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An important facility for 11th class students preparing for short questions english 11th class chapter 2 of BISE. Get hundreds of questions to prepare and get better marks in 11th english
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Question: 1
Why did the son cry at the age of six?
Answer: 1
Jess' father made a little wooden plough for him at the age of six years. On day, he lost it in the fields. That was why, thenson cried and cried.
Question: 2
What type of man Jess' father was.
Answer: 2
Jess's father a labourious and determined man. Onence he made up his mind to do a thign, he would do it if he had to crawl. He did not care if it was 97 in the shade or 16 below zero.
Question: 3
Why did the old man take his son?
Answer: 3
The old man took his son to the highest point of the hil. He wanted to show his son a piece of land. It took him 30 years to clear the regged land and cultivate it.
Question: 4
In the story" Clearing in the sky" what had the doctors told the old man?
Answer: 4
Twenty time in his lif ethe doctors told the old man that the lamp of his life was near to be blown off they advised him to take complete bed rest.
Question: 5
Why didn't jees' father follow the advice of doctors.
Answer: 5
Jess' father couldn't follow the advice of the doctors because he had to raise the family of five children. He had to work hard, . He done as muchhard word as any man.
Question: 6
What excited the curiosity of jess?
Answer: 6
When Jess' fatehr told him that he wanted to show him something different, he curiosity was aroused. He thought he had found a new kind of wild grass, or an unfamiliar herb, or a new kind of tree.
Question: 7
What unique thing did jess see when he reaced on the mountain top?
Answer: 7
Jess saw that a small path of land on the top of the mountain. It wa not more than three- forth of an acre. To keep the stray cattie away there was fence around this patch.
Question: 8
What had the old man planted his secret garden.
Answer: 8
The land selected for the secret garden was quite fertile than that of other pieces or land.He had planted tomatoes. potatoes and yam inhis secret garden.
Question: 9
For what purpose was the ploughshare used?
Answer: 9
In agriculture, ploughshare is a component of a plough It is the cutting or leading edge of a moldboard which closely follows the one or more ground breaking spikes
Question: 10
Had the son ever been there before?
Answer: 10
Yes, the son had visited many times to that point in his childhooed However, at that time the land was rough and rocky.
Question: 11
Why did Jess's fatehr take the steep paths.?
Answer: 11
The old man took steep path to go to the top of the hill when he was physically quite fit.
Question: 12
How did the old man feel about the land?
Answer: 12
The old man had very deep love for the laand. He thought that any thing grown in new ground like that had a better flavour.
Question: 13
Why did writere's father want him to visit the fertile clearing?
Answer: 13
Sicne it was a special land at the speak of a mountain which the writers's had not seen before. that was why, the writer's fatehr want him to visit that lant.
Question: 14
Why did Jess's father make many paths leaidng to the top of the mountain.
Answer: 14
Jess's fatehr tested his physical fitness by using several paths that wentto the same palce.
Question: 15
What were the weather conditions when Jess and his father began to climb?
Answer: 15
The weather was partly cloudy. Some pastches of clouds were floating in the sky. The pines on top of the mountain looked as if the fingers of their long boughs were founting the white clouds.
Question: 16
What did the people say when the old man bought the farm?
Answer: 16
SWhen he bought the farm every body aroudn him said that he wold end - up with family if he tried to make a living here.
Question: 17
Why did the old man make a fence around the clearing.
Answer: 17
The old man made a fence of wire aroudn the clearing to keep the stray cattle away.