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An important facility for 11th class students preparing for short questions english 11th class chapter 15 of BISE. Get hundreds of questions to prepare and get better marks in 11th english
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Question: 1
What did the writer hear behind him.
Answer: 1
The writer heard behind him the slow, throbbing sound of wings. He turned his head. It was the recording angel.
Question: 2
What was there in the book that the angel had.
Answer: 2
The angel's record book comprised of all the noble deeds of human beings which they were doing and had done during their ordinary life.
Question: 3
What did the angel reply toe the another's request for his pastr deeds.
Answer: 3
The angel replied to the authoer that his attendence had been noted in charity dinner.
Question: 4
What does the author like about Christmas.
Answer: 4
The author likes the spirit of charity , goodness , kindheartedness and brotherhood preveiling, at the time of Christmas, Christma makes everyone good and virtuous.
Question: 5
Write the good deeds to auther has admitted are a great joy on Christman.
Answer: 5
Good deeds are always a source of pleasrue for the authoer some of them are enlisted here.
Question: 6
What was the vexing dream the writer saw.
Answer: 6
The writer saw a dream that he was flyingin the sky. He was going up and up. The world was growing smallere and smaller. He was however, glad that he was flying upwards.
Question: 7
How did London seam to the another in his dream.
Answer: 7
In the dream, the another saw a long serviice of electro lamps at the bank of the river. Thames in London later, he saw nothing but a dim light buring beneath the dcarkness.
Question: 8
What did the writer want to keep a diary.
Answer: 8
The writeer wanted to keep a diary to write down his good deeds on-by-one
Question: 9
What time of the year war it.
Answer: 9
It was a fortnight after christmas when the another had a strangth dream
Question: 10
What did the writer think about his good deeds.
Answer: 10
The writer thought that he had done a number of nobel deeds during his life time. But at the same time, he thinks that he is not much aware about the total number of his good deeds.