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Question: 1
What did Harry say about Black Rock.
Answer: 1
Harry said that he had been there for twenty-four years. He had never heard of anyone finding anything from Black Rock. it was for the first time that Clay had found an oyster from there.
Question: 2
How many characters are there in the play, " The Oyster and the pearl"?
Answer: 2
There are nine characters in the play " The Oyster and the pearl". They are Harry Van Dusen, Clay Larrabee, Vivian Mc Cutcheon, Clark Larrbee, A writer, Roxanna Larrabee, Greeley judge Applegarth, and Wozzec are teh characters of the play.
Question: 3
How did Miss Mc cutcheon look when she entered the shop for the first time.
Answer: 3
Miss. Mc cutcheon looke dpretty when she entered the shop. She was wearing a swimming suit. She had long blonde hair . She was pretty and young enough that Harry presumed that she was miss America.
Question: 4
What did clay find near Black Rock.
Answer: 4
Clay found an oyster near the Black Rock. It was for the first time that clay had found something worth while from there.
Question: 5
Why does Harry emphasize that there is pearl in the Oyster.
Answer: 5
Clay carries an oyster when he comes into the shop with Miss Mc cutcheon. Harry of the view that the oyster is hut tight, So, there is a pearl in it. The worth of pearl might be three hunderd dollars.
Question: 6
What is Harry's Philosophy of life.
Answer: 6
Harry 's philosophy is " take-it-easy way" viz, relax-and -enjoy-life. It looks beautiful to talk about. But in reality man needs certain faciliteis to lead a happy life.
Question: 7
Why did Harry buy the barber shop.
Answer: 7
When Harry saw the twon and the shop, he decided to live there, perhaps he liked the peaceful town and teh simplicity of the people.
Question: 8
Describe the setting of the play " The Oyster and the pearl".
Answer: 8
A barber's shop in O.K.-by-the -Sea , California , population 909 The sign on the window fo the shop says Harry van dusen, Barber, Its an old fashioned shop, crowded with stuff not usually found in barber shops such as shels, pieces of driftwood a life jacket, a rope and a few sea plants
Question: 9
What does clay need money?
Answer: 9
Clay needs money to bring his father back. He also wants to buy a gift for his mother.
Question: 10
What is Miss mc Cutcheon looking for? How does she feel about the children of the town.
Answer: 10
Miss Mccutcheon in s school teacher. She is lookig for an opportunity to teach the children but the children of twon are rude and uncivilized.
Question: 11
What was the conflict between Clay's father and mother.
Answer: 11
The always quarrel with each other. One day, Clay's father packed his luggage and left the house.
Question: 12
How much harry pays for his barber shop.
Answer: 12
He paid 75 dollars for the shop. He has been livingin O.K-by -the-Sea for twenty four years.
Question: 13
Who was Wozzeck and what did he do.
Answer: 13
He was Harry's friend. He repaired watches, radios, alarm clocks and sold imitation jewellery.
Question: 14
How much Harry charge for hair cuts.
Answer: 14
He charges a dollar for a haircut. But as the people in the town are poor, he takes a half or a quarter.
Question: 15
What kind of gadget does the writer describe
Answer: 15
Teh writer describe a kind of gadget in New York like a safety razor. It is such type of machine that any body can give any body else a haircut with it.
Question: 16
According to Harry how does one bring merriment to the tired old human heart.
Answer: 16
According to Harry one can bring joy to tired old human hearts by composing a symphony painting a picture writing a book or inventing a philosphy.
Question: 17
Waht has happened to Clay's father.
Answer: 17
Clay's father and mother often quarelled . One by clay's father left the home. He wrote "enough's enough's" in the kitchen wall before leaving the house.
Question: 18
Why did the writer buy the oyster.
Answer: 18
Thw writer goes to the shelf where Harry has place the oyster. picks it up, looks at it thoughtfully and puts it back wihout comments.
Question: 19
How many barbers are threre in " O.K.- by-the -Sea?
Answer: 19
People at O.K,- by-the -Sea are all poor. Most of them can't afford to pay for the haircuts. A few people works in offices. A few get pension. there isn't one rich man.
Question: 20
Why does Harry buy the barber shop.
Answer: 20
When he sees the town and the shop, he decides to live there. perhaps he likes the peaceful town and the simple people living there.
Question: 21
What was the name of the newspaper of O.K-by-the-Sea and when did it come out.
Answer: 21
The name of the newspaper was "The O.K-by-the-Sea gull". It came out every Saturday.
Question: 22
Waht type of caps Harry wear.
Answer: 22
He wore a stovepiee a derby a yestern a homburg a skullcap, a beret of traw.
Question: 23
What does clay put an ad in the local newspaper.
Answer: 23
Clay has put an ad in the newspaper . In this ad, clay requestes his father to come back home.
Question: 24
How does Miss Mc Cutcheon feel about her job.
Answer: 24
Miss Mc cutcheon is a young lady. She has come to teach in O.K-by-the-Sea. She feel excited about her job. At the same time she is upset at the carelessness of the school children.
Question: 25
Why do Harry and others want Wozzeck to come.
Answer: 25
Harry and other are waiting for Wozzeck to come because they get a oyster about whcih they are of the view that it has a pearl. They want Wozzeck to coroe and open the oyster.
Question: 26
Why does Miss Mccutcheon hae a chair with three legs.
Answer: 26
Miss Mc Cutcheon has just brought a chair with three legs from the beach. She does not seem to do anyting with it.
Question: 27
What kind of harircut does Miss Mc Cutcheon want.
Answer: 27
Miss McCutcheon is a beautiful teacher at OK by the Sea. She want a poodle cut for her hair.
Question: 28
What was known about Harry's dress as barber.
Answer: 28
Harry had never been known to put on a barber's white jacket or to work without a hat of some sort on his head, a stovepipe, a derby, a western a homburg, a skullcap, a beret or a straw, as if putting on these various hats some what expressed the quality of his soul, or suggested the range of it.
Question: 29
What do you know about Judge Applegarth.
Answer: 29
Applegarth's is called a judge because he has onec judged animals at a country fair. He judged dogs. He is not a judge at any court of justice.
Question: 30
Who is Greeley, what does he have in bottle.
Answer: 30
Greeley is a smaller boy. He ha a bottle in his hand which contains sea water.
Question: 31
How does Miss Mc cutcheon feel about the children of the town.
Answer: 31
It is weekend , the Saturday. the school children have not come to school. She is upset a t the carelessness of the school children. She feels angry with them as they are careless and unruly.
Question: 32
Who buys the oyster and how much does he pay.
Answer: 32
The writer buys the oyster. He thinks the pearl () is still growing. He pays 300 dollars for it.
Question: 33
What is judge Applegarth's complaint about he sea?
Answer: 33
Applegarth says that the quality of the stuff washed up by the sea has become poor.
Question: 34
Where is clay going.
Answer: 34
Clay is going to the beach. He hopes that he would fiind something real good this time.
Question: 35
What does Harry advice her to do?
Answer: 35
Harry advises Miss Mccutcheon to go to San Farancisco. He syas that they needs big excitement in a big city. He advises her to gert married an produce her own children to teach.
Question: 36
What does Clark give Harry? for what purpose.
Answer: 36
Clark give thirty dollars to Harry for his family maintences.
Question: 37
Deos the writter open the oyster? Why not?
Answer: 37
The write does not open the oyster. He says that he wants the whole ting, he does not like the pearl's stopped growing. As far as he is concerned the whole thing this is a pearl.
Question: 38
Why does Harry refuse to give a poodle cut to Miss Mc cutcheon.
Answer: 38
Harry refuses to give poodle , haircut because he does now knwo how to give a poodle haaircut, and also he does not give women haircuts. So, he refuses to give a poodle cut.
Question: 39
What sort of teacher will suit to the O.K. by the sea.
Answer: 39
An old, experienced teacher will suit to the O.K. by the Sea and not a bathign beauty.
Question: 40
Why does Clark Larrabee return.
Answer: 40
Clark was ten miles up the highway when he happened to see the classified ad for his father to return home. that's way clark comes back to Ok-by-the-Sea
Question: 41
What is Harry doing when the play begins.
Answer: 41
Harry is seated in a barber chair. A boy of nine of ten named Clay Larrabee is giviing his a bair cut. Harry is reading a book, oneof many in the shop.
Question: 42
What comments did applegarth pass on Miss Mc Cutcheon?
Answer: 42
Applegarth commented that Miss Mc Cutcheon woudl not stay a month in the school as she was very pretty and that the school needed some curel old woman instead of a bathing beauty like her.
Question: 43
Why does Harry forbid the girl to whispher.
Answer: 43
Harry forbids the girl to whisper because he syas that people misunderstandin Ok-by-the-Sea