what circumstances the use of force can be justified.
Answer: 8
the use of force its neither good nor disirable at any level . Especially, children must be treated with lovt. The use of force can only be justified if a child is not cooprating with his doctor.
Question: 9
What was the condition of the girl when the doctor arrived.
Answer: 9
The girl was suffering from high fever. She was sitting on her father's lap in the kitchen table. Her face was flused . She was breathing rapidly.
Question: 10
How did the child look by appearance in " The use of force".
Answer: 10
The child was fully dressed. It was an unusally attractive little girl. She was strong and study in appearence. She had magneficent blonde heir. Her face was flushed . She had high fever.
Question: 11
How did the doctor try to persuade the girl to show her throat.
Answer: 11
The doctor persuaded and coaxed the sick girl to open her mouth so that he might look into it. He did so by showing both his hands wide open to assure her that he was empty handed.
Question: 12
What was the condition of the tonsils of the sick girl.
Answer: 12
Both the tonsils of the sick girl were covered with membrane. She had severe diphtheria.