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An important facility for 11th class students preparing for short questions english 11th class chapter 3 of BISE. Get hundreds of questions to prepare and get better marks in 11th english
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Question: 1
What did Harry feel after leading on Mars?
Answer: 1
After landing on Mars, Harry felt as if he was standing of the centre of the vaccum. He turned back and his eyes became golden.
Question: 2
What was the condition of the bittering family on hearing the news of war on the earth.
Answer: 2
Bitting family was stunned at hearing the news of war on Earth. They feld themselves stranded foreverin analian planet.
Question: 3
What was the shocking news that Laura brought.
Answer: 3
The shocking news that Laura brought was about the atomic bombs. It was dropped at the New York. A war has been broken out on the Earth.
Question: 4
What was the condition of Bittering's house.
Answer: 4
The condition of the house wa svery bad. The plaster and paint of the house had been peeled off . The boards were distorted and were out of shape.
Question: 5
What did they want to grow on Mars?
Answer: 5
They wanted to grow peaches onions, and grass on Mars.
Question: 6
What ws the advice Harry Bittering gave to the people.
Answer: 6
Bittering advised the people to build a new rocket so that they might be able to go back to the Aarth. They considered it a useless effor and made fun him.
Question: 7
How dangeropus can a Martian virus be?
Answer: 7
a Martain virus can destroy them, It may change there apperance and surroundings.
Question: 8
What did the man, his wife and children feel when the landed on the Mars.
Answer: 8
When Bittering's reached on Mars, they faced a very strange atmoshpere. They feld as if, they were standing at the centre of the vaccum . Some mysterios and ghostly feeling captured their minds.
Question: 9
Why did Harry want to stay at the mars after passin sometime.
Answer: 9
Harry became disappointed, because there was nothing for which they could go backe to earth, there was no reason at all.
Question: 10
How Sicial were the people of the Mars?
Answer: 10
The people of the Mars wre very frindly. They could speak english fluently.
Question: 11
Who was the third unbidden partner of Bittering's family.
Answer: 11
The third unbidden partnere of Bitterings was their fear. It lay with them at every mid-night talked and awoke them till dawn.
Question: 12
What did Harry want to go back to earth.
Answer: 12
the climate was quite worsen. The wind blew as if it would glacke away ther indentities. the town of Mars were deserted Hence the family wanted to go to back earth.