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An important facility for 11th class students preparing for short questions english 11th class chapter 5 of BISE. Get hundreds of questions to prepare and get better marks in 11th english
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Question: 1
How did the people enjoy the story of string?
Answer: 1
People started telling his story to amuse themselves. They told it. in the manner of a soldier telling the story of his adventures on the war front.
Question: 2
Why did the Mayor believe the innocence of Hubert.
Answer: 2
Mr. Manana accused Hubert of picking the lost had picked up the pocketbook.
Question: 3
Why did people cacll Hubert an old rascal.
Answer: 3
People called he old rascal because they didnot believe him, and considered him a liar.
Question: 4
What did the dimers discuss at the great big hall
Answer: 4
The diners discussed at the great big ball the crops and the weatehr which was favourable for the green things but not for wheater
Question: 5
How did the flood prove Hubert's innocence?
Answer: 5
It is said that a great flood came there and carried away the people and all their belongings except the grave of Hubert. The flood proved Hubert's innocence.
Question: 6
Why did Manana accuse Hubert of picking up the lost pocketbook.
Answer: 6
Manana assused Hubert of picking the lostpocket -book. It was just his malice and ill-will
Question: 7
why did Hubert keep claiming his innocence till this death.
Answer: 7
Mr. Hubert was a sensitive and noble fellow. He never commted a crime. That was why in the delirium of his death struggles, he kept climing his annocence tillhis death.
Question: 8
Why did the people make fun of Hubert's innocence.
Answer: 8
Mr. Hubert was a noble man. People mde fun of Hubert's annocence to amuse the situation.
Question: 9
Why did george give the pocketbook to his employer.
Answer: 9
George was an uneducated person. He could not read the name of the owner of the , he employer
Question: 10
What was engraved on the Hubert's tomb-stone?
Answer: 10
It was written on the Hubert's tomeb stone " Here lies a man who told nothing but truth. Here lies the man who would not prove his annocence, but the flood proved it!"
Question: 11
What did make Hubert shameful.
Answer: 11
It was the mistrust of the people that made Hubert shameful. He felt this shame and disgrace to his self-esteem and character.