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Question: 1
What was the view point of the parents of Gorgios?
Answer: 1
The parents of Georgios were of the view the opportunity was required for success, and millions never had it only determinatin can do nothing.
Question: 2
Discuss the political views of jorkens.
Answer: 2
Jorkens was of the view that an ordinary person can become determined to get anything, and stick to it long times, he can get it.
Question: 3
What were the arrangements made for the function of inauguration?
Answer: 3
The great throne-room was turned into a kind of gymnasium. Curtains of red and gold were hung along the walls. The arrangements made for the inauguration were superb.
Question: 4
To which ambition did Georgios Stick.
Answer: 4
Geoios wanted to become a court acrobat but at that time there was no recruitment for this post. Georgios stuck with this wild idea for about more than sixty years.
Question: 5
Did georgios use any short cut to achieve his ambition.
Answer: 5
No. Georgios didnot use any shortcut to achieve his ambition. He achieved it through his long struggle just on the grounds of his determination.
Question: 6
What were Georglos feelings on his success.
Answer: 6
Gorgios was very happy on the occasionof inauguration ceremony. He was much excited at the realization of his life long dream.
Question: 7
Describe the uniform of Court acrobat.
Answer: 7
The uniform of court acrobat comprised of red shit and trousers , pointed, shoes and a gilded stick.
Question: 8
What did Terbut think of Jorken's argument.
Answer: 8
Terbut did not agree to Jorken's argument. He thought that opportunity always played a winning role in the arena of life.
Question: 9
How did georgios persuade his people to make his country strong.
Answer: 9
George went into politics. He made speeches, He persuaded his people that it would make defence of the country strong if the post of court acrobat was created.
Question: 10
What was the subject discussed at the club?
Answer: 10
The subject discussed at the club was opportunity and determination some said opportunity was required for success, and millions never had it. Others were of the view that determination was needed for success.
Question: 11
How in Jerken's view, a man can become the champion of Sahara?
Answer: 11
If a man wanted to be skating champion of Sahara, and could not afford the money to get there. He would make the money and he would build a skating -rink in the Sahara and organize a competition there,. He would be skating champion all right, it he really gave all his time to it.
Question: 12
What was Jorken's opinion about success for any man.
Answer: 12
Jorken's opinion about success was that determination was a golden key to sucess.
Question: 13
Why did Gorgios go into politics.
Answer: 13
George want into the politics because making a post of court acrobat was a politics matter, and only some one having political power could do that.
Question: 14
How long had Georgios stick to get his ambition achieved.
Answer: 14
It had taken him more than sixty years to do it, since first Georgios came by that strange ambition of his.
Question: 15
What is the lesson that the story" The reward teaches?
Answer: 15
The story " The Reward" teaches us the lesson that opportunity does not require for success. We can win out ambition by the virtue of determnation and hard work.
Question: 16
How in Jerken's view, a man can become the champion of Sahara.
Answer: 16
If a man wanted to be skating champion of Sahara, and could not afford the money to get there. He would make the money and he would build a skating -rink in the Sahara and organize a competition there,. He would be skating champion all right, if he really gave all his time to it.
Question: 17
Why did Jorkens utter a quiet sigh at the end.
Answer: 17
Jorkens uttered a quiet sigh at the end because he was mourning over some lost ambition that he himself had given up.